
    Had an appointment Wednesday with a doc who's a democrat.Very interested in politics, very smart. Husband is a reporter for the Times and one of her patients is the chief of staff of a well known very liberal dem.

    The doc told the C.O. S. she had studied the health care bill and is unable to understand it. The chief of staff said neither could he.

    Obama's perhaps fatal flaw is too much Adlai Stevenson and too little Ross Perot.  


    It is this confounding aspect of the bill, the un-understandableness of it, that gives me hope it will be amended to mimic the structure of Medicare.

    For the last 30 years either I or one or more  of my children have lived in a country with a National Health System. In all cases what those systems shared was that no one died  because they couldn't afford health care.

    One of the doctors in the practice I used in the UK had been on  the staff at Columbia Presyterian. He returned to the UK because he found it too distressing to prescribe medications he knew his patients couldn't afford.

    I recall attending at the birth of my two grandchildren, one in a well known NY hospital, the other in London. The waiting room was more appealling in New York, the care was better in London.

    My assumption is that the un understandableness of Obamacare was a price he was willing to accept to get something passed . "Do it, fix it" is a useful approach.

    That said, it was not the poor explanations of Obamacare that bothered me, it was that it was never really explained at all. 

    I have a question. Who actually wrote the health care bill?

    Lewis Carroll.

    That's very funny.

    I told you butter wouldn't suit the wound.

    Not even if it's the very best butter?

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