The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Why We Shouldn't Intervene In Libya

    While my wife and I were gallivanting in Barcelona, which is a heck of a town, some pundits here at home and even some world powers, began beating the war drum once again.  To be fair, nobody is calling for an outright invasion of Libya (right?) but they do want the U.S. to impose a no fly zone, to bomb Gadhafi's air defenses and to basically use its might to tip the balance of power in favor of Libya's rebels.

    Donal's picture


    Most news outlets are noticing that higher food prices are accompanying higher fuel prices. CNNMoney uses the i-word:

    Rising wholesale prices ring inflation alarm bells

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Genghis on the Radio...Again

    Tomorrow, I'll be discussing Blowing Smoke with host Tim Danahey on Castle Rock Radio from 2 to 3pm ET, Wednesday, March 16th.

    Please listen in at

    Also, for those of you who missed my television appearance on C-SPAN last month, you can watch it online at

    Ramona's picture

    Michigan under threat of Dictatorship. NOW can we panic?

    Friends and neighbors,
    The call has gone out and I'm asking everyone who can to take Wednesday [3/16/11] off and head to the State Capitol in Lansing to protest the cruel and downright frightening legislation currently being jammed down our throats.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    God Smites the Living Hell Out of Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church

    HARRISBURG, Pa — After years of fielding complaints that he had not taken a hard enough stance against Westboro Baptist Church and its hate speech, Almighty God today unleashed what onlookers have described as a “shitload of smiting” against the controversial group that just won a Supreme Court case on free speech.

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: On Gingrich and Dust Devils and Supply Side Jesus.

    Possible presidential candidate and every parent's nightmare of a potential son-in-law, Newt Gingrich,  revealed on the CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) that we're not the only ones who think he's been a bad boy:  "There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and th
    Ramona's picture

    Michigan is under siege. Is Anybody Watching?

    Right now, [Michigan] Gov. [Rick] Snyder is pushing a bill that would give himself, Gov. Snyder and his administration, the power to declare any town or school district to be in a financial emergency.
