The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Gizmodo vs. Goldman Sachs

    If there’s one thing we can say for sure, it’s this: Those Gizmodo guys will get a much worse punishment for having that iPhone than anyone at Goldman Sachs will get for bilking their investors.



    Crossposted at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles

    Orlando's picture

    Colbert Weighs in on Sue Lowden's Barter-With-Your-Doctor Plan

    Possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen--no further commentary necessary.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Humanoid extraterrestrials are living amongst us! (except, they aren't)

    Over at the American Chronicle, they’ve made a discovery of galactic proportions – they have discovered that space aliens live amongst us!

    From the American Chronicle:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Be like a Brazilian – Dance and have more sex

    Brazil is a land of paradoxes. One one side of the coin, the nation will fight resolutely for its citizens with HIV/AIDS. On the other, a judge will announce that gay men have no business playing soccer.

    But recently, Brazilian Health Minister Jose Temporao gave some advice to uptight Brazilians that Americans should heed – dance more, and have sex more.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The One-Two Punch of Wall Street Reform

    Some conservatives have accused President Obama of timing the Goldman Sachs lawsuit to make it easier to pass Wall Street Reform. It's not true, but the conservatives' anger at the alleged tactic is a sign of what a good idea that tactic is. It's the right general thing to do, and Obama should do a lot more of it.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Aliens announce they will now ignore Stephen Hawking - "Screw him," says Glog

    On a new Discovery Channel documentary called Stephen Hawking’s Universe, the legendary theoretical physicist advised that if we countered intelligent life, it might just be best to ignore them.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    David Duke, the Tea Party and the KKK -- You could see this coming, right?

    David Duke, former Leader of the KKK and hater of all not like him, has finally come out, stood strong and delivered for the Tea Party.

    Via Crooks & Liars:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Getting the Tea Party to fight against Wall Street Reform – GOP’s funniest trick?

    As Washington discusses financial reform laws regarding Wall Street – laws that are concerning numbers much, much larger than Health Care Reform – the Tea Partiers are curiously quiet as their Republican Overlords decide what next to do with them.

    They obviously have a problem. No likes Wall Street right now and everyone but serving U.S. Republicans believe something should be done about it.
