The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    ID 1st - Cook moves to Lean R

    A bit of heartwarming news for someone used to being represented by one of the stupidest people in congress(Bill Sali), it seems that the ID Congressional st has gone from Likely R to Leans R on the Cook Report site.

    Sali isn't taking it lying down though!  He's deployed a Super Genius Fundraising Scheme to make up his money deficit!

    ....the freshman Republican is urging all of his supporters to host yard sales, with the profits from all those old clothes, dishes and furniture going to his Congressional campaign. Yard sale hosts also receive campaign literature to hand out to their bargain-seeking clients,....

    Kos just polled the race!  He's the only one who ever Polls Idaho it seems.

    Walt Minnick (D): 35
    Bill Sali (R-inc): 46
    Undecided: 19

    This is AFTER Palin. So it's actually pretty good news for this area.  We may not win this year - but the 50 state strategy has really made a difference up here.

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