The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Yes or No.

Do you prefer really short, one sentence blogs.... or really long, boring, 7 pagers?Yes, or No.- quinnP.S. I am writing this blog under duress.P.P.S. No, not dress, duress.P.P.P.S. Though it is my girlfriend Mildred who is making me write...
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Dave Letterman, Bill Hicks, Truth & Reconciliation

Back in 1993, David Letterman cut a comedian's performance from his show. Apparently because the guy made some jokes about pro-lifers.Last night, Letterman had the comedian's mother on his show, and he... apologized to her. Repeatedly. Talked to her for...
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Every Single One Of Your Atoms... Has Been In A Jam

This man serving communion through the wall at the US-Mexican border reminds me of my friend. Or rather, he reminds me of a friend of mine from twenty-odd years ago. My friend had it all. Brilliant. Well-spoken. Funny. Kind. Tall too....
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I've Come Unstuck In Time

Like Billy Pilgrim, I've come unstuck in time. And I think I like it.For years now, I've woken up & not known what day it was. Or where I was. Or even who I was. And yes, that last one in...
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Beware The Little Fellow With An Idea

Bumping home in the cab. Broke my toe, and since it's -40 out, no way I'm walking home. Tried that yesterday. Two & a half miles home, in that cold. Thought I'd "test the foot." Somebody should test my...
quinn esq's picture

Fewer, Better Things.

Fewer, Better Things Our lives are full of things. Disposable distractions, Stuff you buy but do not cherish, own yet never love. Thrown away in weeks, rather than passed down for generations. Perhaps things will be different now.  Wiser...
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12,000 years ago... 12 miles from Nazareth

 "12,000 years ago... In a cave, 12 miles from Nazareth...." I'm reading to the Ice Weasels again. Most stories, they don't like. This one, they're wearing it out. Or rather, wearing me out.  It's time-consuming, and a bit frustrating,...
quinn esq's picture

Rockin' In The Free World

Imagine you lived in California, and voted 62%-38% in favor of Obama, and even though he won... as a result of some split amongst your elected officials in the Electoral College, you ended up with a government run by... Dick...
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Leapfroggers vs. Leapfliers.

Leapfrog. We've all heard it applied to Developing World countries, right? As in, these countries don't need to repeat every single step we took on our path to development. And we'd all tend to agree that it'd be good...
quinn esq's picture

There Is No Wealth But Life.

When we were kids, we got one present each year. Pick something faddish, or breakable, or only useful during a limited season, and you were out of luck. Worse, luck might actively turn against you. Like the year I chose skates,...


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