by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
So, you, like so many others, have spent the recent months on the road with a motley crew of Mensa members in 18th century garments, protesting against health care, tax cuts, education, lamp-posts, and shopping carts with one missing wheel. Now, out of the blue, you’re reading from someone’s Facebook update that the bill that was printed on both sides of hundreds of thousands of pages, and which grants the government the right to make it easier for people to keep themselves alive (whatever happened to a man’s right to have a coronary on a Burger King parking lot?), has actually been passed in secrecy in the dead of night. Who knew?
Suddenly, it seems like you’re running out of things to fear. However, the flame of unabashed, uninformed patriotism is still flickering feverishly — and there is more to come.
Salmon & Shyster is publishing the 8,000-page health reform bill in its entirety, according to the publisher’s spokesperson. “We are printing the whole thing, all twelve thousand pages of it,” spokesperson Amanda Hugginkess stated under condition of anonymity. “Nothing is going to be left out, it’s all there,” Ms. Hugginkess said moments before being distracted by a bird. “Every word of that 16,000-page bill is going to be there. Plus, as a special treat, there will be illustrations provided by a well-known politician. I’m not going to spoil the surprise, but he’s one of the black leaders of the RNC.” Ms. Hugginkess refused to reveal the cartoonist’s identity, and hurriedly went on attempting to keep her place in line for the recently released 12th volume of the Harry Potter series. “Cool, there’s magic in this one.”
Despite the publisher’s excitement, the anticipation on the streets is lukewarm at best.
“I’m not gonna buy it,” ombudsman Timothy McDonald said, shaking his head. “I don’t need to read it to know what’s in it.” McDonald, on his way home from visiting his sick grandmother, stated that most of what he needed to know he had already learned from television. Citing public prejudice, McDonald refused to reveal his sources. “I ain’t gonna tell you what channel, but it’s like an animal. Not the emu, but the other one.”
As of now, Salmon & Shyster is yet to set a release date for the upcoming tome, but rumor has it that Paramount is already planning a major summer blockbuster based on the book.
Furthermore, a heavily abridged version, edited by former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, is expected to hit the shelves just before November.