by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I'm a hard-core liberal progressive definitely. Or perhaps I'm a progressive liberal. Anyway, I'm one or the other unless I'm both. Conservative ideology in my view is morally and intellectually bankrupt.
Back in the last century, my somewhat more moderate - but still definitely liberal - father and my teenage self debated this. When the argument heated up, he would put his hand on my shoulder and say “my son, surtout pas trop de zèle.” Okay, maybe he didn't always say “surtout pas trop de zèle” but I'm pretty sure he did at least one time. And if he didn't he should have.
By this dad meant don't be overly zealous. Issues are complicated. Don't be too certain you know the truth or that there even is a truth.
The expression is attributed to the French statesman Talleyrand who on the eve of the French Revolution reportedly cautioned his staff not to act emotionally when choosing among various military and diplomatic responses. A count's son and one of the most powerful men in the monarchy before the Revolution, during the Terror Talleyrand managed to keep his head and increase his power and influence while nobles all around were losing theirs.
More recently philosopher Isaiah Berlin described how Talleyrand's dictum came to mind when he watched a man with blood streaming down his face flee a mob during the Russian Revolution. Berlin explained that legitimate outrage at the Tsar may have animated the Bolsheviks early on. But their zealotry to cleanse Russia of his oppressive legacy and insistence that any dissent was treason ultimately led to equally bad or perhaps even worse repression.
Generally, I pooh poohed my Democratic dad's cautious incrementalism. No zeal, really? I'm not supposed to be outraged at poverty, racism, American imperialism, the war on drugs, circumcision. No compromises I'd thunder.
Mostly, I still feel that way. But reading about events at America's temples of higher education over the past few weeks reminds me of my dad's wisdom - not to mention Talleyrand's and Berlin's.
Unsurprisingly, our colleges and universities mirror the seething caldron that is America today. Race, class, and generational tensions are leading to highly publicized conflicts and causing deep divisions on campuses. Debates over what forms of expression should be protected and whether offensive speech should be punished are leading to demands to defund publications and causing administrators and student government leaders to resign.
At the University of Missouri a coalition of African-Americans students, graduate student instructors, reproductive rights activists, and the Mizzou football team succeeded in forcing the school's President to resign. The concerns of this disparate group included the administration's failure to investigate several incidents involving racism against black students, cutbacks in the provision of health care to graduate students and instructors, and a doctor's loss of clinical privileges in the University of Missouri Healthcare system because he was performing legal abortions at an off-campus clinic. In a much-discussed incident, activists led by a professor physically evicted an ESPN student reporter from a campus field when he tried to interview protesters.
Roiling racial controversies at Yale have led to demands for the dismissal of the “Master” of Silliman College Nicholas Christakis and his wife “Assistant Master” Erika Christakis. Erika Christakis drew the ire of Sillimanders of color when she questioned the wisdom of an administrative request that students respect the sensibilities of fellow students when selecting Halloween attire. The students argued vociferously that Erika was insensitive to the pain caused when whites wear blackface or dress as stereotypical Latinos.
At Claremont McKenna College, the Dean of Students and the President of the Junior Class resigned after admitting they demonstrated insensitivity to various minorities on campus. The Dean's mistake was sending out an email asking for feedback on how to best help students who don't “fit the “CMC mold”. Students of color took this to mean the dean didn't view them as normative students. Their protests led her to step down. After a Halloween photo was posted on facebook of the Junior Class President with two students wearing stereotypical Mexican bandito costumes complete with handlebar moustaches, sombreros, and ponchos, she too resigned.
For running an op-ed that criticized aspects of the Black Lives Matter movement, the Wesleyan Argus received scathing criticism and is now facing severe budget cuts. At Dartmouth just a few days ago, during the campus blackout in solidarity with Mizzou, protesters marched through the library shouting “black lives matter” in students' faces and according to at least one report yelled “fuck your white tears” to a woman who began to cry.
These controversies are alike in certain obvious ways. They all involve disputes over the meaning and legitimacy of various expressions on campuses. Regardless of the school, the students demanding change have been mostly uncompromising but the justness of each cause varies as do the responses of administrators. Nevertheless, there is one common factor. Various commentators from both left and right insist on filtering complex dynamics into simplistic narratives that suit their political predilections.
For conservative pundits and self-appointed free speech advocates, Mizzou, Yale, Wesleyan, and Claremont McKenna are object lessons in the follies of liberal education. Writing before the Dartmouth protest became news, George Will mocked Yale President Peter Salovey for meeting with upset Yalies and “hearing the[ir] cries of help”. Will doesn't deny that some kids may find stereotypical costumes hurtful and could lead to a hostile campus environment. But he is indifferent, if not downright hostile, to these concerns.
Jonathan Chait argues in New York Magazine that the Yalies calling for the Cristakises to be dismissed, the Wesleyan Argus defunders, and the Mizzou professor's heeded call for “muscle” symbolize a totalitarian movement, that brooks no dissent, with antecedents in 20th century Marxist governments. Like Will, Chait is unmoved by the causes of the students whose actions he decries.
Will and Chait refuse to accord even a patina of legitimacy to the student protesters. But they do have defenders in the media. Elias Isquith at Salon says the students are “mad for a reason. . . Too many well-meaning people . . . aren't listening.” In the New Republic, Roxane Gay writes:
In the protests at Mizzou and Yale and elsewhere, students have made it clear that the status quo is unbearable. Whether we agree with these student protesters or not, we should be listening: They are articulating a vision for a better future, one that cannot be reached with complacency.
I'm with Isquith and Gay to a point. We absolutely should listen to the students. I think they had the better arguments at Mizzou and Yale. But we must also demand civility and properly directed outrage, rather than profanity and the shotgun approach that some at Dartmouth employed when they verbally assaulted fellow students in the library.
Regarding the calls to defund the Argus, the Wesleyan students are wrong to expect newspapers - especially their op-ed pages - to be “safe” places. By publishing a reasoned critique of the Black Lives Movement, the Argus was challenging its readers - exactly what it is supposed to do. Likewise, it would have been nice to see the students of color at Claremont McKenna accept what appear to be genuinely sincere apologies from the Dean and the Junior Class President rather than to continue to press for their resignations.
Of all the players in these campus dramas, and in light of Talleyrand's call for reason not passion in times of crisis, Yale President Peter Salovey and Wesleyan President Michael Roth have responded best to the upheavals. The Yale Daily News published Tuesday (November 17) Salovey's response to the Yale protesters. In “Toward a Better Yale”, Salovey announces a number of measures to improve the experience for Elis of all colors.
These include better funding for campus centers, reduced work requirements for students receiving tuition breaks, and the creation of a permanent university center for race, ethnicity, and social identity studies. Salovey deserves kudos for focusing on legitimate concerns of the protesting students rather than trying to shame them for alleged immaturity and intolerance.
Roth penned a remarkably thoughtful and measured opinion piece for the October 25 Hartford Courant. In it, he decried calls to punish the Argus but also noted:
While economic freedom and political participation are evaporating into the new normal of radical inequality, while legislators call for arming college students to make them safer, puffed-up pundits turn their negative attention to what they see as dangerous calls to make campuses safer places for students vulnerable to discrimination. But are these calls really where the biggest threat to free expression lies? I fear that those who seize upon this so-called danger will succeed in diverting attention from far more dangerous threats.
President Roth is echoing the advice of three great scholars - Talleyrand, Berlin, and my dad - “surtout pas trop de zèle.”
The complaints of Black students did not just begin. These racial issues have been festering for years. Black students are told that change will come over time. The time never comes. When things boil over, the black students are asked why they want such drastic measures taken. The anger comes because the students know the long history of their respective campuses on issues of race. The frustration is reasonable. These conflicts did not happen overnight.
Young people do not trust mainstream media. Often there is no reporter who looks like them reporting the story. The saw the press play a role in the demonization of Trayvon Martin . They see the press give Republican Presidential candidates a great deal of leeway on making racially tinged statements. Donald Trump is still a media good story because he brings in viewers. Trump will not have to explain his views on race to the degree that Obama had to do on"clinging to their guns" and Reverend Wright. The black students see the glee in the MSM demonizing Black Lives Matter and they refuse to play the game. MSM is not trusted for good reason. For many students MSM is an afterthought. They have active sources to spread their message on the Internet.
There were protests in support of the black Mizzou students that occurred because the events were transmitted online, by email, and by social media. MSM is worthless in reporting events impacting minority communities. There was a massive rally on the Anniversary of the Million Man March in August. If you depended on MSM for information you would have known nothing about the protest. The media has lost the confidence of segments of American society
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 3:17pm
There's a lot of history here, though. "Direct your outrage properly," very often means "shut up," in nicespeak.
I don't know if it's even possible anymore, but my school's newspaper avoided this problem by being independent. The paper was supported by ads. Protesters had nothing to defund. I agree with you, nobody should expect the op ed pages (or any pages) of a newspaper to be a "safe space," but a paper generally earns its right to enrage through its self-sufficiency.
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 3:29pm
Chait's piece is right. We on the left need to own or disown the extremes of campus meltdowners. Why "need to"? Because who the hell else are the meltdowners ever going to learn from?
Aside from the existential asininity of the self-parodic safe space and trigger warning concepts, this business of demanding resignations and not permitting people to learn from accidentally hurting others' feelings is crap. Why does the Mizzou communications prof get to learn from her mistakes about "muscle" to evict the press, why does the public-protest group there get to recant its hostility to fellow students covering their public protest, but the Christakises must be purged? Burn the witches, seriously. Better yet, see if they float.
Anti-free expression on the left is a stupid phenomenon that came of age 30 years ago. It remains as stupid and self-defeating today as it was then. Where are the Internet absolutists who defend baiting and anonymous trolling when the Christakises need them? These offense merchants who people our universities are purity trolls. Tiresome, those.
by Mollom privacy ... (not verified) on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 3:59pm
Okay, you're awesome.
by Michael Maiello on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 4:31pm
I like you.
I get a kick out of reading you
You just reminded me of a blog I wrote, no so long ago!
I am not sure that this post is relevant?
Regardless, just keep on keepin on. I like reading you
by Richard Day on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 4:53pm
Richie Havens opened Woodstock because everyone else was late and they could fit his group's 2 guitars & 2 congos into the helicopter. He did about 7 encores to delay things - played 2 hours while everyone else played 30-60 minutes - and his last encore became his most famous, the one he improvised.... Freeeee-duhmmmmm. Gone now, but not forgotten.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 5:14pm
Yeah, but I know why I like you!
by Richard Day on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 6:30pm
Thanks Richard. Good link!
by HSG on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 8:59pm
I found this Washington Post article about a recent TV interview with a "Million Student March" activist interesting. It apparently didn't go well, but the piece focuses more on how it could have - should have - gone if the interaction between media and young people's activism were better.
edit to add: A better student spokesperson would help. Nothing is as important when you're trying to make a point as knowing what your point is and how to effectively argue it.
by barefooted on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 10:10pm
This interview was on Fox Business. It was not going to go well.Note that the LSU student newspaper called the interview shameful. Old media is not trusted or respected by many young people. They can have activism occur without a filter via social media. The WaPo, for example, might go broke if it depended on young readership for revenue.
Edit to add:
Black Lives Matter Minneapolis led a protest requesting a Federal investigation into the police shooting of an unarmed black man. The Mayor asked for a Federal investigation. One of the things that went on during the protest was that BLM asked that the protesters not speak to MSM. Some young activists view MSM as biased.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 10:48pm
According to the article, she volunteered to go on air as the spokesperson. I agree that most MSM online media is suspect at times, but I don't think blaming WaPo in this instance makes sense. And as was pointed out, don't you think it's necessary for those with a point to make it? Do you think young people should be given an allowance in that regard if they expect to be taken as seriously as their cause might demand?
If they don't want media coverage, they shouldn't a) volunteer/agree to be on television, and b) expect to spread their effort beyond the social media choir.
by barefooted on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 10:57pm
They are young and will either decide to develop skills geared to MSM or just use social media. The student march group may just fade away. My take away point is that MSM may not be the way important information is passed by activists in the future. MSM will be considered even more suspect because the media will complain about lack of access and freedom of the press and fail to develop skills to do journalism via social media.
Edit to add:
BLM Minneapolis had a horrible interview after their protest at the state fair in Minneapolis this summer. The protest was famous for the pigs in a blanket chant. During interviews the leaders dismissed the chant as a joke and made themselves appear foolish.,Yet here we have the same group calling for a broader investigation and able to generate enough supporters to be recognized despite rejecting MSM. These young activists may not be hampered by a lack of interview skills with MSM.
Obviously, there is an argument that they should know something about approaching interviews from the Daily Show and perhaps Bill Mahrer.
(Note: BLM got recognition for mounting the protest. I don't know Minneapolis well enough to know if other forces were at work to get a Federal investigation rolling.)
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 12:27am
I don't see social media as the be all end all, at least for the foreseeable future. Like it or not, it's still important to spread whatever the point may be to the masses, and preaching to the choir on Facebook and Twitter won't do it. If anything, it makes the argument less legitimate in the eyes of the country when it's portrayed as an internet meme. And most issues deserve better than that.
Clearly they have valid points to be made; points that only they can make. But attempting to outline the playing field doesn't help. Everyone needs to understand, so that means reaching everyone.
by barefooted on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 12:54am
You may be correct about MSM as a requirement. I wonder if the younger generation sees that it can spread protests via social media without what they view as biased media. Black Lives Matter and the spread of college protests by black students spread without a large amount of help from MSM.
The other issue is that small groups often initiate change despite opposition from MSM. Vietnam protestors and the Civil Rights movement were not viewed favorably by media early on. For the Civil Rights movement, images of water hoses and dogs being used on children changed the dynamic. That message was carried by media of the day. Today, we get images like that of a police officer shooting an unarmed man in the back in North Charleston because of a camera on a cell phone. MSM plays the more passive role of reporting an event captured by a non-journalist. Times may have already changed, especially in minority community. MSM is no where to be found for many events.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 8:00am
During the summer I caught an interview on CNN with Don Lemon interviewing a member of BLM. The BLM member wanted to focus on police shooting of unarmed blacks. Lemon acknowledged the problem but wondered why BLM did not focus on crime in the black community. BLM noted that the community was speaking on on crime in their neighborhoods. The next guest was Montell Williams Lemon and Williams enjoyed themselves by noting that BLM did not focus on urban crime.
From the standpoint of Lemon he was doing in-depth journalism. From BLM's standpoint, it was another wasted effort in going on MSM.The topic BLM came to discuss was a side issue. Social media allows communication from BLM to go directly to people focused on police abuse. They can get their message out more efficiently via social media.
Groups focused on crime in black communities contact their activists via social media. MSM does not cover the protests against crime and murder that occurs in the black community. Lemon does not take the time to address the issue he criticizes BLM of ignoring.At the end of the day activity in black communities is covered poorly by MSM. It may be that young activists ignore MSM and object to MSM presence because the activists do not feel the media is going to do a good job anyway.
The Million Man March 2015 went on without MSM attention. Social media, black media websites, and black black radio carried the events. MSM was worthless.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 9:21am
Blacks students at 37 colleges and universities used social media to seek that their respective administrations take action to end racism on school campuses. Social media does not require MSM to take action.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 9:04pm