by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
(response to CVille Dem) Fun aside, all this joking about Sanders & his voters living in their mom's basement is quite a bit unfair, and worse, masking a much bigger problem.
Sanders is addressing some issues that need to be addressed, and others are coming up because of his candidacy. Some I agree with, some I disagree with, some I have a different view on implementation. There are many intelligent people of all ages, genders/sexual preferences and ethnic groups attracted to his message, and we've largely been oppressed with the dour limitations of what's possible the last 15 years, vs. what we wanted to do. Yeah, if you want to lose weight, you start one workout at a time, but you also think of the thinner healthier self in 3 or 6 or 12 months. We've been pretty goal-free the last 6, aside from holding off terrorism and not expanding our wars *too* much. Gay marriage happened without the administration. Legalized marijuana's been a state experiment only. Voter restrictions and open carry are perversely on the rise, as is police abuse of civilians (especially black) even while carrying fancy "protective" tasers they use indiscriminately, while Citizens United and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act took away protections we thought were settled. Recovery from 2009 hasn't been pretty even if we can start to say it's looking pretty good. "Pretty good" after 7 years isn't much of a rallying cry. It's pretty obvious that success dripped out painfully and sparingly over time won't attract a huge ovation. Even Obama's hallmark ACA was *designed* to drip out slowly. Cautious and no-drama is partly what's brought us here, especially in face of outrageous overreach on the other side ever since Bush declared his Supreme Court-abetted squeaker a "mandate" (or ever since Gingrich, or ever since Reagan...)
The 2012 elections were a waste due to issues that didn't come up - pretty content-free. Even this one, women's issues aren't touched, aside from some that have arisen due to gaffes, insults, or different ways of viewing comments. You'd think there was no great conservative conspiracy against abortion, for example, or that it was unimportant or less important than TPP, fracking, saying "predator", no fly zones or speech transcripts.
Wage equality and countering the McJobs & UberJobs ethos is important. I probably had a gut reaction against Bernie marching with Verizon strikers, but I also remember Rahm telling an Arkansas union it "flushed its money down the toilet" getting involved in an anointed election and Obama playing hands-off with Wisconsin's union mess. So it's nice seeing someone get their hands & reputation dirty with unions.
There's a lot been unsaid for so long, like the mute Chief Broom in Cuckoo's Nest. Yeah, to succeed in these political waters involves a lot of compromise and muted expressions and careful constructions - but sometimes this polite playing-by-the-rules bit simply sucks, and someone has to say so.
Benghazi wasn't stupid, but the overthrow of Libya was a huge brainfart, especially since Qaddafi had been cooperating with us post-9/11. Didn't prepare properly for post-overthrow? where have I heard that one - oh yeah, the vindictive morons who gave us Iraq II. Imitation is the severest form of flattery.
Yeah, Hillary keeping her own email server was stupid - who in government does this kind of thing? Especially as hackers get better, China goes rogue and after Bradley Manning walked out of a facility with a flash drive.
No, it doesn't take a brainiac to realize that after Goldman Sachs kept a 2nd set of books for Greece's crooked dealings and was a big player in 2008/9's meltdown that money for big speeches from these very same assholes wouldn't go over well, however much the economy has to live with Wall Street?
I have internal debates about trade agreements and success of job growth, but obviously we haven't been "growing jobs" like we used to bloviate about, and that "engine of the world's economy" looks pretty pathetic from a worker's eyes.
Environment? we got lucky that fracking & renewables have helped, because government and global cooperation have been pretty feeble, aside from someone like Merkel pushing the limits and installing a ton of unaffordable solar & wind.
Israel? Why the fuck are we even discussing Israel in a US election, much less namedropping a leader? Those glorious half-assed Camp David days are decades ago - dead since 2000 and permanent since Arafat's demise in 2004. We've gone from defending a people's right to exist to defending their right to board and fire on protest boats or build walls through occupied territories. Seriously.
Gun violence? Why let's hold another speech and day of mourning. Who's lost their job over this? Many more deaths than over San Bernardino, but the FBI's not cracking phones of the Bundies and other gun freaks - instead they want to do Open Carry at the GOP convention. Guess we showed them with that vote years ago. Must be getting old - please remind me what it was for?
Whatever happened to the 50 state push? Even if Obama p***ied out on it, what about the rest of our liberal crowd? Where's MoveOn, TruthDig, DailyKos, HuffPost, and Netroots and whoever? And that includes Bernie and HIllary and Howard Dean and so on - how did we let ourselves sit back on our asses and find ourselves shut out of most legislatures, behind in the Senate and A DISMAL FUCKING PARODY IN THE HOUSE where the lunatics rule the roost with all sorts of freaky trickle-down/tax-cut/anti-woman/racist anti-voter madness pushed by tea partiers to a hyper-exponential scale - and WE CAN'T EVEN MAKE THEM LOOK TOO STUPID TO ELECT.
Think of this - DONALD TRUMP IS DOING OUR WORK FOR US. It took this self-inflated blowhard to expose modern "conservatism" as the most utter bullshit, vapid, content-free movement in recent memory with constantly shifting sands and hollow platitudes that never ever ever get followed through. Mitt Romney, whose claim to fame was a cheap imitation health program inspired by liberals and vulture capitalism inspired in spite of his father's ethics lost by only 4%. If the Republicans had just found a half-sane person who wasn't a Bush, they would WIN THIS ELECTION. instead they got a guy preaching grain pyramids, and another one eeryone hates who likes shutting down government again & again, and then a few other unknown brazenly incompetent and hateful fuckers, so we can go into these last primaries thinking we've got an easy road.
Except our road leads to the top of the shit heap, and there's not fuck-all we can do about it for the next 4 years because our organization and messaging is still bullshit. Obama's cabinet was filled with Wall Street fuckers who papered over the bailout and gave several sweetheart deals to the worst criminals, and now Hillary's message is "I wasn't too nice to them, but they are my homies" as she pockets a quick $1 million or so for 3 speeches - roughly 5 times a Senator's salary. We're debating single payer as if it meant something when the GOP tricked us into leaving 35 MILLION UNINSURED, 11%. WE DIDN'T ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE DESPITE ALL THIS YAPPING. Cutting it by 45% or so was great, but still way short.
The 2 Democratic candidates aren't even debating the FBI's demands on Apple or the escalated surveillance under Obama, much less what's happened since Bush rammed FISA revisions up our ass a decade and a half ago. The Panama Papers is the 3rd great leak after Manning & Snowden, but it's done 0 to bring us to address the shadow economy and what that means about all these rich bastards content to use their lobbyists to shove through unfair legislation and court rulings and stack all branches of government to make their thieving and country club living a slam dunk. Corporates like Amazon and Google and Apple and Microsoft not paying taxes? Ho-hum.
The biggest complaint about Occupy Wall Street was that it was run by a bunch of hippies with no leader or focused expression of what they want. So now they found one. And the best we can muster is, "but it's not realistic!!!" Well Bernie's not going to get elected anyway, so he doesn't have to be realistic - he has to tell people what he wants, and if he gets #OWS cubed or to the tenth power behind him, it's up to the elected to figure out how to achieve it or get their asses thrown out.
Even there, we're pathetic - we've turned America's Dream into a demand of a minimum $30K a year job, or $24K by Hillary's reckoning, ignoring the increased unemployment that goes with that, while the economy and overpaid CEO's and investors shove as many of those now piece-work jobs towards the bottom edge. That minimum's roughly 30-40 years of work to make the equivalent of 3 speeches to those thieving cretins at Goldman Sachs. What the fuck was she thinking? Her salary and husband's $90 million wasn't enough?
We've got huge issues related to the environment, jobs, survival, health, our future and the planet's, what kind of fairness and opportunity and social improvement and overall just & livable landscape we leave to our kids. And yet night after night we joke about these dismal politicians who can't even show their taxes or tell us what they talk about with bankers behind doors, but we're supposed to believe them and their proposals, even though we know they don't even understand technology except how to run a rogue email server or a crooked financial trading scheme, the way the bastards rig car emissions and the extent of oil spills (still remember BP & the never-ending Gulf spill?) and the number of drone deaths and polluted water and civil war deaths and poverty and lack of progress in dealing with issues that didn't look near this bad back in the 70's when Detroit was collapsing and on the rot.
And here we are, reminiscing about the days when the economy was so good we were able to cut welfare and give huge permanent tax breaks to the rich and set up a housing Ponzi scheme and lock up minorities instead of figuring out a sane way of offering real opportunity and integration and belonging to 1/7th our citizenry and live up to the pro-immigration words on the Statue of Liberty, put there as a roadsign in our biggest harbor almost 150 years ago. Hint: if it won't survive the next onslaught of the barbarians across the aisle, it's probably not a long-term solution, eh?
To paraphrase Ewan McGregor, "It's SHITE being Democrats! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate Republicans. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. Can't even find a decent party to be colonized by. We're ruled by effete arseholes. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, and all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!"
As Jon Stewart once said, "We suck less" isn't a standard to run by. How 'bout we excel more - grow a pair and a real vision? Maybe instead of a dumbass donkey, it could be the People's Party - how novel.
We are all indebted to CVille.
Who were those car keys I saw you out with last night?
They were not car keys, they were Peracles.
PP, I've come to the conclusion that there are two types of personalities. Those which are controlled by guilt. And those which are controlled by shame. The former become Republicans and the latter, Democrats.
Republicans need authoritarianism and guilt tripping---otherwise they will watch porn until they kill themselves. "your hands will fall off and Jesus won't like you, so stop."They are most motivated when they can criticize and hope to control and change the behavior of others so as to conform to their own standards.
For better or worse the rest of us are subject to shame and self criticism---such as, we're smart, why can't we figure this out so that we don't destroy the planet and everybody gets a fair shake in the process. The self analysis kills us and we can barely make ourselves go to the polls once every four years, let alone every two years. Controlling other citizens by guilt tripping, criticism and ostracizing them is typically not our style---certain recent behaviors being outliers.
Republicans took advantage of low bi-election turnout while Democrats sat around and fidgeted, wondering what they were doing wrong.
Fortunately, at least at the national level, Republicans have pushed so many people out of the tent that they most likely can't win this election, and if we can turn back the tide in local elections and moderate the Supreme Court things might be looking up. If not we should be ashamed of ourselves.
North Texas is lush and green, I think we can win this election.
Just spitballin.
Nice post.
BTW, I think the take down of Bush, Rubio, etc. had to come from within the Republican party itself.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 1:35pm
Only 2 kinds? That is a shame - I was shooting for "asshole" and now you tell me they closed the category. Calling Eddie Haskell...
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 4:13am
This is awesome.
Post of the day/week/month/year/election-cycle.
You should write more, PP.
People should get to read this kind of stuff more.
A song for our political parties today - Flesh without Blood.
by quinn esq on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 8:00pm
He's good , he's really good. Best writer out there and I've been saying that for the better part of a year. hint.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 8:21pm
.Well, when you put it like that. . . Brilliant post, PP. As a Democrat, I'm feeling sufficiently chastised. I wish I knew what to do about it. I thank Bernie for starting the ball rolling, making blood boil. The more I watch him the more I'm convinced I don't want him as president, but there is no question that he's been the catalyst for something big. We can't afford not to pay attention. It's that time.
Thanks for this. Really.
by Ramona on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 8:54pm
I am not sure how to respond.
I am looking at two fascista from the repub party ready to launch nuclear missiles or getting rid of SS or Medicare or Medicade or food stamps or.....
And if you are looking at repubs for an answer; they have no answer. Just generalizations and I look at Walker in Wisconsin or Brownback in Kansas and I see real evil being accomplished with little media concentration.
Imagine if Cruz were actually elected? Thirty percent of all of our children would be reading the Bible and not knowing one whit about biology or chemistry or astronomy or physics or....
If T-Rump were elected....we might all be dead.
I really believe this.
I am much more scared of the repubs than the dems.
Hell, Hillary might make bernie Secretary of Education or Labor or...
I have seen predictions concerning the end of the world for six
decades and yet, I am still here.
But the republican party is at this point in time, anathema to every damn thing I ever believed in during my entire lifetime.
The repubs scare the shit out of me.
There is a light at the end of this tunnel though.
The repubs might have overplayed their hand and we might again see a dem House and a dem Senate.
Just let Cruz or T-Rump continue with their fascist speeches as long as we might be able to put these rantings in our advertisements.
I am ranting, I am sorry.
by Richard Day on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 9:43pm
Dick. I hope to God you're watching some Tommy Tiernan this eve.
Wait for the Irish news reader bit.
by quinn esq on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 11:10pm
hahhahaahahah Q
I actually have seen this guy before. hahahahah
I like this guy a lot.
the end
I still think about this old Canadian/European chant
by Richard Day on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 12:10am
You already got the equation, Dick - "So, one day, we made a promise to ourselves. We shall not end up as our..." raving competitors or feeble compromised predecessors. A bit of biking or running every day, something to get back in the game. People would be excused for thinking the Democrats were recovering from cancer.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 3:33pm
Oh I had to come back.
I hereby render unto Peracles the Dayly Headline of the Month for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him fro all of me. hahahahah
Maher underlines this issue every goddamn week he decides to go to work!
In the end, all people are strange!
by Richard Day on Mon, 04/18/2016 - 1:45pm
by kyle flynn on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 11:53pm
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, good. Actually, pretty great. I'd love to see this go viral. How does that work? Anyway, thanks.
by kyle flynn on Fri, 04/15/2016 - 11:51pm
It's easy - I set up a nice little Panamanian offshore account, and if each of you sends me 10 bitcoins and a Like....
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 1:25am
It is so very easy.....
by Richard Day on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 1:38am
Now Lucy says "come see me"
In her honky-tonk lagoon
Where I can watch her waltz for free
’Neath a Panamanian moon...
Can this really be the end?
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 2:55am
You should be all over Sleaford.
by quinn esq on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 10:21pm
How nice that you’ve become a Triple-A Dagblogger, PeraclesPlease. What next; a banner blogger here? ;-)
It’s also good to see that you’ve had at least a few come-to-Jesus moments, especially backing off a bit from your earlier lauding of ‘trade deals’, which, of course, in the guise of TPP and TAFTA, have nothing much to do with trade, but everything to do with Rulez that seek the lowest common denominators in anti-regulation, whether bigPharma, banking, resource extraction, etc. Some believe that the Investor State tribunals will prove to be the most hideous features (see Lori Wallach at Public Citizen’s ‘Trade Watch’), but it’s quite easy to see that the leaked sections are totally in aid of enriching multinationals, especially of the American kind. The 99% among the signatory nations will get fucked further if either are enacted, although some side deals may be ‘approved’ in the dark anterooms of the Secret Deep Badger Holes. Ping: remember that Obama had pledged to ‘rewrite NAFTA, and got in a boatload of trouble with Harper? ;-) But now he’s doubled-down on these ‘deals’ for the Oligarchs and Kleptocrats.
Your touting fracked gas as being any part of the energy equation to mitigate climate disaster baffles me, though. Read here, for instance. But claiming that fracking doesn’t toxify groundwater is equally silly, unless one depends on the ubiquitous ‘reports’ from the companies themselves, or from their paid lobbyists. And wot, ho: the EPA hasn’t monitored nearby water, and’s been designated legally as a trade secret™ as to exactly what chemicals are even used, wth? But yeah, studies are starting to float in, not just the personal stories of folks being able to light their tap water to emit blue flames; looks like the reports actually started coming in .. But I might have hoped that quinn esq might have challenged your contentions there, i.e.: methane? But then, you’ve often said that it’s cool to have ‘nice stuff’, but I’d submit that that is a large part of the problem, especially in the US. As in: we are so exceptionally wonderful that we deserve all the toys in the world, and to use what gawdawful percentage of the world’s resources as we grab for them, then throw them away...later.
Parenthetically, have any of the creepy and compromised NGOs like ever said: stop wanting so much shit? No; but then they’re funded by the Rockefellers and usual gate-keeping suspects, yes? No one said it at the COP21 climate talks, either, fwiw. Did anyone, even any Prez candidate point out that over half the greenhouse gas emissions are down to the US military? Well, Stein, but she’s only a footnote to the electoral process, isn’t she? And that’s as NATO and AFRICOM (with the help of corrupt NGOs like NED foment rebellion and destabilize resource-rich nations in order to create more US-friendly governments, oh, yes.
You made me chuckle asking why the hell Israel is even ‘a thing’ in the Prez debates. Ya might say: because that nation gets boatloads of ‘foreign aid’ from the US, their arms and weapons sales might about to ten billion a year by now, and garsh, Mickey: ‘enemies of Israel’ = ‘enemies of America’ (north that is). Some ask which nation is the client state of which... Oh, and then there’s that Palestinian issue...well, never mind; that’s a tough one for some people... Fuck me, the NYPD even has an office in Israel, tons of cops and sheriffs have been trained in ‘counter-insurgency’ by the IDF, who by the way trained Mexican troops to quash the Zapatista movement, probably the first grassroots-up populist movement I ever learned about. Remember: all dissidents ae terrorists now under Obama's DHS Rulez.
Benghazi? In the eye of the beholder, I’d guess, even after this press release from Judicial Watch. Few will know, fewer will care, I’d think. Maybe I'll even read past scanning if life slows down...a lot.
But may I say that the conventional take on Occupy (you don’t commit, actually) ignores the history that the whole point was that it was leaderless, and an experiment in horizontal democracy (albeit very, very cumbersome). But the point at which the DHS fusion centers got bugged as hell, spied on those in the movement, was when the PTB discovered that in so many venues, Occupiers were creating ‘intentional communities’, in large part outside the capitalist machine. And that was a serious no-no. Bam! How many encampmeents were shut down in one or two weeks? All those remaining.
But seriously; your contention is that “Except our road leads to the top of the shit heap, and there's not fuck-all we can do about it for the next 4 years because our organization and messaging is still bullshit”? Have you considered that it’s what Dems do that’s the problem, rather than your messaging? The quadrennial circus of the Party of Wall Street v. the Party of Oil? Yeah, some people just don’t take it all that seriously, small wonder.
But having read your ‘we’re stuck’ too hastily the first time, the reason I’d stopped by and prefaced this with so much hot air did concern both Occupy and a lot of Rabble French who’ve decided not to be stuck, that throwing metaphorical rocks at their leaders over increasing austerity privations has expanded beautifully into a wider sort of ‘Occupy the agora’ movement. In a fine essay, David Graeber contrasts the solidarity movements of the Panama Papers 1% and #LaNuitDebout, and how the ‘forces of law’ are treating them quite differently. Graeber calls intentional communities ‘prefigurative spaces’, and while I might take issue with a couple places he my have softened his rhetoric, his overall narrative is inspirational. You can follow the movement on Twitter, here, on one account. They hope for this iteration to go global in May; I hope it does, as do I hope that the Greek Solidarity for All movement gains steam as well.
This software has thrown me; will a Tweet embed?
Wish I thought life would allow me to return to answer rebuttals, but I'm choking with RL obligations, as well as my own small website. (I really only write on social movements, war, globalization, police state, etc.)
Best to you, Peracles. "♪ We are Peracles if you Please...♪" Great take on the US zeitgeist.
by Goldberry♥TomB (not verified) on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 11:43am
This is the kind of overblown righteousness that is the textbook opposite of the process PP and all of us are engaged in, which is ideas proffered and dialog enabled. Taking a shot and leaving is simply the signature of someone who is really not in the game because in any aspect of life, business or politics, it's the interaction which either moves things forward or not.
Definitely guilt--side, must adhere to my agenda, my view. Purity, righteousness. Sounds familiar.
So fuck all of us within earshot for groping toward a consensus.
by Oxy Mora on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 5:44pm
I'm so sorry to have seemed so rude, OxyMora. Anticipating great difficulty in returning was a product of my being old, slow, and broken. Every RL chore takes far, far longer than it used to, and some brain damage makes me think slowly, type slowly, etc. This comment too hours to compose.
But seriously, this site might have one of the rudest commentariats I've seen online. You don't discuss, you snipe and do so with plenty of ad hominems, most especially the Clinton supporters. I will try to save time to come back. I kinda want to spread #NuitDeBout about; I ♥ the dickens out of it.
by Goldberry♥TomB (not verified) on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 7:33pm
Each side always perceives the other side as particularly vicious.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 7:50pm
Goldberry, you are an interesting character and I had no idea of your circumstances.
Talk about gettin preachy. Jeesh.
by Oxy Mora on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 11:19pm
Rudest? I was banned for nothing on Huffpost, DailyKos shut me down, OpenLeft had 2 extremely scornful bloggers coming back at me, TBogg cut off my account *while* continuing to insult me, Shakespeares Sister was brutal for those who didnt toe a certain line, I was one of the most abrasive and hardest hitting at TPM, and past Dag arguments with rmrd, wattree, tmac, oceankat, resistance and others were much ntier and more vitriolic than our recent kumbaya behavior. People dont recognize paradise much cause they focus on the grubworms and skeeters. It's all good (except for Quinn of course) - now play ball, enough of this navel gazing.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 04/18/2016 - 3:59am
If you follow the link from Goldberry's 'fracked gas is worse than coal' to, a page from 2011, it cites a 'coal is better than fracked gas' 'pre-publication paper' from 2011, to soon appear in the Journal 'Climatic Change'
That journal is published by the Springer company, ($199/year, biweekly).
Go to the website for that publication and search for the Cornell professor of biology pre-publication paper author Howarth.
To see if his pre-publication paper ever became a publication.
5 years later.
No such article appears to have been published !!....??
Then look up some analysis on Howarth of his 5 year old non-published paper.
You find it reported he worked with old Russian numbers on methane drilling leakage.
And numbers from a select fracked well(s) from 2007, which figures are off by a factor of 10-100 on current figures methane leakage.
Methane only lasts 8-12 years in the atmosphere, and is measured in parts per billion. CO2 is measured in parts per million and lasts much longer.
Methane is one carbon and four H - hydrogen. Coal is a whole chain of C's with less H and also nasty stuff that piles up when it is burned. as you find if you burn it yourself, ash. A toxic waste product of coal. If you have a gas stove it burns methane and you have no ash to shovel out after cooking.
Less C's and more clean burning H's (to H2O) is why methane puts out 40-50% less CO2 which lasts in the atmosphere for at least 10 times as long as methane.
To top it off, in the pre-publication thing from 2011, Howarth talks about coal being better than fracked gas over a hundred year cycle.
Daggers, if humanity is still burning coal 100 years from now, well, you can fill in the blank. I have seen no one other than Howarth even talking about the advantages of coal TODAY, not to mention 100 years from now.
The End.
by NCD on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 9:10pm
Apologies, and don't have time to debate this in detail now, NCD, but Howarth is actually a real and fairly well respected voice in all this. In fact, much of what he was talking about is now more mainstream.
Natural Gas has serious and growing issues around it's climate change weighting [the weight given to it rises with each International review], and the estimates of actual emissions [as opposed to industry estimates] get uglier each year. Go check out the studies on emissions actually measured, from planes, over Oklahoma and the like, versus industry's estimates. Ugh.
Natural gas has been heavily oversold in the US, and fracking along with it. Given that fracking is now an enormous walking financial zombie [i.e. the industry long ago collapsed as a viable concern], I'd say the critics - like Howarth - are reasonably well-situated in the whole field.
And I say this as someone who has often recommended a portion of natural gas in our mix, to help balance renewables.
by quinn esq on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 10:22pm
Thanks for the input.
I wasn't debating, just trying to present some facts.
by NCD on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 10:30pm
Sure, sure, the nerve of you trying to debate on a political blog. Go to your room.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 04/18/2016 - 4:18am
Helluva comment, read it twice & still trying to digest, but overall thanx.
The French know how to do ramparts, in their blood. Austerity is trying to teach the same lesson twice, but the New Economics school is about suspended gravity. The truth is somewhere in the middle, focused on results, not political messaging.
Fracking is the lesser of 9 evils, something the left has trouble accepting. Definitely needs oversight and improvement, but it's a Godsend for us atheists.
Start thinking about New Socialism, 2.0 - work and play and retirement and support models that fit technology and resources of 2030-2050. The whole means of production thing needs a makeover, the assumptions of what people are and how fit into this schema needs updating. In the west, we need more efficiency and less work, or less serious stuff. Once we accept that a huge portion of our economy is silly and frivolous, to work or not to work beggars the question. We just need some basic reallocation of resources, not that much. 2 items to note...
Healthcare - single payer is a nice slogan, but the real issue is still affordable basic healthcare for all, which includes disability and retirement. At some point we will hit the right ingredients that whacks the knees out of health costs like fracking's done oil and gas. *That's* the revolution.
Defense is trickier. While we see refugeesand war across the Mideast, it's nothing like the wars of yesterday, and we (the planet) have largely ended war. How much the US is responsible for this improvement vs working against it is more difficult to analyze than it seems at first glance. That $700 billion a year may be a small price to pay to prevent total war, but it seems likely our execution of military and foreign affairs can be improved. Yet without appreciating the Pax (Americana?), the conclusions will likely be simplistic and dangerous. I was reading "All Quiet on the Western Front" last night - 100 years ago and a hell that was surpassed 75 years ago, and in places like Congo and Cambodia surpassed much more recently. This is a chapter best kept turned, and while we work to improve things, we should never forget the ugly alternative possibility, our former reality. Corruption is not as bad as Total War. Small civil wars or terrorist acts are not as awful as Total War. Even our fight with Global Warming looks winnable and less destructive, inch'allah, than Total War.
Me on the Banner? I'm too abrasive and arbitrary. When the wind catches the boom, anyone can get hurt. Even myself. Happy blogging.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 04/18/2016 - 3:12am
Thank you for the considered response, PeraclesPlease. To say my worldview is different from yours would be an understatement. ;-) From American Exceptionalist defense budget as a deterrent to war (the actual budget is about twice that figure, according to Nick Turse) to fracking as the lesser of nine evils. But yes to socialism 2.0, although globally that may take many different forms but amount to shared power, perhaps horizontal democracy, etc.
As for Bernie's brand, if he really were a socialist, I'd likely vote for him. Happy blogging to you, too. Sorry I've been so long, but life has been a trainwreck for me. Real Life: they say it'll killa ya, but they won't say when!
by Goldberry♥TomB (not verified) on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 11:26am
Thanks for elevating the discussion. Hope to see more from you here.
by A Guy Called LULU on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 11:44am
As to your response to me, I have a 26 year-old Bernie supporter in my basement. He sees him as all Bernie supporters do –- the answer. I have nothing more to say. Hard to belive, I know, but PP has shut me up.
by CVille Dem on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 8:59pm
Hardly my intent. On alternate days I swing the opposite, as you've probably noticed. I'm still looking for a Hillary win tomorrow, still looking for her to manage gov as the adult in the room, push women's need higher in the agenda , and hopefully catching the vibe of Gov and World 3.0, not just 1990's redux.
My post-millenials are in the loft, not the basement, still a bit detached from cause and effect, but in some ways much more aware than I was at that age. A lot of promise, even if they don't get the keys and driver's cap just yet. Keep me young and hustling as well.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 04/18/2016 - 3:47am