by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
dear mr. david lecherman...i mean letterman !!!!!
u are the creepiest perv EVERRRRRRRRRRR!!! except for maybe this freak . he's like a 15 out of 10 on the perv scale and ur like 14.5. LOLOLOLOL!!!! ur even worse than my math teacher mr arnack who has hair totally coming out of his ears and his nose and once i found a booger on my paper that i got back from him and almost totally puked my guts out. and then i made my friend joshua burn the paper with gasoline but the grass got on fire and joshua's hair got burned and stank for a week.
anyway, mr. david letterman, ur creepy and stupid and none of my friends EVER watch you and the only reason that i know about your creepy pukoramic video is because its on lena-the-liberal-loser's facebook page. when i saw it i totally UNfriended her for like 6 hours but then i had to friend her again to see if kurt hanson (xoxoxoxoxox) wrote on her wall. so then i had to watch ur video again even tho it makes me gag. i'm putting it here so that u can see how totally CREEPY u look like when u talk about having sex with sarah palin's 14-year-old daughter!!!!!!!
guess what mr. lecherman, U R NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!! the only person who is less funny than u is that bald dork on ur show who always kisses ur old wrinkly ass. LOLOLOLOL!!!! ur like the two old guys on the muppets who who think that ur funny but ur just dumb old farts. why don't u move to ass-achusetts and get married!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
here is the other one where u call sarah a slut!!!!!!!!! sarah is totally not a slut. she and todd are totally in LOVE and she would never do it with anyone else ever except if she has to for world peace after she is president. you are just jealous b/c sarah is totally hot
and u r a wrinkly OLD MAN
!!!!! when sarah is president she will totally BAN UR SHOW but no one will care and then u will be on "i'm a celebrity, get me out of here" and u and the bald guy will have to eat dogsh-t and stuff
and then u will still lose. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and here is the one after sarah kicked ur wrinkly ass and u had to apologize to the whole world and now everyone knows that you are a creepy pervy perv and no one will ever watch ur show ever again!!!!!!
xxx ooo,
ps if u r not too wussy then i would totally go on ur show and say this to ur face and you would try to make some dumb joke but everyone would boo because u r so not funny and then i would be hired to be a HOT politics commenter on FOX NEWS !!!!!! here is where u can see what an AWESOME politics commenter i am!!!!!
missed u SPG
-- u are hilarious
!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo
deadman (ur biggest fan and only a 36-yo perv)
ps also i think u should have totally ragged on lecherman for again not getting the job he really wanted - even that tall redheaded irish freak conan gets more love than the lecherman. HAHAHAHAHA
by Deadman on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 4:04pm
u are creepy too with ur hoodyhoodhood BUT in a good way!!
but still u r too old for me. sorry dude. plus aren't u like engaged or something? u must be come kind of guy slut. like a GLUT!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
i'm not surprised that lecherman couldn't get a job b/c he totally sux. only old wrinkly people watch him. but i don't watch any of those dumb shows anyway. only tyra. and if miley cyrus gets her own show i will totally watch it and maybe i can be her assistant or something. but i won't be like the bald guy on lecherman or the fat guy on conehead. b/c i'm totally hotter
and kewler
than both of those dorks. and miley and me will be like friends instead of me being her buttbuddy or whatev.
the only thing i like on conehead is the mean dog
by SarahPalinGrrrrl on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 4:46pm