Blog Posts

Is "Plumber Joe" Connected to Keating?

OK, this is hardly confirmed yet.  But the rumors make me want to see some research done on this guy.  Especially because his original story doesn't add up IMO.From the blog of someone called Martin Eisenstadt:If Steve Schmidt had any...

A question about state polls.

I've been watching the congressional race in ID-1.  I was under the impression that Minnick(D) was running around 9pts down after Palin's announcement (based on a KOS poll).Pollster has posted a few others for the race now and it's confusing. ...

Isn't it ironic ...

(From AP via HuffPo) While Palin explains the deep foreign policy gained because she can see Russia and has now gazed into the stare of Karzai ....back home in Alaska: Parnell, meanwhile, said he has taken over giving many of...

If I take out 50 insurance policies on my house - and then it burns down ....

Should I get paid 50x what my house was really worth - or should I go to jail for fraud?...

George Will - As close to endorsing Obama as his poor conservative heart can stand.

Real Clear Politics posted this article by George Will. Apparently he's not too happy with 'ole McCain.  The conclusion is great ... but you just have to read the article."It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not...

McCain and the golden parachute.

In Phillidelphia today, McCain had this to say:"We can't have taxpayers footing the bill for bloated golden parachutes like we see in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy... My friends, the top executives are asking for $2-and-a-half billion in bonuses after they...

ID 1st - Cook moves to Lean R

A bit of heartwarming news for someone used to being represented by one of the stupidest people in congress(Bill Sali), it seems that the ID Congressional st has gone from Likely R to Leans R on the Cook Report site.Sali...

WTF Is a "Compliance Fund"?

Every time I see a McCain/Palin donation request web-ad, it is labeled "Comliance Fund".  This is also on his website.  What the heck is that?  I assume it's something to do with getting around public financing restrictions, but does anyone...

More important than blackberrys

While the quote from Douglas Holtz-Eakin about McCain inventing the blackberry was pretty funny, it kind of sucks that everyone ignored the rest of the economic discussion to just focus on that.NYT's Michael Cooper gets momentarily distracted, but in a...

Today's speeches (the good ones)

I never paid much attention to Joe Biden before his nomination.  I must say, he's really grown on me.If anyone's in the mood for some Biden speechifying ... it's a pretty decent one.  Has some great lines I never heard...



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