Richard Day's picture



    Leno has pissed me off for years.

    Letterman is that much better?

    Well Letterman demonstrates that he is a liberal all the time.

    His attacks on w bush were supreme.


    Great moments and such, delightful.

    Leno pisses people off for lying about his retirement.

    Leno pisses people off for doing what Greenwald would decry:

    The left is as bad as the right.

    This is a total denial that I have seen Stewart perform several times.

    Ed Shultz should never ever ever be compared to the racist fascist nazis like beckerhead and rush.

    I have watched documentaries documenting the disdain to which the comic on the street holds for Leno relating to the skinny redhead who lost his job as a direct result of Leno's actions.

    But Leno, who clearly is a repub in my humble opinion (held for really logical reasons including his man on the street interviews), had the President of the United States on his show as a guest...the only guest of the evening.

    I was enthralled.

    Leno clearly is sickened by the animosity of the right toward the President of the United States.

    Leno wished to make a statement (in my humble opinion) that the President is the President and that if you wish to be a patriot, you must respect the office.

    Watch Leno's questions and then watch the CIC's responses.

    Obama knew where he was (as he always does) and he responded appropriately.

    I would have gone for the jugular with regard to the repub's tactics in Congress over the last three years but Barry chose not too.

    Now Leno could never have had a tete-a-tete with our Comannder in Chief prior to this appearance.

    There is no way that meeting could have born either party any fruit.

    And the audience, Leno's audience, is distinctly different from Letterman's audience.

    Anyone who would dispute this conclusion on my part has not viewed both shows.

    Both of these talk show artists are heirs of Johnny Carson who knew how to keep out of politics for his own self survival.

    But Letterman will play a little chess with O'Reilly (even though he is smart enough to stay away from rush) and Leno will let liberal Holly Wooders spew their venom—a good venom as far as I am concerned but I am biased.

    Leno will also permit known conservative actors to vent 'a little'.

    But Leno really endeared himself to me at time when I was absolutely through with him by this interview with our Chief Executive.

    It was a marvelous performance by both men.

    I must step back for a moment.

    If you are a true patriot, if you have love for this country, if you have concern for the rift between right and left and red and blue; you should watch this program.

    Until Leno really really pisses me off in the future, I shall no longer diss this large jawed man.

    Leno performed a service to his audience, to his advertisers and to his country.

    I am frankly speechless!

    Hurray for Leno!

    Just take a look at the video and at the transcript provided by the Washington Post.

    I shall be redeemed!

    There is hope.



    Jay Leno: I am a Liberal, Really

    The late night host defends himself against charges of a conservative bias in a no-holds barred interview.

    By Nikki Finke, LA Weekly, September 16, 2004 

    Jay Leno says, “I’m not conservative. I’ve never voted that way in my life.” He “really worries” what a Dubya victory in November will do to the makeup of the Supreme Court. He believes “the wool was pulled over our eyes” with the Iraq war. He thinks the White House began using terrorism “as a crutch” after 9/11. He feels that during the campaign Kerry should “make Bush look as stupid as possible.” He believes “the media is in the pocket of the government, and they don’t do their job” so “you have people like Michael Moore who do it for them.” He has on his joke-writing staff a number of former professional speechwriters for Democratic candidates. “No Republicans.” When it comes to Bush, he doesn’t think his politics are much different from Letterman’s. “Does he show his dislike maybe a little more than I do? Probably.”....

    continued @

    Edit to add: Past political contributions by wife Mavis Leno.

    The sign in thingy is off, this is DD.

    He had me fooled.

    At any rate it still was one hell of an interview.

    And to think he had the balls to give that interview in 2004?

    Of course Letterman just lambasted w so hard, for so long. hahahahah

    And Leno's audience is not and has not been as liberal as David's.

    I'm trying to solve the problem. Very weird.

    I'm Genghis, btw

    Yeah, we believe you.


    And we're back! Sorry for the chaos, folks. One of the database tables was corrupted.

    Genghis, I just had a strange thing happen, no big deal for me, but just reporting it in case it's a clue to a problem developing. When I went to post a comment on this old thread

    the reply box menu wouldn't load right away, so I clicked "switch to plain text" and then "switch to rich text" and I ended up with 2 fully loaded reply boxes open, one above the other. Nothing unusual happened when I hit "save"on the first box, though.

    That's our new doubletalk feature ...


    I didn't know this; your post made me curious and I looked it up and got lucky on the search results. I knew his wife was an activist feminist and I suspected maybe he might be a regular Dem type. Republican sounded wrong to me. But we were both wrong, turns out he's one who is willing to wear the liberal label proudly.

    I think of his show's political humor as more careful than Letterman's, more trying not to offend anyone specifically, but just politician jokes that everyone is comfortable with, keeping in the Carson midwest-nice-guy middle-of-the-road tradition. The reporter of the interview sort of expresses that, in her surprise that he would talk politics straight with her, as one might suspect from the style of the show that he would like to keep his own views a secret.

    Letterman's political humor is not usually real straightforward either, but it is more devious, I think, and more "coastal."

    Fuck Leno anyway. - Q I don't need no stinking reason.


    Oh what a wonderful autumnal sentiment!

    But "Q" would never ever attack a member of the liberal/progressive tribe; you must be an impostor. devil

    Why I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked, that we would see ArtAppraiser coming to the defense of Jay Leno and the oppressed 1%.

    Oh wait.

    I think you might be confusing me with with Deciduous aka Decader aka Desidero aka defender of wealthy Hollywood celebs. I wasn't defending Leno, I was pointing out his self-identification. And supposedly you don't like me because I don't defend liberals, remember? devil

    Not that it matters, but I will add that Leno's style of humor doesn't piss me off but it does bore me to tears, I prefer Letterman. But my comment on the difference with Letterman was not about me, it as basically in agreement with Richard's statement that  the audience, Leno's audience, is distinctly different from Letterman's audience.

    That is what I said.

    That is what my conclusion after watching these two men for two decades--Letterman longer of course.

    I just wanted to take the opportunity once again to underline the importance of this Leno interview with out CIC. I really feel it bolstered Obama's prestige. And I felt that immediately upon hearing the audience's reaction.

    And yours was a great and interesting point, political-analysis-wise, whatever the reader's own political preferences.

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