Cookies for Communism


    If you support my 6-year-old daughter's radical lifestyle, please let me know and I'll hook you up with some Girl Scout Cookies! We've got all the good flavors:

    --Secular Hu-Mints
    --Tree-Hugger Shortbread
    --Shout "Out of the Closet!" Shortbread
    --Peanut Butter Prides
    --Peanut Butter Parenthood Planners
    --Radical Samoas (also known as Islamist De-Lites)
    --And of course, the new flavor, "Savannah Smiles because She's Really a Boy."

    She's hoping to sell at least a hundred boxes.

    (If you're mystified, check out recent criticism of the Girl Scouts' "Radical Homosexual Agenda." You won't know whether to laugh or cry.)

    --Crossposted at



    I am in, but I insist you force some contraception supplied by that communist group Planned Parenthood on some unsuspecting conservative.

    I'll take four boxes of  Secular Hu-Mints.

    And one box of you call them Radical Samoa's I call them Pagan Samoa's. :D

    (totally serious Erica, if she is selling them I will buy some, shoot me an email. TMac)

    Thanks Tmac!

    The shipping would probably be prohibitive, but you should be able to key in "Girl Scout Cookies" and find a troop near you that's selling. Make sure you tell 'em that you support the Radical Agenda of the Pagan Samoans!

    Fort Wayne must be so proud of their Rep. Morris!  He is a sad, sick and wrong pathetic excuse for a human.

    Full disclosure, I was a brownie and then a brownie leader to my daughter's group.  And we were the only group that had t shirts that declared, 'Brownie Power Empowers'!  We even had special badges made for learning about civil rights - 'We, The Brownies, Support Equality!'

    I'll take a dozen of the tree hugger shortbread, oh hell, give me a dozen boxes of each!


    Oh, so YOU'RE the one who messed up the Brownies, eh?  ;^)

    I have been thinking of distributing stickers that say "Support the Girl Scouts' Radical Agenda: Buy Cookies!"

    These Republicans are stuck on the "divide" side of "Divide and Conquer."

    I'll take a box of Tree-Hugger Foils.

    Very apropos!

    Okay, you got my attention.

    I hereby render unto Erica the Dayly Blog Title of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site; given to all of you from all of me.


    Oh how I loved my little girl!

    Aw shucks DD, that's a heckuvan honor!


    I wish it wasn't so expensive to ship them to Asia. I miss feminazi cookies. I especially miss when I was in Girl Scouts and we learned the value of hard work during the annual cookie drive. But that sounds kind of like Capitalism so I must have been too stupid to understand the underlying radical socialist indoctrination that was occurring.   

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