Is there a study showing that Fox viewers are angry and depressed?

    A friend asked me about this, and I thought I remembered something about it. But I couldn't remember whether it was an actual study, or more of a rumor. 

    There are various Pew studies debating whether Fox viewers are well-informed or not, but on the subject of anger/depression, Google searches are so far not bearing fruit.


    I don't recall hearing of anything like that.

    And I would have to question whether they were angry and depressed people or if watching Fox News made them more fearful, angry, and depressed.  Anger is about boundary issues at the core.  If you 'believe' you are being taken advantage of or threatened by some 'other' of random definition it seems reasonable that you might feel angry and depressed.  And I don't need a study to know that this is a way that Fox 'Not' News manipulates the public.

    I'll put that in the "No, but obviously...." column.

    (Oh, I just crack myself up sometimes!)

    Here is one survey back in 2007 demonstrating that FOX viewers are idiots:

    I got probs with streams, just google:



    is "angry and depressed" another way of saying "experiencing cognitive dissonance"?

    Naw, I think they're two separate things. Mostly.

    This is from The Nation, re:  a study recently done by Fairleigh Dickinson University that's similar to the one Dick Day mentions.  One conclusion is that Fox viewers know less about what's going on than people who don't follow the news at all.



    Instead of bashing Faux - we should embrace them. They cheer lead the loonies. And if we want the the right to vanish, we need for them to keep doing what they do. I've watched a couple of days worth of Faux post election. (I have to admit, I did it mostly to gloat - but turned out it was more scary than enjoyable.) Patience people. They will crazy themselves out of existence.

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