The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Angle's Latest Angle

    If Sharron Angle took the time to learn some español, she might be saying “Tengo una dolor de cabeza” right now.  Seems Angle has been using some pretty nasty images in her campaign ads in an effort to paint Harry Reid as being soft on immigration/border control.

    But the plan is backfiring on Angle now as she tries to appease Hispanic voters in Nevada.

    "I think that you're misinterpreting those commercials," said Angle, a tea party favorite who has rallied for stricter border enforcement.  Angle told the students she was "not sure that those are Latinos in that commercial" and appeared to suggest that the ad seeks to draw attention to the danger of potential terrorists entering the country from Canada.

    Barron, a Democrat, said Angle's explanation was met with incredulous stares.  "Some of the kids, they couldn't help but chuckle at that," he said. "To deny they are anti-Hispanic when those are the only people shown in her ads, it doesn't add up."

    I find it interesting and quite telling that Angle appeared at this high school on Friday at the request of the high school students themselves.  These kids got justifiably angry and wanted to hear from Angle herself the reasoning behind these attack ads.  This shows me that kids are very interested in politics, paying attention to the candidates and issues, and – most importantly – actively involved in seeking social justice.

    Did Angle's appearance at this high school, and her lousy attempt at an explanation for her attack ads, help her in any way?  I sincerely doubt it.  And that's just fine with me.


    (Cross-posted from Once Upon a Paradigm)


    Did Angle really try to tell the kids that she was talking about Canadians too?

    Yup.  She sure did.

    "What it is is a fence, and there are people coming across that fence," she said. "What we know is that our northern border is where the terrorists came through. That's the most porous border that we have. We cannot allow terrorists, we cannot allow anyone to come across our border if we don't know why they're coming. So we have to secure all of our borders, and that's what that was about."

    Emphasis mine.



    I just wish to know if she asked for money contributions from the high schoolers.


    Excellent, dickday.  And I bet if she could have, she would have. 

    She probably told them she was cutting taxes, she didn't want American taxpayers paying for madrassa type high schools, speading Canadian and Hispanic culture and DNA.

    Airhead Aryan Angle

    Too bad the MSM didn't pick up on this. Just think. A bunch of high schoolers who can't vote, unless they're seniors, took her to task and her answers were anything but reasonable or rationale and they weren't buying her bullshit. Just think about all those non-voting opinions over an issue the voting public is considering. Politicking in isolation has merit in that anything you say or do is confined to the moment amongst a select few and nothing gets leaked simply because no one knows anything was said or done because it was isolated.

    I'm getting annoyed no one in the MSM is picking up on this. Angle and O'Donnell could surprise us all and win against all odds simply becasue the 4th estate is too busy looking for ways to capitalize on advertizing revenues rathe than carry out their responsibilty tothe public.


    okay...rant over...i'm stepping off my soap box.

    Gotta fill out my absentee ballot for Reid, but gonna persoanlly give them a long-distance overseas ass-chewing call to vent my frustration.

    No, the MSM won't pick this up, unless of course Rachel Maddow covers it.  Thank goodness for the internet, eh?


    National coverage has been crap, but Ralston has been on the race like flies on cow pies. So I think the people who matter most - the Nevada voters - are being pretty well informed ... at least in the Vegas market.

    Definitely send in that ballot! I know, I know ... ironic exhortation coming from me. But Reid's my guy. He's had Nevada's back solid for decades, losing him would be a terrible blow to the state (and not great for the rest of America either).


    Amen to that, KGB.  Being in NY, btw, I'm not really privy to how Nevada feels, but the polls remain in Harry's favor so I'm taking heart in that.  Thanks for the info, and for reading my post.


    I like Instant Ralstons. But cannot get it here.

    Ralston has come close, but never achieved the height's of Ned Day, however, I will agree he does go after politicians like stink on shit if he detects hypocrisy running high and deep. Also, Las Vegas isn't the only city in's the only blue county. The rest of the state is republican red with smaller pockets of blue. And Clark county has more than its' fair share of like-minded Angle's too. I've seen too many local elections go in directions I never thought possible when I lived there so I'm apprehensive now that my only life-line is a thin thread of can't feel the underlying pulse.

    Yeah. But Vegas has such a huge relative population it can carry a statewide if everyone votes. Which is the big concern at this point. The upside (which nobody predicted) is that Reid is also the shadow establishment GOP candidate this cycle. They aren't stupid (OK, they're not THAT stupid). Think about what will happen to Nevada if Reid is replaced by Angle ... with Ensign as backup? The Easterners would have Nuke waste in the basement of the MGM Grand and goddamn McCain would steal all our water in three seconds flat.

    Only a few of 'em will come out and say it publicly, but enough seriously prominent state GOP figures have endorsed Reid without any apparent backlash that I see it as kind of a signal to the rest of the party that it's OK to quietly support Reid on this one. We also can't discount Reid's traditional strength in the mining and ranching areas - they generally haven't been hit with the economic stuff as hard as Vegas, aren't naturally hostile to Reid and really benefit from his legislative prowess. Just looking at the constituencies, I don't think this is going to end up being a "up till midnight" race.

    I'm up North these days mostly, but have business in Reno and tons of friends down Vegas way (where I lived for more than a decade before heading where there are trees). So, I'm kind of removed from the pulse myself ... haven't been down in a while. But I think it will go OK. Got on some of my slacker friend's asses to register a while back ... I'll check in on the Friday before and then hound 'em on Tuesday until they say that they've voted - that actually works pretty well I found out in '08.

    Did I mention ... send in that *#~! ballot. (heh, you just made my list).


    HINT:  If Angle defeats Reid, then Ensign automatically become Nevada's Senior Senate and all sins and trespasses are forgiven and forgotten. Then again, it may be why Angle is receiving so much $$$ to fund her give republicans a reason why they need to keep Ensign in 2012. If he looses, then Angle becomes the Senior Senator in 2012.

    I agree on the mining and ranching...if it can't be mined, it must be well as being a Mormon are pluses almost in the bank for him. And there's a large latino population as well as union support in Vegas too. However, republicans were making headway when I left in 2004 and I suspect they've garnered more control since...always subtle changes in policies and local laws that give them advantages in the political arena, especially with casino support.

    Anyway it's currently 6:28 Los Angeles time...15:34 central european time, so I have a few hours before Reid's HQ in Las Vegas is open for business. Printing out my e-ballot and checking off the apprppriate boxes and writing memos what I want to fire at'em.

    By the way, that area around Rancho High School in North las vegas and all along 25th/Eastern Ave has some of the best mom n' pop Mexican resturants with food any latino would say is Mexican...not that imitation Taco Bell crap! It's the one thing I miss most, besides a good IN'N Out Burger, fries and milkshake.

    Rigos Taco #8 ... Baybeeeee! Can't be beat. And I've still gotta give it to Fatburger ... but damn In'N Out is a close second.


    I miss In'N'Out Burger terribly.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. The REAL threat comes from Hispanic Canadian Terrorists. Or, wait! Was that dyspeptic Canadian Tourists? I'm so confused!

    Or was it brown-skinned school crossing guards who say "eh" alot and who drink LaBatt's and play hockey in their off-duty time?

    I'm telling you, this responsibility to keep us safe from terrorists is just so gosh-darned confusing sometimes. It's enough to make one's head explode.

    And that Harry Reid. Sheesh! He won't even play along!

    I can't wait until the rumors start surfacing about people waking up in bed all along the northern border to find - tucked between the sheets - a severed moose head wearing a sombrero. THAT oughta' tip the scales in the fear-mongering department!

    Hahahaha!  Bad enough we have Terrist Canadian Geese flying in over the border...

    Isn't DD going out today with his fellow patriots to protect our northern border by blowing away some of those terrorist geese flying overhead.  (And if a few innocent American ducks get caught in the crossfire, oh well, all in the name of freedom)

    Well, so long as those ducks are wearing their American Flag lapel pins, they should be safe.  I hear those pins are strong enough to deflect bullets.  Too bad Whittington wasn't wearing his the day he went hunting with Cheney...


    Whoa ... Ducks?

    I'm out of here . . . Tell 'em you haven't seen me today.



    Haven't seen him today.  Nope.  Not at all.  Cool

    The bird flew

    This is a great item, lis b.  Good find.  I hadn't run into it, and I'm so glad you've posted the links.  Thank you.  Thank you.  I hope the woman goes down in serious flames.

    You and me both, Anna. 

    I still think Lowden would have been a better draw for Reid ... but damn Angle sure is entertaining as hell.

    How 'bout this one ...

    “She said that they were just people crossing the fence, but they weren’t Latinos. And then she said some of us don’t even look Latino, we could be Asian,”

    ROTFLMAO (almost literally).

    Yeah, I like how Barron described the students' reaction to Angle's statements..."they just gave her incredulous stares."  Would be nice to see that televised.

    Remember, these are the children of the Digital Age.  Don't be suprised to see viral versions of the event on Facebook and YouTube!

    I look forward to it.


    I wonder if any of them had cellphones and captured some interesting moments and are in negoiations with the MSM over how much they are willing to accept for the footage?

    She didn't!! That is an almost unbelievable comment. She honestly told a group of Latino high school students that some of them "didn't even look Latino?" Teh stupid. It burns.

    Yeah.  Apparently from her angle, some of them look Asian.  Hee.  Go figure.


    To Angle the Aryan, that's a concern, that means they've already affected the DNA pool.  

    From reports I've heard, Reid did not look so good in the debate. Those who heard, it stated it was as though Reid has Alzheimer's

    Maybe too many punches to the head, takes it's toll? 

    That would be bad news.

    Apparently when Angle answered the kids questions they laughed and stared at her in disbeilef.  That's pretty much the way I feel about her and many candidates altogether... as if they are just unreal.  We are fighting against crazy candidates and people that have been influenced via propaganda to vote and act against their own best interests.  It's quite a conundrum.

    We have video thanks to Crooks and Liars today.  Enjoy.


    Great, lisb!