The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Dedicated Teachers Hurting American Education

    Tenured Radical links to Nick Parker's Boston Globe piece about the life of adjunct college faculty, and adds some advice of her own to people entering the adjunct life. Both pieces are worth a read.

    Donal's picture

    The Green Thing

    I found this at John Howley's Green Energy blog. He got it via email and doesn't know who wrote it, so I guess it's one of those things that gets passed around and around.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Charlie Sheen mentions running for President! Interview him now!!!

    Just moments after not being able to win back custody of his kids from a wife in rehab, Charlie Sheen shocked the world by coyly mentioning he may consider a run at the White House.

    “I know I promised this wouldn’t be political, but look where we f— are, man!” said Sheen. “I would legalize pot. Everywhere. Vending machines, all of it. And subsidize everything.”

    Michael Maiello's picture

    It Is Time For Obama To Release His Birth Certificate

    There's no question about it.  The people have the right, no the obligation, to see the President's birth certificate.  I don't even care if it says he was born in Kenya.  Because, says Donald Trump, if Obama releases his birth certificate, Trump will make his tax returns public.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    A few years ago, a friend of mine suggested that it would be nice to have a reference tool to find stuff related to other stuff. Type a movie title, and get the actors. Type a state, and get the capitol. Type in golf, and get a list of famous golfers.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Paul Ryan chokes 85-year-old Grandmother to death - hailed for his bravery

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Using his bare hands, Republican Rep. Paul Ryan choked an 85-year-old woman to death last night, earning praise for his “serious” attempt to balance the United States Federal Budget.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The first rule of Starving the Beast is you do not mention “Starving the Beast"

    There was nothing the least bit brave about Paul Ryan’s GOP budget that would slash the social safety net and enrich the already rich. Ryan’s work – like all his work – is partisan cowardice based on a long-held Conservative strategy – Starve the Beast.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Local Scrip and Hard Currency: The Academic Life

    I spent last weekend at the major annual conference in my field -- a national, nay international nerdapalooza of the highest order, and one of the major events on my yearly work calendar. Sunday night I caught a red-eye home and went straight from the airport to work.

