The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A Warm, Yet Wintry Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon



    Here's this week's heap of haikus: 



    double haiku:

    To avoid what is
    unknown is to stop asking
    questions.  Keep learning.

    Life is a question
    Our quest for knowing is the
    path on which we walk







    What are you in for?
    Involuntary haiku ...
    Ahh, forced perspective.









    Like small magicians,
    words wield power creating
    subtle illusions.







    Evidently, in
    seventeen ninety three, this
    was an ad for sex.







    After the Great War,
    we would go to Union Square
    and lean on fences.







    Suddenly you're back,
    a silly grin on your face ...
    in my arms once more.









    Fog on the shore road.
    A man on a bicycle
    appears lost in thought.








    The Lower East Side
    where immigrants remember
    a new broom sweeps clean.













    There are times when no
    words will suffice, we just need
    to gaze at flowers.

    (Photo courtesy Kristina Rebelo)









    Stocking one's larder
    is getting harder.  Prices
    from Grocers, grosser.












    Eager little boys
    who dream of adventures will
    keep climbing fences.


    (Photo circa 1952 - A young MrSmith1 climbing over the fence.)









    Sometimes images
    photo-shopped for Facebook will
    simply make you smile.










    In their living room,
    a conversation started
    in jest, ends sadly.










    Lazy sunlight drifts,
    through the parted lace curtains,
    of the drawing room.










    In a quiet room.
    a book lies open on a
    mahogany desk.








    Societal ills;
    Do you blame those above or
    those that are below?









    An old weathered rope,
    hangs 'round a lonely fence-post.
    Purpose forgotten.










    Words had no effect,
    so, reluctantly, he tried
    throwing sticks and stones.








    Mom's gold charm bracelet,
    clanged against the banister,
    as she climbed the stairs.










    Windows to our souls?
    Eyes may behold the world, but
    Minds create vision.









    Subtle shades of blue,
    but when in a purple haze,
    outcome indigo.









    He buried his fear
    in the pleats of his mom's skirt.
    ( ... wiped his nose there too.)









    Poor Aunt Hannah went
    to her grave not knowing she
    was a palindrome.







    A mountain village
    near the bend in the river
    details are sketchy.










    tanka haiku:

    A murder of crows,
    An exultation of larks,
    a leap of leopards

    and gaggles of geese all know
    it's a congress of baboons.






    (Me on the left as Snogg the Gypsy in a Children's Theater production of The Red Shoes.  Having seen the film in high school, I thought it was going to be a bit too much for the younger kids, but they seemed to like it.   Go figure.  )






    Bonus material:  From Spondyville Historian, Marie Strumpell on the Christmas season: 


    "Christmas was always a joyous time. The hearth was warmed by a crackling fire scented with pine needles. The glittering evergreen tree stood proudly in one corner of the parlor. its delicate ornaments seemed to radiate with joy, while my kitten, Flossie, enjoyed playfully batting about a shimmering silver icicle which hung from one of the lower branches. Peppermint candy canes hidden amongst the decorations were always a treat for the children and mother made sure that any Carolers that stopped by were rewarded with nutmeg topped egg nog and a bit of plum pudding. The windows with their bayberry candles, let the warmth and cheeriness of the parlor spill out into the snow-covered yard for all to see.  It was during that time, that all seemed well with everything and everyone.  At Xmas, everyone's pain was forgotten, all their troubles minimalized, their feuds mended. Neighbors forgot old grudges and everyone opened their hearts and succumbed to the gentle magic of the season.  Spondyville was always the most beautiful and peaceful place on Christmas ... just as it is, in my heart, all the rest of the year ..."

    (c) 1957 'The Early Days of Spondyville' by Marie Strumpell





    Next Week:  The holiday classic, Christmas with the Condiments




    Forgot to include this one ...

    This art deco watch
    knows the glory of Paris
    at Eight after Ten.



    At Eight after Ten

    she decided to turn him

    up to Eleven.

    Ha!!  Excellent, Missy!!