The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Wattree's picture


    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree



    Corruption Is Catching Up to the Clintons and Their Associates

    Hillary Clinton is a walking assault on good government, justice, and democracy. EVERYTHING in which Hillary has ever been intimately involve in her ENTIRE career has been drenched in controversy, scandal, incompetence, and has turned out to be an absolute disaster. The only reason her supporters claim that she's suppose to have so much  "experience" is because she's been around so long and she has name recognition. But what has she ever done that's been successful?  Let me tell you - absolutely nothing. After she lost to President Obama in 2008 he tried to throw her a bone by making her Secretary of State to try to reunify the party, and look what’s happen. 
    She's the only Secretary of State in the history of this nation who didn't have enough common sense to understand the concept of national security. Instead of ensuring the security of the nation, she insured her own security - the security to wheel and deal with foreign governments on behalf of the Clinton Foundation with impunity. She was also the only Secretary of State in the history of this nation who placed her own interests above the interest of America, and if the establishment hasn't been completely taken over by the oligarchs, she'll be indicted for it.
    In the interest of the public's right to know, I am a Bernie Sanders supporter, but not a Bernie Sanders cultist, so this is not about sour grapes. This is about ridding America's tree of poison fruit.
    Corruption Conviction of Clinton Crony Foreshadows Hillary Legal Struggles


    Hillary Clinton superdelegate and longtime Democratic Congressman Chaka Fattah was convicted of 22 counts of corruption charges. After serving 11 terms in Congress, Fattah is now out on bail after an indictment was filed in July 2015 against him and four associates. Despite the conviction, Fattah is set to serve the remainder of his term in Congress until January 2017. He faces sentencing in October, and could potentially serve the rest of his life in prison.
    Fattah formally endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in February, shortly before losing his primary bid for re-election in April. He has been a Clinton loyalist for decades, standing by the Clintons amid the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the 1990s, and even helping Bill Clinton coordinate DNC fundraising trips to Philadelphia shortly after he admitted to perjury. “He can be a public servant without being perfect,” Fattah told in 1998.
    Fattah isn’t the first Clinton superdelegate to be convicted under corruption charges. Former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who was convicted of corruption in November 2015, had close ties to Hillary Clinton while she served as senator of New York. In 2008, Clinton called Silver, who played an important role in convincing Clinton to run for Senate in New York after Bill Clinton’s presidency ended, “a stalwart voice on behalf of the needs of New Yorkers.”
    Silver formally resigned from serving as a superdelegate in March 2016, and Congressman Fattah should do the same. Both Fattah and Silver still maintain their innocence, a tactic perfected by Hillary Clinton over the years—to constantly deny wrongdoing despite the overwhelming evidence suggesting otherwise.
    A number of Clinton’s close associates have been exposed for corruption. Several weeks ago, it was revealed that Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, is currently under federal investigation over questionable contributions to his 2013 campaign for governor—including $120,000 from a wealthy Chinese businessman McAuliffe introduced to Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser in her home. Clinton’s 2008 campaign co-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has also been informally removed from her position as DNC chair, and faces losing her seat in Congress to primary challenger Tim Canova after the backlash that erupted over Wasserman Schultz’s overt favoritism for Clinton throughout the 2016 Democratic primaries.
    Hillary Clinton herself will be subject to some form of indictment or conviction in the near future, regardless of whether she manages to become president. The State Department inspector general reported in May 2016 that Clinton never had authorization to use a private email server during her service as secretary of state, debunking the defense she and her supporters have been using for over a year to dismiss the issue.
    The Clinton Foundation has also been linked to several cases of fraudulent activity. Clinton appointed Rajiv Fernando, a prominent Clinton Foundation donor, to an intelligence advisory board with the State Department despite the fact that Fernando had no experience or background qualifying him for the role. An IBTimes investigation in 2015 uncovered millions of dollars in donations given to the Clinton Foundation by foreign government dictatorships in exchange for favors from Clinton’s State Department.
    Whistleblower Charles Ortel, who exposed General Electric’s financial discrepancies in 2008, has alleged the charity did not follow legal compliances when it was created, and that donations were collected and used for purposes differing from what donors were told. Ortel is currently pushing the Federal Trade Commission to open a formal investigation into the charity. Clinton Cash, a book by Peter Schweitzer, corroborated many of Ortel’s claims, laying out how the Clinton Foundation provided donor access to Clinton’s State Department.
    The Democratic National Committee has completely disregarded the democratic process by colluding with the Clinton campaign to simultaneously raise funds for itself while helping Hillary Clinton secure the presidential nomination. The Party should be pushing to reform campaign finance law—not embracing policies that allow wealthy individuals and corporations to buy off elections. While a few members of Congress push to get big money out of politics—most notably Bernie Sanders—the Democratic leadership has only strengthened its ties to wealthy and corporate donors who have hijacked the party for their own interests over the progressive agenda held by voters identifying as Democrats.
    Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign chair, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, is currently under investigation by the FBI and Department of Justice over questionable contributions to his 2013 campaign. According to a recent CNN report, the investigation—which has been going on for at least a year—calls into question Mr. McAuliffe’s service as a board member to the Clinton Global Initiative, a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation. A $120,000 donation from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, made through U.S.-based businesses, raised red flags with investigators—along with several other donations, like the $2 million he gave the Clinton Foundation.
    Governor McAuliffe is just one of several close associates to the Clintons currently under investigation for corruption. Ms. Clinton’s 2008 campaign co-chair, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is under immense pressure to resign thanks to her favoritism for Ms. Clinton throughout the Democratic primaries. Ms. Wasserman Schultz essentially tipped the scale against Senator Bernie Sanders, a violation of the impartiality her position at the DNC demands. Prominent Clinton supporter and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is also under review as part of an ongoing federal investigation into two businessmen with close ties to the mayor. The Podesta Group, implicated in the release of the Panama Papers, was founded by Tony Podesta and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chief, John Podesta. Several other prominent donors to the Clinton Foundation have also been linked to the Panama Papers, and the Clinton Foundation itself has been frequently cited as a source of money laundering and exchanging political favors for large donations.
    It comes as no surprise that Hillary Clinton’s closest associates are involved in a litany of ethics violations as corruption has been the modus operandi of Ms. Clinton’s campaign for the entire duration of the primaries. Hillary Clinton has publicly vocalized support for campaign finance reform, yet owes much of her success in the primaries to the current corrupt system, which enables her to fundraise unethically, bending and possibly breaking current campaign finance laws. The Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee between the Clinton campaign and the DNC, was recently revealed by Politico to be laundering money to the Clinton campaign to circumvent campaign finance laws. Mr. Sanders’ campaign has also highlighted additional
     violations and ethical breaches made by the Hillary Victory Fund.
    FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server

    In a letter disclosed Monday in a federal court filing, the FBI confirms one of the world’s worst-kept secrets: It is looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
    Why say this at all, since it was widely known to be true? Because in August in response to a judge’s direction, the State Department asked the FBI for information about what it was up to. Sorry, the FBI said at the time, we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation.
    Now, in a letter dated February 2 and filed in court Monday, the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, notes that in public statements and congressional testimony, the FBI “has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server.”
    Baker says the FBI has not, however, “publicly acknowledged the specific focus, scope or potential targets of any such proceedings.”
    He ends the one-paragraph letter by saying that the FBI cannot say more “without adversely affecting on-going law enforcement efforts.”
    The letter was filed in one of the Freedom of Information Act cases brought against the State Department over access to documents from Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state. This one was filed by Judicial Watch.

    What we know about the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails

    Over the past couple of days, some Hillary Clinton critics have complained over the way her campaign has described the FBI’s probe into her private email server. Clinton and her campaign have called the probe a "security inquiry" regarding information stored on the server, as opposed to a criminal probe.
    "I say what I have said now for many, many months: It's a security inquiry," she said on CBS May 8.
    But on May 11, reporters met with FBI Director James Comey, and he said he is not familiar with the term "security inquiry." Instead, he said, "we're conducting an investigation. That's what we do."
    The FBI is reportedly expanding its investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server

    The FBI is widening its investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email account while she was U.S. secretary of state to determine whether any public corruption laws were violated, Fox News reported on Monday.
    The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been looking into whether classified material was mishandled during Clinton's tenure at the State Department from 2009-2013.
    It will expand its probe by examining possible overlap of the Clinton Foundation charity with State Department business, Fox reported, citing three unidentified intelligence officials.
    "The [FBI] agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed," Fox quoted one of its unidentified sources as saying.
    The FBI and the State Department had no immediate comment on the report. The Clinton campaign didn't immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.
    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus issued a statement calling the Fox News report "a very troubling development."
    The FBI last expanded its probe into the server in November to examine whether "materially false statements" were ever provided to agents throughout the course of the case.
    Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid
    Whom does the country have to blame for Donald Trump’s ascendancy in American politics? The Republican Party, for cultivating conservative populism to score short-term victories against Barack Obama? The media, for covering Trump’s every utterance at the expense of all other candidates? Celebrity culture, for thrusting him into the public consciousness? Capitalism, for making him rich? Tall buildings, of which Trump has many?
    Wrong, says The Washington Post, which revealed the supposed truth on Wednesday: it was former president and candidate spouse Bill Clinton all along.
    According to several Trump sources (and one Clinton source) who spoke to the Post, the two men spoke over the phone in late May, shortly before Trump announced his run in June. During the call, the Trump sources said, Clinton “encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party” and “analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the G.O.P. base.”
    “People with knowledge of the call in both camps said it was one of many that Clinton and Trump have had over the years, whether about golf or donations to the Clinton Foundation. But the call in May was considered especially sensitive, coming soon after Hillary Rodham Clinton had declared her own presidential run the month before.
    “At the time, Trump was touting a “foolproof” but undisclosed plan to defeat Islamic State terrorists and ramping up his presence on the airwaves, including interviews where he was asked about his donations to the Clinton Foundation. He entered the race June 16.


    Edward R. Murrow


    Eric L. Wattree
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)

    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does. 


    I suggest noticing the dates on these articles before representing them as hot off the presses.

    Wattree just reposts and reposts the same stuff over and over.  When they get stale he goes back and "edits" to bring it back on top of the Latest Comments section.

    It amazes me what a shallow and simplistic level some people think today. "Hot off the press" is not what makes a issue relevant. How long do you think it takes to collect and investigate all of the relevant facts of a case, interview all of the people that needs to be interviewed, research the law to assess what laws have been broken, and then build a case? The stories that I present are designed to bring the public up to speed on relevant issues that are being investigated.  Thus, taking the attitude that if it wasn't in yesterday's news makes it less than relevant is grossly simplistic, and it is exactly the attitude that the establishment uses to sweep issues that they don't want to address under the rug.  They're dependent on your short attention span as a tool of manipulation.  That's why they abolished the Fairness Doctrine and they've mounted a brutal attack on our educational system. The establishment depends on ignorance to promote their agenda - and ignorance is exactly what they've got. That's why we have two of the most flawed, incompetent, and corrupt nominees for President of the United States in the history of this country.
    One of the things that initially attracted me to this site was the insight and intellect that I saw displayed by some of the people who contributed to it. But now I'm beginning to see that it also has its contingent of the clueless.  I keep telling myself that I should simply write to that group of people here who understand what's going on around them and ignore the clueless tribalists, but I've always been a procrastinator. I'm determined to remedy that flaw in my character today. You just cannot get people who are determined to build their own reality to see anything other than what makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. Truth is meaningless to such people.  That's why America is in the shape that it's in today.  

    Projection. A finer example I've never seen. 

    I didn't say it wasn't relevant because the announcement was six months ago. I was merely pointing that you presented it as if it was breaking news.

    I will let you get back to spamming the site.

    You call it spam.  I call it fighting for America.

    5 out of 10 posts are yours at the moment with only small differences between them. The effect on this reader is that if you have read one of them, you have read them all. That is not a desirable quality for your purposes. The constant repetition makes it hard to separate the claims being made from the expression of all-consuming hatred you have for the Clintons.

    If you're going to post on Dagblog you accept that everyone can comment on your pieces.  We're an open society here and we encourage everyone to present their own points of view.  We try to draw the line at ugly personal insults, but otherwise we're free to disagree.  It's what keeps us lively.  And sometimes fun.  Nobody comes here assuming they'll have their own private soapbox.  That's what blogs are for.

    What are you talking about, Ramona!!!?

    Show me where I told someone not to comment on my blogs. Please post it.  I'll be awaiting your response.

    I was responding to this:

    One of the things that initially attracted me to this site was the insight and intellect that I saw displayed by some of the people who contributed to it. But now I'm beginning to see that it also has its contingent of the clueless.  I keep telling myself that I should simply write to that group of people here who understand what's going on around them and ignore the clueless tribalists

    When you post here you're posting to everyone, and everyone is entitled to comment.  In fact, we encourage it.  We don't, however, encourage name-calling.

    Again, Ramona,

    Show me where I said that someone didn't have the right to comment on my posts.  You haven't done that.  If you can't do that, don't try to lecture me on the subject.

    Show me where I said you said someone didn't have the right to comment on your posts.  That's not my point.

    [Comment removed by moderator]

    Wattree, ToS warning for personal attack


    Who have I attacked, and how did I attack them? 

    If you wish to discuss the violation, you may contact me by email.


    What's you're email address?

    My last name @


    I would like to discuss this with you over email, and I will be anxiously awaiting your email address, but in the meantime please read the thread. I don't even remember the comment that's been deleted, so please email me with a copy. But I know without a doubt that I didn't attack anyone, because I don't attack people;  I attack their thinking. Personal attacks are the refuge of idiots.


    I gave you my email address. It's my last name @yahoo. You can also check your email archives because we've corresponded before. Or you can reach me at So many ways to find me.

    I dont know if the deleted ones are worse, but I think you can safely qualify your comments still up at the end of the THE CLINTON EMAIL SCANDAL TIMELINE thread as "personal attack".

    Thanks, that comment has also been removed.

    Wattree, your comment was removed for a Terms of Service violation. If you reset or repeat the comment, you will be immediately suspended from dagblog.

    Since you regard the place as filled with (your term) "clueless tribalists" what's keeping you here? 

    I'm sure there are plenty of other sites more receptive to your pearls of wisdom.

    This is GREAT, Syn!!!
    These Republicrats are destroying the Democratic Party and we've got to do something about it. I'm going to use information like this to stirup so much anger that all hell is going to be breaking loose by the convention. The Clinton gang is trying to steal this nomination, and we can't let them get away with it - not just for Bernie, but for America. We have uninformed Americans sitting around cheerleading and doing the wave as America goes up in flames.
    "A citizenry of sheep begits a government of wolves." - Edward R. Murrow

    Revolt by Security Personnel May Define Hillary as the Weak Candidate

    This speaks volumes. The woman is completely incompetent, and everyone who's studied her objectively, knows it.  Bernie Sanders is a very likable guy, but I'd be willing to bet that a large number of the people who are supporting him are not so much pro Bernie as they are anti-Hillary. Quite honestly, I have to scratch my head every time somebody tells me they support her. The first question that pops up in my mind is, why?  And you what, most of her supporters can't tell you - and there's a good reason for that, because there is no reasonable answer.  Many of Hillary's supporters would probably also support Beyonce, because they recognize her name and they have a tribalist mentality - and God forbid if "Broadway" Joe Namath ran for president.

    Eric, you have been told repeatedly why people chose Hillary

    She is the most qualified candidate

    Bernie cannot explain his own programs and is a puppet of the gun manufacturers

    Single payer is a non-starter

    Free college is a non-starter

    Both Hillary and Sanders are against TPP. Hillary is bright enough not to confront Obama on the issue and create an ad for Trump and the GOP. Sanders is stupid enough to attack Obama openly on TPP. He distanced himself from black voters who don't want to see Obama attacked. Sanders is simply not very bright politically.

    Hillary was able to form a multi-ethnic coalition.Sanders appeal,was limited racially

    Bernie Sanders has limited appeal. He was foolish enough to think that Trump would conduct a debate. Sanders is a sucker

    Hillary has withstood a years long smear campaign from the GOP. Sanders could not withstand the attacks the GOP would bring against him.

    Bernie viewed the Brexit vote as a vote against millionaires and billionaires. He missed the point that it was an anti-immigration vote. Young people, urban people, and Scottish people viewed the exit as insane. Bernie sides with the bigots. Hillary got the Brexit right. Millions of UK voters now want a re-vote. Bernie is incompetent.

    We give you reasons for supporting Hillary but you are deaf.

    But, but, but...he didn't win against the highly qualified opponent, so it must be fraud!!!!!!  

    It surely couldn't be anything else.

    I see that you have all the Hillary talking points down pat.  It saddens me to hear that you believe that progressive values are "non-starters".   That is right in line with the Hillary mantra "No, we can't".  Also, the fact that there has been a "smear" campaign against Hillary shows that she has repeatedly provided fodder for the campaign.

    I am a Progressive with a brain. Single payer failed in Bernie's home state of Vermont

    Sanders free college plan would be blocked by state Governors and legislators.

    ​Taxing Wall Street won't pay for Sanders free college plan so he needs the Governors and state legislators.

    I am a Progressive with a brain. It will take time to convince the public to agree to the costs of Sanders dreams.

    I will not stand by and see an incompetent like Bernie Sanders ruin Progressive ideas because he does not know how to implement them. A President Sanders would destroy the Progressive movement in the mind of the public for decades.

    " It saddens me to hear that you believe that progressive values are "non-starters".   That is right in line with the Hillary mantra "No, we can't". " - yawn, this is the topic debated the whole last year, and Bernie lost - deal with it. (and yes, the framing is a smear as well - we think we "can", but only so much due to normal constraints.).


    Ya' know what Wattree?

    This man in six minutes said more by blowing his ax (16th Street Baptist Church?) than blowing a whole load of hot air out his asteroid-orifice. You should have taken a lesson and learned from him.

    He'll long be remembered.

    Sadly, you won't.







    Trane would have been disgusted by Hillary Clinton as well. Trane and his music was dedicated to justice and morality. Bill and Hillary Clinton are dedicated corruption, self-service, and whatever they can get away with. . As for whether or not I'll be remembered, that remains to be seen. If you're not pissin' somebody off, you're not sayin' nothin'. That's why I don't join knitting circles. The key to life is seeing life as it is, not as you would like it to be. And jumping up and down because someone challenges your view of reality doesn't change reality a bit. It's simply an exercise in immaturity. It's like a child throwing a shit-fit in a store because he can't have a toy.

    ...said the guy who is an advisor to Donald Trump.

    CVille, You're comment makes the point I was making above. You're hearing only what you want to hear. He says he advises ANYONE who requests his advice in his field, including Hillary and Bernie. But you didn't hear that. I can only wonder what else you're missing.

    No, he didn't say that he "advises Clinton," he said that he advises Trump.  When asked, he then stated that he would advise anyone, including Clinton, if asked.  Do you think Trump would pay someone who speaks positively about Clinton?  Would Bernie?  He said he will advise anyone who pays him.   So will I.  The Clinton campaign won't ask for my advice, and they won't ask for his.

    I didn't miss a thing.  You did, however.

    Posted twice in error

    The more Sanders supporters post, the more assured we become that the right candidate won. Sanders supporter are gullible.

    Flynn said that there were 100 FBI agents investigating Hillary, a wingnut lie. Flynn is advising the Trump campaign and disagrees with Obama's Middle East policy

    Sanders was a sucker when he thought Broke Donald was willing to debate. He sides with the bigots in Brexit.What a loser.


    I'm not going to nitpick with you over irrelevancies. That how the larger, and more relevant point is lost. There has been various numbers bandied about regarding the number of FBI agents assigned to the Clinton case, and all of them are shockingly high, considering Hillary's insistence that it's merely a "security review" - which the FBI Director denied, by the way.

     There are dozens of FBI agents involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation

    ""Update March 29 8:10 pm: The article cited in this piece said that 147 FBI agents had been detailed to the investigation, citing a lawmaker briefed by FBI Director James B. Comey. Two U.S. law enforcement officials have since told The Washington Post that that figure is too high. The FBI will not provide an exact figure, but the officials say the number of FBI personnel involved is fewer than 50.  The headline has been corrected accordingly. I apologize for the error.

    "About halfway through Robert O’Harrow’s terrific — and terrifically detailed — WaPo piece on the origins of Hillary Clinton’s email problems, there is this paragraph:"

    One hundred forty-seven FBI agents have been deployed to run down leads, according to a lawmaker briefed by FBI Director James B. Comey. The FBI has accelerated the investigation because officials want to avoid the possibility of announcing any action too close to the election.


    "One hundred and forty seven agents? Doesn’t that seem like a ton for a story that Clinton has always insisted was really, at heart, a right-wing Republican creation?"

    So RM, let's just suffice it to say there's a LOT of agents working on the case.  My son, who has been a Special Agent with the U.S. Justice Department for 15 years, told me yesterday that the Clinton "saga" is all everybody's talking about, and if she's not indicted he's heard rumors many agents may revolt.  They're already revolting in the State Department.

    Eric, at one time you were sharp and would never have fallen for a charlatan like Bernie Sanders. The WaPo did publish the bizarre story of hundreds of FBI agents investigating Hillary. If you think about it, that is the level that a terrorist attack would create. Your biased Lt. General also fell for the nonsense.

    Predictably, the WaPo had to correct the story

    As I said, gullible.


    Don't try to come at me with that dumb-ass transparent "used to be sharp" shit. Who do you think you're talking to with that adolescent bullshit? That's the kind of shit you say to your peers, and with every comment that you make it's becoming more abundantly clear to me that I'm not one of them.  That's why I rarely even respond to you anymore. I would have ALWAYS preferred Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton, because I have NEVER been stuck on stupid. Bill and Hillary Clinton are criminals, and I've known it for years, because I used to be one myself - and my father was a criminal before me. It was my intimate knowledge of the criminal mindset that allowed me to raise my son and daughter NOT to go in that direction - and it is exactly the reason that Eric's a federal agent today, because I taught him to hate criminals. They are greedy, self-serving, and they are destroying this society and our way of life. Criminals depend on clueless and naive people like you, because without you, they couldn't survive.


    Massachusetts law is clear and unequivocal:
    "Within 150 feet of a polling place…no person shall solicit votes for or against, or otherwise promote or oppose, any person or political party or position on a ballot question, to be voted on at the current election. No campaign material intended to influence the vote of a voter in the ongoing election, including campaign literature, buttons, signs, and ballot stickers, may be posted, exhibited, circulated, or distributed in the polling place, in the building where it is located, on the building walls, on the premises where the building stands, or within 150 feet of an entrance door to the building. ( 950 CMR 53.03(18); 54.04.22),)"  
    But in spite of that law - THE PEOPLE'S LAW - Bill Clinton feels so entitled and thinks the people are so stupid, that we can't recognize that he constitutes a walking billboard for Hillary Clinton. He also retards the vote by creating a distraction, his presidential entourage prevents people from getting into the polls, and it extends the time that voters have to wait in line - time that many voters don't have.  Didn't Bill Clinton know this,?  If he didn't, he has very poor judgment, If he did, what was his motive?  He wasn't voting, so why did he have to enter the polling site in the first place?  The answer is clear - to cheat, to circumvent the law, and to do whatever he had to do to get what he wanted. Haven't we had enough to these dishonest slicksters in office?  Aren't these exactly the kind of people we're trying to get OUT of office? Can you even imagine Barack Obama doing something like that?  Could you imagine Bernie Sanders doing something like that?  Absolutely not! And that's exactly why this nation can't be trusted in the hands of people like the Clintons. They lack character, they feel entitled, and they think that their interests - and the interests of their rich Wall St. cronies -  should be given priority over the interest of the average American.

    The DailyKos reported, ". . . the most serious charge leveled at Clinton’s March 1st Super-Tuesday antics is that he was blocking poor people from voting, in one of Massachusetts most distressed communities, where the median family income is $49,000, [which is] $110,000 less than the Massachusetts town where presidential candidate Hillary Clinton went to college, Wellesley.  Although electioneering within a polling place is a misdemeanor, interfering with voting rights is a state and federal civil rights violation and felony."















    Eric, it is well known that the WaPo had to retract your linked article. The shear number of FBI agents alleged made no sense. 

    You are correct, my peers were not criminals. The Clintons did not kill Vince Foster. Bill is not guilty of electioneering in Massachusetts. There is no criminal conviction. There is only slander.

    Bernie Sanders is a Senator sitting in a protected seat. He is free to offer unicorns to the public.He has no real friend in the Senate so he cannot build consensus there. Sanders has limited appeal to ethnic minorities, women, and to white Democrats. He lost the primary by almost 4 million votes. According to your beloved WaPo, 80% of Bernie supporters have switched to Hillary. Bernie is a has been.

    BernieBros will show up in Philadelphia to disrupt proceedings. They will embarrass themselves. As I noted, the optics will that of spoiled white males harassing women, minorities, and Progressives. Sanders is encouraging this behavior. Sanders is making himself irrelevant.

    The only way Sanders can achieve single-payer, free college, etc. at this point in time is through the use of force. Sanders is incapable of unifying the nation and cannot enact any of his promises. He got plunked by Donald Trump. The leaders of Russia, China, and North Korea would eat Bernie for lunch. If you want Progressive ideas to be dashed for decades, keep working for the incompetent Bernie Sanders to be President.

    Edit to add:

    By not being a criminal, I am in the majority of black people in the United States of America. There are more black young men aged 18-25 in college than in the penitentiary.

    2nd Edit to add:

    You have been supplied with links to comments from the Mass. AG noting that Bill Clinton was not guilty of electioneering. The AG has not issued new statements on the issue, so your repeated cut and paste does not change the facts. 

    Do you have anything new to add to the discussion? People are free to file lawsuits. Our courts are full of them. The fact remains that the AG is not filing charges. Cutting and paste the same information does not change the situation. Filing a lawsuit does not change the situation. Courts are free to reject lawsuits. Is there information stating that a court will hear a case filed against Bill Clinton for breaking election law?

    3rd Edit to add:

    You simply add to your ancient cut and paste. You offer nothing new. There is only slander against the Clintons that has been rejected by the bulk of Democrats. The rejection of the slander is categorized as group think rather than the rational thought process it represents. There is no defense of Sanders the incompetent political candidate because no defense is possible.

    Sanders would wilt under true political pressure. How do I know he would wilt? I look at his current pathetic behavior. He alienates rather than unites. Hillary has made concessions but Bernie makes continuous demands and makes it clear that he is an egomaniac. Sanders is destroying his legacy without any help from the Clintons or the DNC.

    John Lewis and other proud black Americans are with Hillary. They are joined by women, Latinos, and white Progressives. Bernie's only got the BernieBros.The BernieBros are the blind UniMind. The BernieBros are like the dinosaurs. The meteor that was the primary has hit and Sanders political demise is on the way.

    I think it's tacky to make post-mortem claims about Coltrane doing anything, much less crass politics. Leave the man alone.

    Okay, Peracles, so you think it's tacky. I don't, and I'm the one who's making the comment, not you. Trane was a member of the Nation of Islam, and an activist.

    You're going to play dumb with me? Coltrane spent his last years embracing Indian religion. Does "A Love Supreme" mean anything to you? It sucks to put words and opinions in a long dead genius' mouth.


    Coltrane, a deeply spiritual musician, married his second wife Juanita Naima Grubbs in 1957 and through her came into contact with Islam. Everybody in his band was Muslim.  "A Love Supreme" is a Muslim prayer. He merely explored Indian music due to the exotic scales and chord progressions.
    Jazz saxophonist Yusef Lateef describes his relationship with the great John Coltrane, detailing his conversations with the jazz legend on religion. Lateef provides Coltrane's A Love Supreme, a high watermark in jazz, with some interesting background in relation to Coltrane's Muslim wife, Naima.Jul 21, 2014



    His last 10 years with partner/later wife Alice delved into Indian/Hindu religion, along with Universalism, not jst as a musical tool but in shaping his beliefs and how he treated others. Calling him a "Muslim" misses so much.

    Let the man rest in peace before you co-opt him for some tawdrypurposes. A truly special man.

    Hillary Clinton’s email story continues to get Harder and Harder to Believe

    If Hillary is a criminal, why is President Barack Obama threatening his legacy by campaigning with her?

    The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug smuggling
    Bill Clinton colluded with the Reagan administration to transport drugs into Mena, Arkansas when he was governor of Arkansas to flood the Black community with crack cocaine, and then as president he signed the most draconian crime bill in the history of the United States leading to the mass incarceration of the Black victims of his crime, and created the prison industrial complex. Thereafter, the prison industrial complex became one of Hillary Clinton's biggest political contributors. The people must demand that Hillary withdraw.  These two can not be allowed back into the White House.
    The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug smuggling






    Really?  This is what you've got?  Warmed over conspiracy theories from 40 years ago?  This is so pathetic!

    Hillary won.  Bernie lost.

    Eric, I want to thank you and all the other BernieBros for confirming that no rational discussion can be had with a BernieBros.

    Here is a link to an article from Mother Jones debunking myths about Bill Clinton

    The article contains facts not a mashup of Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, the CIA, the FBI, the Illuminati , and space aliens.

    Bernie Sanders brought his sorry behind to "All In" with Chris Hayes. It is clear that he will plan to stage a large protest at the Democratic National Convention. It is clear that he will not endorse Hillary Clinton.

    Sanders is a washed up, bitter old man. His hardcore supporters are suckers for conspiracy theories disconnected from facts. There is simply no way to get through to Sanders and his hardcore supporters. The fact that Sanders and his hardcore supporters are so out of touch is a good thing. The hardcore supporters are not Democrats. They will be seen as attacking the Democratic Party. There will be no direct connection between Democrats and the conspiracy theorists.

    President Obama will be campaigning with Hillary in NC on Tuesday. Vice President Biden will campaign with Hillary in Scranton next Friday.

    Ah, I get it. What you're saying is Snopes part in the Grand Conspiracy is the cover up of the Clinton's many murders. Why has there been no investigation of snopes financial connections to the Clintions? It's very suspicious. One simple investigation would easily find the bribes and payoffs.

    What really happened was that I was laughing so hard after looking at Wattree's post that I used the Google and got links from Mother Jones, snopes, and other places de bunking the video. The post was so ridiculous because I didn't think anyone still believed the Mena nonsense. The great thing is that the BernieBros and Sanders himself make a clear distinction between the Democratic Party and the BernieBros political nonsense.

    the Mother Jones link


    This propaganda was designed for the most ignorant hate filled angry republican voter. It's just red meat for the base. Just like the Obama birther scam. Not even the educated republicans believed it. It's astonishing that wattree would post it and even more astonishing he would post it here. It's the type of nonsense that finds it's audience at Breitbart. One must wonder if he's actually clueless enough to believe it or so clueless about the people at dagblog that he doesn't realize everyone here has read the extensive debunking of this nonsense years ago. If he believes it I pity him. If he doesn't I wonder who it is he's trying to con with these lies.

    Sanders seemed pretty lethargic on "All In" last night despite the fact that Chris Hayes conducted a softball interview. Sanders was never pressed on the fact that Democrats wanted him to quit or how he thought that he wasn't just being a useful idiot by giving anti-Hillary attack points to Donald Trump.Bernie was never pushed to admit that he lost.

    It is pretty pathetic that the hardcore defenders defense of Bernie is to repeatedly post video rants of unsubstantiated charges against Hillary from Sandernistas. We get repeated cut and paste posts of anti-Hillary rants falsely presented as new posts. The headlines for the posts are in all caps. Their actions confirm there is no defense of Bernie Sanders.

    Joining in the stuck on stupid movement is Deray McKesson of Black Lives Matter. McKesson threatens that BLM may conduct protests at the DNC if the platform is not to his liking. If McKesson joins the BernieBros, we will see if other members of BLM support his actions. BLM may find itself in opposition to the bulk of black voters if it does conduct protests. A new Pew study suggests that while 65% of blacks agree with the overall goals of BLM, strong support is only about 40%. Most blacks do not feel that BLM is effective now or will be effective in the long run. About 80% of blacks doubt the effectiveness of BLM.

    Those numbers may indicate that black Democrats are not going to side with BLM if the loosely-knit organization mounts a protest. Putting themselves at odds with Black Democrats like John Lewis may be the death knell for BLM.

    You're sure about this?  Way back in 1994 there were some who saw this story as "crackpot".  You be the judge:

    Quite a chessboard of cause and effect you've sketched there, Eric.

    Where's Bill's time machine?  Or is he just that prescient?

    Or am I wasting time and pixels with logic on what is otherwise not so based?