The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    we are stardust's picture

    CREEPY ALERT: The National Association of Rural Landowners: "Without Property Rights, no other rights are possible."

    This group headed by Ron Ewert is closely associated with the Tea Party movement.

    They produced this video about revolution, "The Coming Civil War."

    It is creepy to the Nth degree.  I know the 9-12ers in our county have armed themselves to the teeth.  The gun shops can't keep guns in the stores.  Here is NARLO's WEBSITE:

    I hope to blog soon on the local Montezuma County, CO  9/12 group; a reporter from our local Free Press covered it.  The quotes can make you shiver.

    "Lock and load, we've got them running scared."

    It is clear that many Libertarians, Birchers, Patriot Movement devotees, and Glenn Beck 9/12ers have coalesced, and are really feeling their oats.  They have finally gained legitimacy through Fox news, Big Insurance Funding, Christianist political arms, and now some of our Congresspeople.


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