To: Michael Cohen[mcohen©trumporg corn]
From: Keith Davidson
Sent: Thur 11/3/2016 7:31:38 Al
Subject: Fwd. WSJ
Sent from my mobile device Begin forwarded message
From: Keith Davidson <[email protected]>
Date: November 2, 2016 at 3:43 :32 PM PDT
To: "Palazzolo, Joseph" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <KElTil@kmdassociates_com>
Subject: RE,: WSJ
We spoke last week. At that time, I told you that I had never represented Donald Trump nor anyone adverse to him.
Yet you persist to call anyone and everyone under the sun, (including my current clients with whom I have contractual relationships), and whom I am currently representing in litigation matters.
I understand that you are attempting to report that I am representing "women from Donald Trump's past" and that I am "presumably seeking settlements_"