The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    That video of Romney, talking about his version of The New Scum

    To think I re-read Year of the Bastard by Warren Ellis just this weekend.

    For myself, I've wondered when (even if) the Smiler would actually show up in American politics via our tech level's version of source gas. It's actually kind of stunning to see it happen. But maybe I'm naive.

    David Corn at Mother Jones and TPM have more on the video.


    This is just amazing to me as I mentioned in Destor's squib in the news section.

    Everything I knew, absolutely knew in good times and bad times (during my lifetime) was voiced by the repub candidate for President of these United States!


    After I save this comment I am going to the bastard link!

    IMO - This is one of the most damaging of his statements:

    “There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it,” Romney appears to be saying in the video.

    My job is not to worry about those people,” Romney said. “I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

    He and his cohorts aren't just arrogant and greedy, but cruelly uncaring.

    What about the wounded Vets and their families who need some of these programs?  Those who have lost everything, thru no fault of their own, because of a medical catastrophe?  Or those who after working hard for decades lost their jobs due to recession and have gone thru their retirement,savings and even lost their homes?  And the list goes on.......

    There's seriously something wrong with him and any who share this opinion.  Geez, so much for any sense of the Mormon religion that teaches to take care of elderly, etc.

    Well put and read A Dreamer's take in the news section.

    But think about it.

    I recall when this fat white woman (ad hominem I know) interviewed at the repub convention in 1972 screamed that:

    I like winners!

    America does not like to think about the repercussions about concussions in football.

    Because America loves winning football teams!

    99% of all football players in the NCAA never play football in the pros and all wounds received are uncompensated!

    For every 100 businesses begun and capitalized in this country; something like three survive after three years!

    Welfare in the form of gov grants goes to corporations for chrissakes in the form of tax credits and tax deductions and loopholes and government contracts least that represents 90% of welfare.

    I really don't care if they take $16 bucks worth of food stamps away from me; I shall survive.

    But SS retirees who worked 40-50 years and put wages into SS are not suckling off the public teet.

    People like Mitt are and have been suckling off of the public teet for their entire lives.

    the end



    Oh dd, him and his scare me, truly.  frown

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