by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The title makes it sound like a full out hit piece. It's tone isn't as harsh as some political commentary I have read lately. It is a critical look at the years that she was First Lady and actively supporting her husband's tough on crime bill. It also gives the numbers as to the population increase in jail from 1995 to 2000 after he signed the crime bill.
There are some very good references links to the information in the article that backs up the author's critical look at her years in the White House.
There is an odd notion that Hillary cannot be held to account for any of the Clinton Administration’s policies, even those, like welfare reform, that she has consistently supported in her own words. A woman is not her husband’s property and she should not be judged in reference to him. But it’s hard to take this argument seriously when you were a policymaking First Lady who publicly backed the positions in question.
Today was food day and I sat down at a table with a lady who is retired that I have been noticing her weight loss for the last year. She is very thin but there is an elegant quiet way she holds herself. Another person asked her about her weight loss. No she is not sick just struggling to make ends meet. Her son has not had work in 3 years except day work odd jobs. She said she walked there today because she didn't have the gas money. We took her home because it was not out of our way. I went with someone else.
She is like me living on SS. Many of the people I see are old, disabled or young moms with babies. There is some real pain out there.
I found her very intelligent and eager to talk about the government policies. I was trying to rescue her from the lady on the other side of her that was quoting the bible to her. When I said I was going to vote for Sanders in the primary she got real excited and said she was too. That moved us to Hillary and why we would only vote for her if she wins the primary. We talked about many of the things in this article that I found after I came home. The big thing was all the changes in the welfare that was done under Bill Clinton and how it is a disaster now for so many people who cannot find jobs. The big worry is that for so many SS isn't enough to live on. She was a prime case of that.
They gave us some over ripe bananas so I made her some banana bread. I just doubled the recipe to use them up and had extra to share with her and the person I am riding with. I will see her tomorrow at the other church because the dates have been moved around because of the holidays.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 11/05/2015 - 4:15pm
I'm somewhat surprised by the author referring to welfare reform as an assault on poor people. The dire predictions didn't come true. It caused pain for some people, which is bad, but the data indicates that most families removed from the rolls didn't get any poorer, and some became more prosperous. We did increase the misery of a lot of poor people, but the welfare bill didn't have much to do with it--it was the cuts in food stamps, subsidized housing, and fuel assistance.
by Aaron Carine on Thu, 11/05/2015 - 6:23pm
In the 90s we had a huge crime problem tied to crack gangs, machine guns in the ghettos (Hispanic and black), and a need to do something - black-on-black murder was exceedingly high, and whether it was Clinton or lead paint or unicorns, it came down by 2/3 during the Clinton years. Fathom that again - we ended up the decade with black-on-black murder 33% of what it started. You can't separate the horrid incarceration of black men during this period, nor can you separate the huge increased safety for poor black and Hispanic families
In 2015 our gun problem is distinctly different - it's about murderou s estranged lone wolves going on rampages. The urban profile of the 90's is gone - it's as white and rural as method labs. Duh.
As Aaron points out, the horrid effects prophesized for welfare reform never actually happened, and many of the effects noted came under Bush, who pushed to undermine any easier conditions in welfare and of course was in charge of operating it for 8 years.
Memo to Earth: Clinton is not responsible for us/the media/the Supreme Court putting monkey Bush in office instead of Gore.
Welfare reform would have continued just fine with a caring competent Democrat in office. Like we saw when Carly Florina and Apotheker ran HP into the ground, or Nokia's 3-year crash and burn from peak success. Someone convinced us Bush and Gore were about the same with Bush less robotic, and we paid a huge price for that stupid misperception. #NotClintonsFault
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 11/06/2015 - 12:39am