The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Daredevil To Be Rebooted On Disney Plus

    I don't know if all you guys are familiar with this show or not. It was on Netflix a couple of years ago. I have an aside about it.

    I had a Trump supporting friend who went on a big tirade about how Daredevil got canceled from Netflix because it had a "religious" message. Matt Murdock is a Catholic and his Catholicism guides his conduct as a costumed hero. I thought it was a pretty good anecdote about how people let politics take them on personal adventures that may or may not actually be happening. Daredevil in reality was canceled along with all the Marvel properties at Netflix once Disney Plus was announced. The plan was pretty obviously just a business move with nothing else going on besides that.


    Here is a more in depth clip of the show: