The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: On Sheen, Cryer, Franco, Oscar, Boehner, and small triumphs where we find them

    Okay, this was the week of Charlie Sheen.  He was all over the place (in more ways than one) and actually set a Guinness World Record  by opening a Twitter account and getting a million followers in 25 hours and 17 minutes.  (Thereby giving some credence to his semi-delusional "Rock Star of the Planet" claim.) 

    Donal's picture

    Right of Way

    Larger photo here

    Most news outlets carried the story of the car plowing through a Critical Mass bike event in Porto Alegre, Brasil. 15 were injured, eight severely. There are some very graphic videos posted on youtube if you search for Massa Critica Porto Alegre.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Respect Jon Cryer

    Jon Cryer isn’t all about winning. Jon Cryer is happy with a draw.

    Jon Cryer’s best-known role as an actor was as Ducky. And he’s Ok with that.

    If a neighbor asked Jon Cryer to pick up their mail while they were on vacation, Jon Cryer would do it. Maybe he’d miss a day, but he would never let the mail pile up.

    Ramona's picture

    I am a Democrat, that's who I am

    I am a Democrat, just as I'm a liberal and an American and a Michigander and a woman.  I make no apologies for any of those titles.  They're indelibly, irrefutably, absolutely who I am. 
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Why Jay-Z and Beyonce? Oh, For The Money

    I was really disappointed to see that Beyonce took seven figures to perform for the Gadhafi clan and that she and her husband Jay-Z then partied with the dictator's family after the show.  I wrote about it today for The Daily and pretty much make my case there.

    Donal's picture

    Looking For Trouble

    In Why Your Boss Is Wrong About You, an OpEd for the NY Times takes on the idea that unions discourage exceptional workers. It strikes a few chords with me:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Bill O'Reilly discovers violence - and palm trees - in Wisconsin

    It seems Bill O'Reilly and Fox News have discovered violent protesters in Wisconsin:


    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Get Ready for the Martyrdom of Roger Ailes

    Barry Ritholtz reports that Roger Ailes, the president of Fox News, may soon be indicted on federal charges. Judith Regan has alleged in civil court filings that Ailes pressured her to lie to federal agents who were doing a background check on her ex-boyfriend, Bernard Kerik.

