The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Amazing Thing Happened on Meet the Press

    You could of knocked me over with a feather.  It was about time some one made the Reince Priebus look like the idiot he is on women's health issues.  I never expected Chuck to bring this up with him.  Thank you Meet the Press.  You keep this up and you will go back to number one on Sunday morning. 

    Here is the excerpt from the transcript from Meet the Press this morning.


    A court upheld a new law in Texas. One of the things about the Republican party is you don't like a lot of regulation on businesses, except if the business is a abortion clinic. 80% of these abortion clinics in Texas are going to be basically out of business because of this new law. Too much regulation, is that fair? Why regulate on the abortion issue now until maybe the law is-- and maybe wait until you win a fight in the Supreme Court where you outlaw abortion altogether. Why restrict a business now in the state of Texas?



    Well, you obviously have to talk to someone in Texas. But the fact of the matter is that we believe that any woman that's faced with an unplanned pregnancy deserves compassion, respect, counseling, whatever it is that we can offer to be--




    But 80% of those clinics are gone. It's something that they have to drive 200 or 300 miles for that compassion?



    No, look, listen Chuck. The issue for us is only one thing. And that's whether you ought to use taxpayer money to fund abortion. That's the one issue that I think separates this conversation that we're having. And so and the fact of the matter is, what this election is going to come down to, and I think we know it, is whether or not people feel better off today than they did four or five years ago, whether these Democrat senators followed this president lockstep, in spite of the fact that things aren't going in the right direction, whether it be ObamaCare, jobs, the economy, Keystone Pipeline, all of the above.


    It's not working for him. So you can try to steer, talking about abortion again. But the fact of the matter is, if you're in Skagway, Alaska, you're thinking about the fact of why my life isn't better off today than it was when this senator was elected six years ago.


    Yup.  It is OK not to regulate hazardous chemicals that will blow up in Texas but Texas keep a tight regulation on vaginas,  They don't like regulations on business in Texas accept when it comes to women's health business. 

    Look, Rinse and Spin, women are thinking about not being able to get check ups.  They aren't happy about this.  They also think about not having access to health care for their family because the GOP run state turned down Medicaid expansion. They know their family is one step away from bankruptcy if someone gets seriously sick. That trumps your wheezily excuse.  


    Wendy keep up the pressure.  


    Hmmm ... As someone who finally reached the point of giving up on Meet the Press, I am just as surprised.   Maybe Chuck Todd will take the show back to the Tim Russert tradition and start asking questions that actually challenge GOP talking points.   I don't know, maybe this was just a fluke.  Let's see if he does it again next week.

    I guess his first show he asked some tough questions also because I read about it on other blogs.  He needs to do this every Sunday. 

    The trend in this country is going away from the GOP now.  It is a generational thing.  Also the GOP have lost the majority of women in this country.  We will see that results in this election. If NBC wants to stay in the Sunday game they have to get ahead of the trends and not worry about Fox and friends anymore.  They don't need to fill their empty seats with McCiain, Peggy Noonan and David Brooks. Just take the empty chairs away that week and have a one to one with someone that has some smarts. 

    I think the only people who listen to Rush Limbaugh is the producers of MSNBC other wise he would not even be noticed.  He lost his audience after the Sandra Fluke mess.  Actually I think he has been a myth for the last 10 years and was riding on his past numbers.  It didn't take his advertisers long to pull the plug on him.  

    GOP is out of touch with reality and the media should call them on it.  Don't treat them as creditable. 

    Thanks for your comment. 

    Congratulations to Todd whats his name. Priebus got the opportunity to spread the delusion that it's all about 'your taxes', not riling up The Base for the umpteenth election over abortion. Abortion, which is best reduced by family planning, which the GOP has never supported. Stopping abortions completely is like securing the border completely, impossible, so a perfect perpetual GOP issue.

    The highly paid corporate TV executives masquerading as 'news persons' only function is to grab eyeballs, and create the fantasy that we have a relentlessly inquisitive press speaking truth to power, while resolutely pursuing truth for the good of the American people.

    On the contrary their mission is to keep access to power by not rocking the boat, while increasing profits for their large corporations.

    Texas, oh Texas....

    The repubs just keep screaming about abortion and access to other female clinics are almost erased.

    PP provides all these female with clinical needs and only 3% of the medical help relates to abortion and yet, the repubs just erased all the good that this Republican agency has provided for a century and more.

    Cross examination is an art.

    And we, in this nation have a hundred thousand lawyers really good at cross examination, even without a judge and yet, some third year law student at a midwest university could do just a better job at confronting these liars.

    Jeeeez this makes me mad.

    Sometimes I am seeing Cheney in a love in with Lieberman in 2000!

    that's all I got

    As a validated Dagger, and in lieu of the rules and traditions of Dagbloggery and limitations thereof, I hereby convey on you, Richard Day, the Dayly Award for Best Comment for Today for your remark:

    we, in this nation have a hundred thousand lawyers really good at cross examination, even without a judge and yet, some third year law student at a midwest university could do just a better job at confronting these liars.

    Thank you very much NCD.

    Makes my day!

    GOP wants to sweep this under the rug because they are bleeding women voters over it.  They are between a rock and a hard place.  Evangelicals want action and women who thought they didn't have to worry about loosing their reproductive rights are upset.  Women see the incompetency of the Supreme Court and they no longer trust that their rights are safe. Most women are still in the role as caretakers and the GOP ideology doesn't support them in that role.  This is driving the female vote away from that ideology. 

    It is older people that sit in front of the TV and watch cable and network news.  Younger generations are selecting news from a smorgasbord of news off the internet and social media. Older women like social media because they can keep in touch with their family there.  Guess what they see on their face book page beside their kids? Tons of political cartoons and short news clips from younger more liberal generation posted on their time line. Was Rinse and Spin all the effective on MTP last Sunday with his tap dance around the issue?  Not as effective as he would of been 15 years ago.  



    He dodged every question asked and Todd never forced him back to the main point of the questions asked. All he did was regurgitate GOP talking points .. which are not answers. Too bad Todd didn't tell him directly he was avoiding answering the questions using free television time to spew out GOP talking points

    But Chuck Todd let the canard stand that their only concern was paying for abortions with TAX MONEY!  He didn't REFUTE it!  If anything he gave Priebus a forum to claim that they have compassion, and that public funding was their only concern. 

    Chuck is no friend of the truth or to women. 

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