The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Safe or Free?

    There were two parallel stories recently. In one, Lara Logan was assaulted by a crowd in Cairo.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Will an active professional American male athlete ever come out of the closet?

    Q: What do the NBA, Major League Baseball, PGA Tour, NFL, Major League Soccer and NHL have in common?

    A: Spacious closets.

    Yes, friends, the six biggest male professional sports leagues in America share one major thing – not a single one its athletes is openly gay. Not one.

    Which makes English cricketer Steven Davies admission that he is a gay male all the more brave. From Towleroad:

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Dear Oscar: The Depression Was Not That Pretty

    I went to see The King's Speech, because it was nominated for all those awards and because Monday is Five Dollar Night. I like the actors in it a lot, but I'm glad I didn't spend more than five dollars. The King's Speech may well win the Oscar for Best Picture, but that just goes to show that you don't need originality, drama, artistic perception or a compelling story to win an Oscar.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Kazaky - the greatest thing you'll see all weekend

    This is awesome on more levels than actually exist. Let me present Ukranian sensations, Kazaky


    Just try and feel sad now.


    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: Sarah wuvs Sarah, The Silence of the Lump, and Solidarity Pizzas

    Lou Sarah has a Facebook page praising Sarah Palin.  Turns out Lou Sarah IS Sarah Palin.  Everybody's in an uproar over this, but I say, You Go Girl.  If you don't love yourself, who else is going to love you?

    And speaking of love, as Bluegal says, you gotta love those teachers:
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Charlie Sheen inspires me

    As with most mornings, I woke up and immediately perused TMZ. Because if you can't keep up with celebrity gossip, you just shouldn't be a blogger. Anyway, I was struck today by a story on TMZ about Charlie Sheen. This is not abnormal, mind you, as without Sheen and Lindsay Lohan, TMZ has nothing but blank pages. Hell, they are even going Taco Bell by combining their two favorite ingrediants into one big enchilada of addiction.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Democrats, Don't Run Away

    Democratic state legislators have begun fleeing their respective capitals as if the plague has broken out. Perhaps they see it that way. Republicanism has gone viral, and it seems that no state is safe, no matter how unionized.

    But this plague is called democracy, and the cure is worse than the disease.

    Read the full article at

    Donal's picture

    We Built This Country on Infrastructure

    See more great art by Swedish artist Johan Thörnqvist at his website.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Unions and Utopians

    The most ridiculous critique of civil service unions I've heard so far this week goes like this: "It isn't fair that the union members can vote for the people who will ultimately meet them on the other side of the negotiating table.  Even worse, the unions contribute money to campaigns and thus have undo influence over there negotiating partners in government."

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Your Neighbor's Paycheck Is Your Paycheck

    Here's the deal: how much money you get paid is based on how much other people get paid. This is a fact of life. Your paycheck is based on what other people get in other jobs like yours, and what other people in your area make, and what other people with your qualifications make. The price of those people's work sets the price of replacing you if you quit your job. If you make less than they make, it can only be so much less. If you make more than they make, it's only realistically going to be so much more.
