by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I encourage everyone here to read this. It is a interview with Nancy Fraser. She has been on the fore front of feminism and gender thinking and study for decades.
I come from this school of thought because of what I see with my own eyes. I have written about what life is like for many in the lower half of our society. I also wrote a great deal about what happened with Greece and keeping you informed during the crises. Most of my working career as been working in jobs were I was the only women and blazed my own trail.
I simply see Hillary Clinton with a different set of eyes because of my education and experiences.
Uh, no - that glass ceiling is in a pizza joint when the only manager can be male. That glass ceiling is in a factory when the head of the line shift has to be a man because he has a family to feed. Etc., etc. Hillary's actually talked to poor women, which is why she got such great support from for example many poor black women in South Carolina. When Hillary went to Beijing to talk about oppression and women's rights, she wasn't talking about the right to go to Harvard or Cambridge. She was talking about economic rights and security and other issues that affect poor women the world over. At the time, 1995, Chinese women were among the poorest in the world. 20 years later, their lot has largely improved, though in a nation of 1.4 billion, the minority that hasn't showed progress is still huge. But Hillary also addressed rape, the killing of babies, genital mutilation, women being burned at the pyre... She addressed access to jobs, education, credit (at a time with microloans were just starting), healthcare (when she was working on expanding SCHIP.
Folks have been asking for the Goldman Sachs transcript forever. The one below is to honor 10,000 women entrepreneurs - certainly the privileged lot among women. But for a woman who's given hundreds of speeches, picking out only the ones to the privileged (typically paid) vs the typically unpaid ones to Planned Parenthood, Helen Keller International, Save the Children, Conservation International, CURE, Vital Voices, Women in the World, Women for Women, International Crisis Group, the Wildlife Conservation Society, CARE, Elton John's AIDS foundation, the Chicago House, and the New America Foundation. Many of the paid speeches were paid to the Clinton Foundation, which despite all the haranguing is an actual charity working for non-privileged causes - AIDS, childhood obesity, climate change...
So here's that speech in Beijing with transcript beneath.
And as bonus, that speech to Goldman Sachs - Hillary starts at 3:50, with "...and certainly if we're talking about inclusive growth, there is no way forward that does not include the empowerment of women."
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 05/02/2016 - 6:44am
Wow. Thank you for this!
by CVille Dem on Mon, 05/02/2016 - 7:22am
Clinton gave a beautiful speech 21 years ago and has set about betraying the values she extolled in it ever since.
by HSG on Mon, 05/02/2016 - 8:48am