Richard Day's picture



    Aunt Sam gave me this comment regarding Breitbart and TPM:

    I have had it.

    Breitbart was a piece of scum.

    Breitbart took to his twitter account to spew disgusting thoughts about the former senator. Breitbart called Kennedy a "villiain," a "prick," "a big ass mothe*******," and a "duplicitous bastard." Breitbart even called Kennedy a "special pile of human excrement."

    While it's respectful to handle someone's death kindly, Andrew Breitbart handled the death of Senator Kennedy in the most disrespectful way possible. Breitbart never took into account the feelings of the Kennedy family or gave respect to Kennedy himself.

    Andrew Breitbart made a name for himself smearing the names of others, and at times lying in the process in order to get his face on TV and name in the media.  Should we give respect to a man who had very little? If we don't, what does that say about us?

    There are many questions that could be asked, but in the end it doesn't really matter. Andrew Breitbart has died and good thoughts and well wishes should go out to his family because they didn't have anything to do with what Andrew Breitbart said or did.

    Continue reading on Andrew Breitbart's ironic end: The disrespect of Ted Kennedy - Orlando liberal |

    Now we are supposed to sigh and say well:

    This man helped make the internet what it is.


    Now Auntie tells me that Josh Marshall is attempting to censor those comments that might malign someone who has no social redeeming value.

    to wit: Breitbart

    So I snuck in TPM, reapplied and such and made this comment at a paid blog discussing what a f*&k Rush Limbaugh is:

    I come here not to praise Breitbart

    But to bury him

    That Breitbart should be labeled a gadfly

    Is the same as labeling Rush a gadfly

    Or Coulter a gadfly

    Or Beck a gadfly

    Or Savage a gadfly

    Or John Wilkes Booth a gadfly

    Or Himmler a gadfly


    Rush is no gadfly

    Coulter is no gadfly

    Beck is no gadfly

    Savage is no gadfly

    Booth was no gadfly

    Himmler was no gadfly

    and Breitbart was no gadfly


    Socrates was a gadfly

    Oliver Wendell Holmes was a gadfly

    Earl Warren was a gadfly (with power)

    Noam Chomsky is a gadfly


    Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coultier and Michael Savage and Breitbart are no gadflies.


    So bury them all and quit pretending that Breitbart had any socially redeeming values.

    the end

    I am asking you to go to this site and and this link and back me up on this attack on Breitbart.

    There is money involved here. I have no idea where the money is or was I have no idea what conspiracies are going on about this death of a fascist pig.

    And I am so sick and tired of pure hypocrisy that I could just scream!

    Please, please reply to my rather heated comment so Josh knows he cannot silence us!





    Your comment has vanished, gone into the abyss it seems.  frown

    No, it's still there.

    Thanks. Didn't go to next pages.  Sadly, no longer have sign on at TPM, another thing that is really irritating is have to set up account thru one of the four 'outside' entities to sign on.  Not willing to do that just for the current TPM (IMO, not near the quality it use to be).

    I read hufpo every day because there is a good app on this phone for it. I noticed yesterday that AB comments that was negative was being scrubbed. All There was was nice comments. That is not normal for hufpo commentors. I just figured lady huf really liked him.

    Oh Momoe, this Breithart never said one good thing about women or minorities or the poor or the sacred dead (like Kennedy) or the struggling middle class.

    Damn, Andrew had no social redeeming value whatsoever!

    He is dead.

    Thank the good Lord!

    I thought he was a jerk and dishonest also. I liked Mr Smith's comment on another thread. It says it all for me. I only comment here at dag and lurk around in other sites. By the time I get to TPM I just skim the head lines to see if there is anything new. TPM ended up on the bottom of the list when Josh closed the caffe. It is Josh's site and we are only his guests.

    Shirley Sherrod offered condolences to the Breitbart family and then said that she would make no further comment. We know who Breitbart was. We need to focus on the trauma suffered by Ms Sherrod so that the next time a slander is made a price is paid. Republicans should be asked point blank if they agree with Rush Limbaugh that sexually active women are sluts. The best way to "honor" Breitbart life is to prevent Conservative slanders from going unchallenged. If Republicans don't have the ethical code or backbone to challenge Limbaugh, they should be publicly shamed. Similarly, The Montana federal judge who sent a racist e-mail about Barack Obama should be removed.

    Breitbart destroyed ACORN and tried to destroy Shirley Sherrod. Let's honor Breitbart's death by stopping his fellow travelers in their tracks.


    Well put!



    The Andrew Breitbart Eulogy

    Where I come from we believe in calling a hat a hat. Thus, the only difference between a dead asshole and a live asshole is that the dead asshole is not quite as warm, but it's an asshole nevertheless.

    That's why I've instructed my family that upon my death I want to be cremated and have my ashes placed in a Best Foods jar and then scattered to the winds off the end of the Venice Beach pier. I don't want an urn, a funeral, and I especially don't want no preacher standing over me lying about who I was. My life will speak for itself, and if I've done anything worthwhile, it won't take a preacher to tell people about it.

    Thus, I hereby treat Andrew Breibart as I wish to be treated: His life speaks for itself. He was a mean-spirited, hateful, and conniving asshole. He didn't believe in being politically correct towards others, so I now feel no obligation to be politically correct toward him. The fact is, he's dead, and the world is a little less hateful as a result.

    But may he rest in peace anyway.


    Well living in peace was out of the question, but I assume he will rest in peace!

    I sent Josh a note, under my real name.  Sometimes he answers me.  Sometimes not. 

    Anyway, here's what I had to say to him.  Since it's just my side of the conversation, I'm not betraying any confidences.  If he answers me, I'd at best summarize his response but certainly wouldn't cut and paste it here.

    Hey Josh,

    I think that anyone familiar with your work and with TPM should not have been surprised that you weren't about to let people use it as a platform to say uncharitable things about Breitbart that they might later regret.  At the same time, that admirable vein of American political pugilism that you described -- and I think you get better than most that this is am important part of our politics that can't be expunged without losing a lot of good things -- doesn't really apply to Breitbart, does it?  When I think of our real fighters, in the vein of a Christopher Hitchens or HL Mencken, I think of people who focus their energies on the immensely powerful.  Breitbart went after, what... Acorn?  A middle class black woman who works for a federal agency?  A well known (but not powerful) Congressman who made himself vulnerable?

    Breitbart was far more bully than he was pugilist.  He spent a lot of time going after defenseless people.  It's pretty easy to do shock journalism that way.  Beyond that, a lot of TPM readers have counted on you and your people to debunk his sensationalism over the years.  I get that people who knew him, liked him, politics aside.  I like Steve Forbes and Boone Pickens, politics aside.  Most people are pretty likable when it comes down to it.  But maybe you were overly generous with this guy?  His attempt on Shirley Sherrod's livelihood was pretty darned intention and would seem to disqualify him from membership in the community of lovable fighters and roustabouts in politics.

    Hope all's well,

    Oh Destor! Damn.

    I hereby render unto you the Dayly comment of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site Given to all of you from all of me!


    Well said.

    Better than what I could come up with. (big surprise)

    Yes, I sign on to your letter.

    I wish we could set it up so that five hundred could sign up with you!

    Well Done!

    I won the Dayly!  I won the Dayly!  Whooooo!

    Update ... DD . . .

    It's still up over at TPM . . .

    Now there are 30 likes even after being buried in the thread to the point one must go three pages in to find it...

    And that guy ~Red~ left another comment over there.


    Josh Marshall, in passing, making a clear statement about what he does now, March 7, 2012:

    ....And before you say that this is my armchair take on how businessmen operate, I am a businessman. And bringing different products to market is most of what I do, albeit on a much smaller scale....

    From Romney as Businessman @ Talking Points Memo Editor's Blog.

    Just thought some on this thread might have an interest.

    That was an interesting link!

    Of course Josh is a businessman. So is Lady Huff and Joan Walsh at Salon--of course I appreciate Joan a lot more.

    Anyhow thank you!. I have been hitting TPM every day for awhile again; but I missed this little aside!

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