The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Hillary Takes Fight to Convention: A Cautionary Tale

August 27, 2008(AP) Colorado Springs — Millions became dead Americans walking after a nuclear device was detonated today in Denver by Hillary Clinton in the heat of the Democratic National Convention.There is no word on whether Barack Obama survived the...

Call Your Uncommitted Supers Now

As Hillary Clinton charges Rambo-like through the village it takes to raise a child, burning it to the ground to save it, now is the time for the uncommitted superdelegates to step in. YOU, gentle reader, can make that happen....

No soup for Hillary

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to,cry if I want to, cry if want to.You would cry, too,if it happened to you.One night many years ago, when I worked in a nursing home, I made the rounds...

Why the Superdelegates WILL Weigh In June 4th

They've waited, watching Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battle through the last remaining states. But I have a feeling they are not amused.The superdelegates understand that Clinton has fought a losing game for some time, that she has moved the...

An Invitation to Clinton Supporters Who Wouldn't Vote for Obama in the General Election Under Any Circumstances and Who May or May Not Be Angry

Having removed all traces of racism, sexism, chauvinism, Maoism, favoritism, Fascism, etc., from the headline and content of my previous post, let's now talk about your reasons why.Have at it....

An Invitation to Angry Hillary Supporters

Let's have a conversation about healing the party. A serious talk in a respectful tone. I'll start by telling you I support Barack Obama.As I'm certain Otto F or pmSanFran would tell you, I've written some fairly scathing satire about...

My Very Worst Week

It has been one week since my wife of nearly six years — my best friend and partner of nearly 14 years — left me for another man. She phoned and informed me she would not be returning from work...

Call Me Ishmael

In a previous post, I used a gentle, diplomatic tone to suggest that Hillary Clinton should gracefully exit the race for the Democratic nomination. But it's time to call her  single-minded quest for what it is: Tragic obsession.Obama is not...

Obama Evens Superdelegate Score

Boston Globe reports that Obama is nearly even with Clinton in superdelegates, according to latest unofficial AP tally, or has pulled AHEAD of Clinton by other counts.Story here....

An Open Letter to Sen. Hillary Clinton

Dear Sen. Clinton,Like most Americans, I have witnessed your family's rise to the loftiest summits of American government. Like most Democrats, I have cast my share of ballots for the Clinton name. The service you and your husband have rendered...



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