Michael Maiello's picture

    President Mitt Romney

    A colleague of mine, a very smart man but not in sync with me politically, told me a few weeks ago that he believes that I will come to my senses before the election and pull the lever for Mitt Romney.  I will make this decision, he assures me, based solely on Obama's mishandling of the economy and I will realize that the various issues that I have with the Republican party, Tea Party crazies and the religious right, do not apply to Romney.

    Romney is, my friend assures me, a traditional northeastern Republican in the mold of Lincoln Chafee who, I failed to point out, isn't even a Republican anymore.  My friend knows that I spent a good part of my career working for another typical northeastern Republican who owns a business magazine and believes that we should have a flat tax.

    The takeaway that Republicans like my friend would like east coast liberals like me to embrace is that Republicans of this sort, no matter what they might say to appease the great red masses of flyover country, do not really care about social issues.  All they really want is low taxes and minimal government regulation of business and the economy.  They will not seek the overturn of Roe vs. Wade because, when it comes down to it, they cannot be bothered.  They will not expend a great deal of energy defending the Defense of Marriage Act because they really don't care.  Republicans of this sort are not like Rand and Ron Paul, eager to roll back the civil rights movement.  Nor are they religious zealots like Rick Santorum, looking to put sodomy laws back on the books.  Life under President Romney will, for most Americans, not be much different than life under Obama, at least in terms of social issues.

    I don't know if any of you buy this.  I certainly do hear from a lot of Democrats who don't find Romney "scary," no matter how many times the guy tells us that he's a "severe conservative."

    I don't agree with this assessment.  I look at Romney and I see a real square.  I see a man whose vision for America and what being an American means, is extremely milquetoast.  You cut your hair short, you put on a suit and tie.  You carry a briefcase.  If you're not the boss, you do what your bosses tell you to do.  You know your role.  This is a guy who, as far back as high school, has shown disdain and hostility for the freaks and geeks of American society.

    Now, maybe it's true that Romney's priorities in office will not involve hot button social issues.  But if he really doesn't care, do you think he'd step in as a moderating force in his own party, which has several prominent social conservative extremists in its Congressional ranks?  If he wants to appoint Supreme Court justices who think that corporations have the same rights as people, what's it to him if that nominee also thinks that fetuses enjoy those rights?

    Then, of course, there is this bit about lax government regulation.  For the most part, it's not the government that intrudes on people's private lives.  It's corporations.  It's employers and creditors and service providers who gather information about us, which they trade and who create and enforce policies that affect people's lives.  President Romney would leave a whole lot up to your employer.  Like whether or not same sex couples can use family benefits like health insurance or whether or not you can be fired for expressing a political opinion on line.  It's not that Romney is going to get involved in such matters, it's that he isn't.  He will let your employers treat you however they want and will invite you to find another job if you don't like it.  He will support tort reform to keep people from using class action lawsuits against large corporations who may have sold them harmful and defective products.  Buyer beware will be the law of the land.

    Will he start new wars?  Yes, he will probably start some new wars.

    Will he seek to partially privatize Social Security and Medicare.  Yes.  He will try to do those things, as explained in Paul Ryan's budget, which he has adopted.  Will he succeed?  I don't know, but we'd be better off with him not trying. I agree with Doctor Cleveland that the commentariat will tell America, in the event of a Romney win, that Obama's "liberalism" was soundly rejected by the American people.

    I would take it a step further and say that a Romney win will destroy the Democrats governing power for a generation, at least so far as the White House is concerned.  Did you notice that after 8 years of Bush, that Obama had to staff his administration with a lot of Clinton administration veterans?  This is because, after twelve years of Reagan/Bush and then another eight for George W., the Clinton Administration was the only proving ground for contemporary Democrats.  Obama needs a second term in order to continue building the party's base of capable governance.  Let's face it, the Democrats need 2016 and 2020 just to get back to an even playing field.  Losing now is not an option.

    Also, Romney will probably try to fix the economy by laying off a bunch of citizens.  Don't think he won't.  It's all he knows how to do.



    You have put into words, exactly how I feel about Mitt Romney. He is a conservative, he will do whatever it takes to do the bidding of Paul Ryan and those anti-tax, drown the government in a bathtub, Republicans.

    I don't just vote for the Democrats because they are so fucking awesome.. hahahahaha... I vote for them because they aren't repulsive, vindictive, regressive, moralizing Elmer Gantry wannabes, who care nothing for the nation, but care deeply about amassing personal power and wealth, but who believe in destroying the government they want to run. And if GWB is any indication of what that belief does to a nation.. well, things can get worse. And yeah, I think he will try to lay everyone off too.

    .....is that Republicans of this sort, no matter what they might say to appease the great red masses of flyover country, do not really care about social issues.

    If any truly believe this, they either haven't been paying attention or are choosing to ignore the facts as the GOP fervently declares without end. 

    .....a Romney win will destroy the Democrats governing power for a generation

    And why is it that so many, who tout their liberal credentials, just don't get this?  This is more frightening and confounding than the GOP's blather.

    Terrific post destor, appreciate.

    Romney will stand mute as the GOP purges voters nationally. The demographics are trending against the GOP, so the GOP has to narrow the pool of voters to Conservative whites. Romney's DOJ will ignore any complaints.

    Romney  Obama  will stand mute as the GOP purges   his DOJ tries to ignore calls for immigration enforcement  and increase voters nationally through AMNESTY

    The demographics are trending against the GOP, DEMS; so the GOP  DEMS  has to narrow INCREASE the pool of voters  TO REPLACE THEIR ORIGINAL CONSTITUENT  GROUP Conservative whites.(the ones they kicked under the bus ie.  Homeowners, hippies, progressives the unemployed) 

    Romney's DOJ will ignore any complaints. Just as the Obamas DOJ ignored, the influx of illegals, they hoped would be given amnesty in time for the 2012 election  and they would replace the democratic voters the corporate Democrats kicked under the bus. ie.  Homeowners, hippies, progressives the unemployed 

    The SCOTUS ruling on both the Healthcare bill and the inaction of the Obama administration, in dealing with illegal immigration, the AZ SB 1070 ruling, will show; the Obama administration was an abject failure and took the country down the wrong road.

    Wasted 4 years when the focus should have been on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.

    You can't pay down debt; if you have no JOB.

    OBAMA DID YOU FORGET;  it's the economy stupid. 

    ......waiting for the reboot

    By reboot, do you mean there will come a time when some will  boot out all, who are ruining our democracy?  

     "I write this because what has been missing in recent years is any sense that the ruling elite, the plutocrats, see their lot as in any way tied to ours. And since they’ve given your economic patch-jobs about as much of a listen as our requests for higher wages and more jobs, you may one day start thinking about joining the revolution. If so, we have a place for you. But it won’t be writing love letters to the plutocrats who benefit from our loss.


    Tumbril Time!

    A  tumbril (n.)   a dung cart used for carrying manure, now associated with the transport of prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution.


    While you are waiting for the reboot , I'll focus on countering the GOP's voter suppression efforts. We all do what we feel is right.

    This line of discussion has played out.

    Have a nice day.

     Yeah run along and put your finger in the holes along the dike.

    You're worried about suppression and I and others have shown, the actual tally of the vote, is easily corrupted 

    Go  get another 190K voters  to vote 


      Going Through The Form Of Universal Suffrage  

    Boss.  "You have the liberty of Voting for any one you please; but we have
    the Liberty of Counting in any one we please."

    "Do your Duty as Citizens, and leave the rest to take its course." - New York Times.


    "As soon as I've got you in, open the front door for me."

    Both Democrat and republican opened the door to corporate thievery 



    That is exactly how I see it!

    In the first 100 days of a Willard Administration scores Executive Orders will ensue; all Executive Departments will be headed by Foxes; the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ will be filled with the same pricks appointed by Bush and racist jokes will abound; there will be no challenges to these state laws abridging the right to vote.....

    Welcome to hell!

    Welcome to hell!

    The road to hell, is paved with both democrats and republicans.

    A road built to serve Corporatism. 

    For a very long time, people were warned. not to pin their hopes on Obama. The warnings were ignored. 

    The referendum of the mid terms was ignored by the Democratic elites. 

    The Obama administration told us, "they got the message" and the message was, "move to the right"  WTF? What geniuses told Obama to move right?

    We stayed home, because he moved to the right, WE don't want a right leaning President. The Nation chose a different path in 2008, we weren't expecting Obama to be Bush Lite.  

    As Molly Ivans pointed out; "You dance with those, who brung you to the party" Adulterer. 

    Obama forgot; who brung him to the party.

    Or did he, and it was us common folk who got screwed.

    Bankers bailed out ...homeowners screwed

    Corporate profits up ....wages declining.

    Drones  ...... innocent people killed....  

    WWJD  has become WWGeorgeD? 

    WELL Resistance....hahahahahahahah

    Dante tells us that there are several levels of hell.






    Do we get pitchforks; or are they taken away from us too?

    Okay, but if guns are limited only the damned will have guns....but then again they will all be in HELL shooting at each other! ha

    Destor, I think you're broadly right.

    But I also think you give short shrift to the damage Romney could do with the economic issues he DOES care about.

    Have we been talking about income inequality for nothing?

    He also appears ready to trash a few agencies and make Education an afterthought.

    Will he change the national security/foreign policy issues that animate Obama's leftwing opposition? Will he stop the drones, the detention, the prosecutions of people like Bradley. Not hardly. Especially if we have one or two close calls or even hits.

    The bulk of his party is giving him a wait and see approval. If he wants two terms, he can't flip flop on all his campaign promises to be a severe conservative.

    Then again, anything is possible!

    Yeah, but Pete will Destor be MANLY right!

    Aye that is the question!

    Heh. Only his hairdresser knows for sure, DD.


    I am speechless.


    All they really want is low taxes and minimal government regulation of business and the economy.

    What bums me out is that you have a friend who thinks he can flip you if he can succeed in convincing you of that.

    Obama has indeed dreadfully mishandled the economy.  He has mishandled it precisely because he is an economic "square" whose economic philosophy is not all that different from Romney's.

    This dude's a career financial industry executive.  Among some of them there is "Obama Derangement Syndrome," defined as not understanding that Dodd Frank let the industry off easy.

    Obama's economics have never surprised me.  Even if he was law, he was teaching at Chicago.  

    I agree. They still have Milton Freeman on a pedestal there.

    I would like to see Milton Freeman and Allen Greenspan on a stake surrounded by faggots about to be lighted.

    No need to gay bash.

    I think they just have a portrait. ;-D


    I would think the first Mormon president would govern as cautiously as the first black president and, yes, Obama has been very careful in his choices.   I would think being first raises the stakes and dampens risk taking.  Knowing that not just you but your culture will be judged by the success of your presidency has to add a level of weight to every decision.  

    The more vicious of the opposition sure knows it.  I think that is why they have been so determined to discredit Obama's presidency.  Their Southern Strategy failed them in 2008.   If it fails again in 2012, they will lose their place of prominence in the GOP.  Good riddance.

    That is why liberals, progressives, and lefties should all be as determined to give Obama a second term as they were to give him his first. whether he wants it or not.  





    I love you Emma.

    But damn!

    Willard gives not one goddamn about you or me or anyone making less than ten mill a year for chrissakes.

    Willard is the ANTICHRIST.

    For chrissakes.


    Willard would take the time to speak with a rape victim and tell them about GOD'S PLAN.

    Willard already figures that if you do not have a $200,000.00 trust plan to get your kid into college; you are a failure.

    Willard is the single most evil person to run for President of the United States of American since Buchanan.

    the end


    I love your taste in music, dd.  That last one with Leon was terrific but I almost never understand what you are talking about.   ;-D  It must be that you speak so much from your heart.  Politics is very hard on hearts.

    I double checked and do not see anything in what I wrote that indicated I supported Romney for President.  Quite the opposite in fact.  

    Still I think he would govern much like Obama has.  You have noticed how Obama governs, haven't you?


    I apologize Emma.

    I am trying to stay out of the game as they say.

    Will Willard change the course of human events in some cosmological perspective?

    No, but he will change the course of human events in the manner of Governor Walker.

    I just see intent sometimes. I see purpose sometimes.

    Anyway what do I know?

    Chris Matthews just accused me (on CSPAN) of being irrelevant.

    And yet irrelevance is my key forte.

    Greenwald would agree with you.

    All this matters not since I will most probably not be around that much longer to witness the change either way.

    At any rate I apologize to you Emma.

    I don't think I meant any harm.

    I am usually angry because I am powerless and ineffective in all my pursuits and have been for 6 decades. ha

    My defense has always been:

    But I have not had access to entire file.

    I wish to do a series on unemployment sometime. Do you know the Indian Subcontinent has been adding 10 million jobs every year?

    And if they do not continue at that rate, the worlds greatest democracy will sink into chaos?

    And we are lucky to add a million jobs in the same period, during times of expansion.

    I know so little:


    Not a problem.  

    I do the same thing on occasion.

    As you perceived,  I have given up on the idea that anything we do short-term will make any difference.  As others noted a day or so ago, the die is cast. Now we can only watch the game play out.  

    I spend most of my time reading and thinking about alternatives and there are hundreds of them. It has made me more optimistic long-term.

    Remember: "The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven." -- John Milton

    Also, this helps


    This is one of my favorite songs of all time.


    A hole in the soul?


    It is interesting that upset Conservatives form the Tea Party. Some upset Progressives vow to vote for Romney or wish for Ron Paul. Occupy Wall Street seems to have opted out of the political process.

    Would upset Conservatives ever vote for a Progressive to punish the GOP? Would they rather cross lines in an open primary to prop up a weaker Democratic candidate?

    Would upset Conservatives ever vote for a Progressive to punish the GOP?

    Is that the only possibility you see? Do you think that the Tea Party has been a flop when it comes to advancing their politics? If they have been somewhat successful, how did they do it?

     Extremely right wing conservatives have taken the chance in many state elections to vote for the nut-job that they felt would represent their nutty values after loudly demanding recognition of their wishes. They won quite a few of those elections over the bodies of incumbent Republicans. In the process they have moved the entire Republican Party in the direction they want it to go. In a couple cases the challenges caused the seat to go to a Democrat. Aren't those Tea-Partiers dumb.

     I believe Romney noticed that his party jumped away from him at every inkling that someone else might be electable. He will pay attention to the far rights demands if he gets elected and then wants a second term. All the more reason to defeat him but success does not end there. I believe that Romney believes, like I do, that his party has the guts to dump him. I want a Democratic President who believes the side that elected him will dump him if he is too subservient to the ideology of the whack-jobs on the right.

     I want a Democratic President who believes the side that elected him will dump him if he is too subservient to the ideology of the whack-jobs on the right.

    Makes sense.

    And y'see, I think that kind of threat only works if the protesters go to the candidate when he's down 10 points a week before the election and say, promise to do these things and you'll have our votes.  Then the candidate agrees, gains 12 points over-night, wins the election and there is a clear correlation between the protest and the candidate winning.   Otherwise all you've got after the election is 1) a less-than-perfect candidate voted out, 2) a candidate you like even less, voted in, and 3) a ticked-off group with noses cut off and faces that have been spited.

    promise to do these things and you'll have our votes.

    I agree with you, but would change the above slightly. The argument needs to be broader, especially if said protestors don't represent enough votes to make a difference.

    They need to make the case that these "things" will help him win the votes of a LOT of people, not just them, and maybe not even especially them.

    Groups are always interested first in their own agenda. But a national candidate, especially in these times, needs to be interested in a lot of groups at once, as many groups as he can without getting torn apart and losing all credibility.

    So the case needs to be (IMO): Despite what you, the candidate, may think, these things will appeal to a lot people and here's why we say this.

    Resolved the Tea Party did not vote for Democrats. Some Progressives are threatening to vote for Republicans.

    Let's cut to the chase here. Some Progressives don't get their way and they decide to abandon ship. The Tea Party forced change.

    Progressives argue that the Tea Party has big bucks funding. John Lewis , Martin Luther King, et al were operating on a shoestring budget. Blacks should have been stomped out. Instead blacks persisted. They never voted for the Supremacists.

    Russ Feingold lost. Dennis Kucinich lost. Joyce Elliott who was running for the seat held by Arkansas Progressive Vic Synder lost. In 2010 some Progressives decided to stay home to make the Democrats pay. If  people are willing to drop out once, what can we expect in the future. The message is don't look to some Progressives for a coalition. Go look in the Independents.

    Occupy Wall Street is "leaderless", so who controls the direction? In the long run, those in power are not worried.

    Where is the support for the Progressive candidates that people say they want? 

    I see a lot of griping. I see a lot of theory. I see no coalition building. OWS outreach to minority communities has been minimal.

    Some Progressives threaten to vote for Romney and don't care what other Progressives/Liberals think. Other Progressives pine for Ron Paul and ridicule those who are concerned about Paul's position on women's rights and his racial bias.

    People on both sides of this issue will vote their hearts and minds in November.

    Some of us just don't see the rationale for voting for any Republican.

    If you want the Democrats to change, change 'em. .

    I think you're saying important things here and above and elsewhere, RMRD.

    I'd like to read some good material on the 2010 mid-terms. The whole thing strikes me as peculiar in a number of ways.

    • The TP wasn't that old when the elections were held. How is it they managed to elect 60 of their members to Congress in such a short time? Doesn't that seem strange?

    • Were all these folks who got elected TPers, or were the TPers only the most vocal and visible?

    • The TP candidates were able, it seems, to call on huge money fairly quickly. Are there comparable donors on the progressive side? Progressives seem conflicted about the role of money in politics in a way that the TPers are not.

    • TPers, it seems to me, from being able to focus on a few, easy to understand, issues. Principally, lower taxes and less regulation. Progressives are all over the place, trying to solve complex issues like income inequality.

    • I think blacks had a similar "advantage" in having great clarity about a number of clear cut issues (even though there was plenty of debate about them). That helped them stay focused.


    I was in a rating mood, wasn't I?

    I was getting a message that things are hopeless. Let's just give up. There is nothing but despair. Someone mentioned  Rep. John Lewis appearing on a program. Lewis' new biography "Across That Bridge" talks about the improbability of winning any gains in the civil right movement in the South. How can you listen to or read his story and come away with the conclusion that we have to give up, or that things can't change.

    For those of us who have a base in the Christian faith how can you feel that things can't change until we wait for someone else to initiate a "reboot. How can you see events in Wisconsin and not believe in power to the people? Change is within our grasp.

    Even more importantly in Wisconsin, if the voters decide to keep the Republican Governor, you cannot be discouraged. The first blow does not often win the battle. The Governor will have to face the electorate again in two years. Make his every political day in between the next election as difficult as possible. Keep him in court. There appears to be leadership to get that done. If at first you don't succeed, try again. Don't give up.

    Instead of sitting back criticizing Obama, fight. People want to demonize Obama, praise Ron Paul and say that Romney wouldn't be that bad because they fear defeat at the hands of all the money and political power of the GOP. Obama is a release valve for a fear of the clout of the GOP.

    The GOP is about to outspend Democrats by at least $800 million. The GOP Supremes voted that corporations are people too. Unknown parties can now donate mega-bucks to political campaigns because of a court decision "Speech Now" that followed "Citizens United". I'm supposed to worry about Kagan not being Progressive enough. Forget about Scalia, Roberts, Alito  and Thomas.

    The attack on Obama is the result of a fear of fighting the real battle against Romney and the GOP. Thankfully citizens in many states ruled by the GOP have come to the reality that the battle with the GOP has to be joined. There is not time to quibble about whether Wisconsin Democrats should have been more pro-active.  When you tun to have that discussion with a Democrat, the Republican just shoved a sword through your torso.

    We should just lay on our collective backs and let Romney and the GOP have there way. Hey GWB wasn't that bad. We can survive Romney. This is a slave mentality. This is an abused wife mentality.

    Let's attack Obama. Let's avoid confronting those big bad Republicans. We really don't have the testicular (or ovarian) fortitude to directly go after those guys.

    Life is much easier attacking Democrats.




    You have the right attitude and harkening back to the civil rights struggle is the right antecedent.

    It brings to mind, a bit, Andrew Sullivan's piece on Obama's "long game."

    You say cut to the chase but seem to just want us to chase our tails

    Let's cut to the chase here. Some Progressives don't get their way and they decide to abandon ship. The Tea Party forced change.

    The Tea Party forced change? Well I'll be damned. What an insightful observation. Also exactly the observation I made in the comment that you are responding to. I made that observation as an example of something that has worked politically, something I wish Democrats would take a lesson from.

    Where is the support for the Progressive candidates that people say they want?

    I stated how I would show support for a progressive candidate without hurting Obama's chances one iota.

    Other Progressives pine for Ron Paul and ridicule those who are concerned about Paul's position on women's rights and his racial bias.

     I believe that virtually everybody here who supported anything about Ron Paul were supporting some of his positions and supported him being in the race so that those positions would get some airing. Nobody here is hoping that racist attitudes get more attention.

    Some of us just don't see the rationale for voting for any Republican.

    Tell it to someone who asked you to vote for a Republican. I make it clear every time I comment on the election that I will never vote for a Republican.

    If you want the Democrats to change, change 'em.

    Did you read the comment that you are responding to? Everything I wrote was about changing the Democratic leaders by changing the political tactics of the Democratic electorate. But you are right, if I want Democrats to change I should just change them. I wish you had pointed that out sooner. Tomorrow, first thing, I will change them. Consider it done.

    The sense that I was getting is that people had given up after their oh so long political battle. Their was a sense that neither party was worthwhile. Neither party had done anything. A vote for one party was the same as a vote for the other. To me it was simply false.

    I used the terms "some" and "other" not the all-inclusive "all" to separate those Progressives who expressed those ideas.

    I had mentioned the black farmers before. The farmers who were discriminated against by the Department of Agriculture waited over 2 years to get paid foe a settlement decreed by the courts decades ago. Bill Clinton didn't get them paid. GWB didn't get them paid. The farmers never gave up. They had a specified leadership. Even after the Republicans tried to block paying the settlement because of the deficit, the black farmers fought on.

    There have been concerns about voter fraud. Groups have been working day and night to battle this attempt to prevent a segment of society from being able to use their Constitutional right to vote. Against tremendous odds, they have not given up. Where are the Republicans decrying this assault? At least the Obama DOJ is taking some action in Florida.

    Citizens in Wisconsin are fighting the good fight to push back against a GOP assault on unions. Both parties are the same just doesn't ring true. Let's reward the GOP by voting for their Presidential candidate.

    A dictator in Michigan is taking over cities and selling off the people's property against their wishes. Both parties are the same. It doesn't seem true in Michigan. Let's reward 'em by a vote for Romney.

    Direct attacks on unions in Ohio? Let's vote for Romney.

    To clarify. My rant was directed at folks who repeated say that there is no difference between the parties. I disagree. I was also ranting about voting for Romney to show Obama. That is why I said "some progressives" and "other progressives". It was not directed at you.

    On the issue of Ron Paul, if Louis Farrakhan ever had a good idea, I would expect a number of posts criticizing my quoting a racist like Farrakhan because he stumbled on a good idea. Using Ron Paul as a source of ideas, strikes a similar cord. Isn't there any other source for being against the war and the drones, than that racist crackpot?



    Isn't there any other source [besides Paul]for being against the war and the drones, than that racist crackpot?

     Let's disregard the 'racist' and 'crackpot' for now. Those charges were thrown around and debated plenty. But no, there are other sources but there were not any other candidates making anything like his case against war and on some other important issues. In hindsight, do you think the electoral process so far this cycle would have been better if Ron Paul had not been a candidate?

    Yes, the racist crackpot offered nothing of substance. He was a distraction. Paul was the equivalent of Al Shapton. Sharpton ran on the Democratic side to force the discussion towards the poor. The poverty discussion never happened just like the drone discussion never happened. Paul was a poor candidate for the drone discussion, a sideshow. Sharpton had a similar role in past Democratic elections as a poor choice for the discussion at hand. Both were viewed as crackpots..

    The poverty and drone discussions are going to have to come because of outcry from the public. The big focus in this election is going to be the economy and jobs.

    The big focus in this election is going to be the economy and jobs.

    As it always is and will be; it keeps us preoccupied. Both sides promising a solution. 

    But of course; they never do deliver a real solution and the drones, poverty and other important issues, will continue to be put on the back burner. 

    Both sides saying "The big focus in this election is going to be the economy and jobs."

    My faith has taught me that things can change. Life is full of struggles. John Lewis know the battle would continue after making it across that bridge. Lewis is still fighting. Keep looking for defeat and it finds you. Why would you expect a struggle to be easy. Sit back and keep enumerating all the wrongs. Make your list and check it twice or figure out one thing that is ripe for change that interests you and begin chipping away. or you can keep making lists of irritants.

    You may be doing this already, but your posts seem pretty hopeless.



    Should I "indulge in your illusions of hope" 

    I too am "willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it."

    Open your eyes and ears.

    People have fundamental disagreements about the nature of government.  Getting a consensus is not an easy thing. The history of Eugene V Debs and the International Workers of the World is an example of the nature of political conflict.

    Why do you think a Debs style internal conflict is any better than what we have now?

    Corollary: you can change Democrats, but only when there's not a threat of big bad Republicans getting elected instead. If so, just sit quiet and support the troops candidates.

    Choices are to not vote, vote for the Republicans, vote for a third party, create a third party or work to change the Democrats. Whatever your choice,  it's your right.

    Wisconsin voters could have chosen to survive Scott Walker just like the country survived GW Bush and boot him out at the next scheduled election. Enough voters had enough buyer's remorse to want to vote Scott out now.

    I am proud to have sent money to encourage those troops!

    If you feel that both parties are the same, then just stand by and watch. Win or lose, I applaud the effort. Those my troops.

    "It's all he knows how to do."

    Well said. And all too true.

     What appears to be hopeless, is convincing people that neither party is serving the people.

    A vote for either one continues to enslave us.

    It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope and pride. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.


    If it had not been for the discontent of a few fellows who had not been satisfied with their conditions, you would still be living in caves. Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization.
    Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation.

    You need at this time especially to know that you are fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder. You need to know that you were not created to work and produce and impoverish yourself to enrich an idle exploiter. You need to know that you have a mind to improve, a soul to develop, and a manhood to sustain.


    The constitutional underpinning of the New Deal, Great Society, and federal civil rights legislation rests on an interpretation of the Commerce Clause that is hanging by a thread.  This broad construction faces a real challenge by the current Court with respect to the pending challenge to healthcare legislation.  It all depends on what a conservative appointee named Kennedy decides.  And the way for a moderate Republican to appease a rabid right is to give 'em a Clarence Thomas or two.   Here's Chief Justice Scalia, on the meaning of the broad reading of the Commerce Clause that everything progressive in this country rests on:

    “If the government can do this, what, what else can it not do?” asked Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia this week in arguments on the constitutionality of the requirement that nearly all Americans buy health care insurance or face a penalty.

    That, my friends, is serious shit, and a slippery slope that I'd leave to blackboards in constitutional law classes.

    Great blog des and I enjoy the comments too, and I wish I could be a better cheerleader--except in the end I ain't one.


    Great point and insufficiently noted.

    I will add, however, that  I absolutely and unequivocally reject the notion that in urging a vote for the boring and disappointing Democrat, that is not the same as urging people to play see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.  That's just a false choice.  There are real reasons to rest on the better of two choices, but anyone who thinks the election of a Dennis Kucinich is all progressives need to change society needs to rethink things, and big time.

    There's a whole friggin' world out there, lots of things to protest, lots of things to get our hands dirty with, and lots of things to do, whether we vote Democratic or not.  But we cannot change the composition of the United States Supreme Court, we cannot appoint the person who will head important federal agencies, and we cannot help that lots of everyday government is both important and like watching paint dry at the same time.


    The old adage that Democrats fall in love should probably be changed to: Democrats NEED to fall in love with their president, while Republicans only need to fall in line.

    Perhaps it comes from their different views of government: Republicans only want their guy to perform a few simple function, mostly stop a lot of Democratic stuff.

    Democrats want their guy to change the world, or at least our part of it.

    They could use a tidge more of the Republican "falling in line" simply because unity leads to greater effectiveness and prevents getting waylaid by losses, disappointments and endless internal squabbling. It allows the group to play the short and long game at the same time. Pocketing any and all gains and continuing to seek more.

    To pick up on RMRD, it helps the group keep its eyes on the real prize.

    Again what I was seeing as a theme was it doesn't matter, both sides do it. Both sides are the same. Romney would have appointed Sotomayor (BS). Kagan is as bad as any Romney appointee would be. Romney will be as supportive of reproductive rights as Obama.

    There was also a sense of defeat.Nothing will change.

    People are depressed about how bad things are today. Fannie Lou Hamer brought a black delegation from deep South Mississippi to take seats at a Democratic National Convention in defiance of Mississippi party leadership. They had to return to Mississippi after Their public display. I just don't accept the life is so bad now meme.

    People in Wisconsin, Florida, Ohio and Michigan can tell you about the different life they have under the GOP. I don't accept that Romney won't be that bad. 

    Paul Ryan is willing to defy the views of Catholic bishops and scholars to push his personal worldview of Catholic charity via an odious budget plan. This is the GOP point man on the budget. It is possible that Ryan will be the VP candidate.  Tell me again that Romney won't be so bad.

    I simply Have a difference of opinion with the benign Romney theme.

    If virtually everything some people post is a variation of "I hate Obama so much that I'll work against him" or "the two parties are no different", I will voice my opinion in opposition.

    Hat Tip to Chez Pazienza, Mitt Romney promises a whiter America:

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