acanuck's picture

    Iran: ex-Post factoids

    This is from today's Washington Post story catching up on Sy Hersh's expose of the $400-million U.S. plan to destabilize Iran:   "Among the opposition groups allegedly receiving cash and other assistance are ethnic Balochi dissidents in southern Iraq as well as established...

    Seymour Hersh's latest on Iran

    <a href = "">Seymour Hersh reports</a> that Congress last year agreed to a request from Bush for a major increase in funding for covert operations in Iran aimed at destabilizing the current regime.This seems an entirely predictable Republican strategy to:*pursue actions...

    What a Democrat Believes

    You may call the following my personal manifesto. You may disagree with some or all of what I'm about to reveal about my beliefs. They are personal, but my hope is to describe here something universal, so that you, gentle...

    On PaTroll

    I've noticed more and more posts directly attacking Obama's character this week at the same time that John McCain has done the same thing. The attacks from McCain and some posters here do bear an uncanny synchronicity of message: Obama's...

    FISA Grumblers, Get the Hell Over It

    The most important thing Obama can do is win the White House.It isn't filibustering FISA.It isn't standing on principle and poking holes in the air with his index finger.It isn't singlehandedly wiping out the Hanta virus.It isn't acceding to tester's...
    quinn esq's picture

    I'm Bored. Thrill Me, Ya Bastids.

    Yep. I'm bored. Here's why. As I wander the tables in this fine TPM establishment, coyotes in tow, I see & hear some wonderful things. Witty (even Des got in a good one the other night.) Insightful & Historical...

    Bush's Photo-Op Appeasement of North Korea

    President Bush has wasted no time casting his diplomacy with North Korea as a kind of mission accomplished. Today, Bush was all aglow over his foreign policy "success," though his remarks were made sans flight jacket, aircraft carrier and banner.Bush...

    A Crude Injustice

    What does it cost to negligently damage a pristine ecosystem, to kill off wildlife by the hundreds of thousands, blacken 1,300 miles of coastline and cripple the livelihoods of more than 30,000 people for decades to come?Why, it's hardly worth...

    James Dobson's Radical UnChristianity

    James Dobson says Barack Obama doesn't understand the Bible. He's wrong and you can match Dobson's statements against those of Obama at jamesdobsondoesn', a web site started by a group of theologians including the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, a Methodist minister...

    McCain's $300M Battery Prize: Dumb & Dumberer

    John McCain has proposed a $300 million prize at taxpayer expense to stimulate development of a more efficient, long-lasting battery to power electric vehicles.Dumb.Automakers and battery researchers, including those in the U.S., already have plenty of incentive to develop a...
    quinn esq's picture

    RIP. Obama's Possum. (You know what Carlin would say.)

    Thank You God (And George Carlin.) The Obama campaign today killed the seal. You know, that 'Vero Possumus' thing that infested his podium.I know it was young & cute & all, but still. It had to go. It bit. No word yet whether...
    CVille Dem's picture

    AS If TPM Isn't Irritating Enough!!!!

    OK.  I know I keep complaining, but here goes again:Now, every time you click on anything, you have to wait for the "sunrise" that is the Obama ad.  This site is effing slow enough!  We shouldn't have to endure this...
    quinn esq's picture

    Immunity, Justice, Vengeance and.... Complicity.

    You're the brand-new, broom-wielding President. But your country got troubles: Iraq. Health. Energy. Housing. Poverty. CO2. Deficits. China. Immigration. Jobs. Banks. New Orleans. I'll stop at 12. There's work to be done. A forward agenda.Oh yeah.... and Justice. Seems...

    The Media Conspiracy REVISED

    Imagine your job is to smear a front-running black candidate for president who was schooled overseas and has a funny name. You objective: to encourage as much distrust of the candidate as possible among as many voters as possible.What lie...
    wws's picture

    Why Can't The Decider Be More Like The Scarlet Pimpernel?

        Sunday morning and plenty of favorable signs: sunny skies; cool breeze; birds chirping; strong coffee and time for a leisurely scan of the day’s news.     FISA articles? Not today. Campaign update? Nah, tomorrow is soon enough. Instead, a...

    The Media Conspiracy The Media Won't Touch

    In a story for tomorrow's Washington Post, writer Eli Saslow reveals that white supremacist groups opposed to Obama are attracting new members online. The story frustrates me to no end, because it is one small facet of a much larger...
    dijamo's picture

    Top 5 methods of dealing with political disillusionment and frustration

    As a Hillary supporter, I've dealt with my share of disappointments this election season.  I know there are many disillusioned and angry Obama supporters right now who may appreciate some tips on working through the anger.  In the spirit of...
    oleeb's picture

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: Obama unmasked during FISA surrender statement

    Obama's surrender statement today on FISA lays bare the lie of "change", "hope" and moving the country forward.  Anybody who buys that load of crap now is just a willing sucker who refuses to see what is plain as day:...
    oleeb's picture

    Will Obama okay capitulation and allow the FISA travesty to pass?

    Obama's voice has been silent thus far on the FISA capitulation now being marketed by Steny Hoyer and other wimpocrats in Washington DC who seem eager to sell us all down the river on retroactive telecom immunity.  This is not...

    Yes or No: Will Lieberman pull a Zell Miller?

    We all remember how the Repugnicans wheeled Zell Miller to the podium at their '04 convention and, through a diabolical apparatus consisting of an implanted larynx bullhorn and an air bellows plugged into his lungs through the back of his...
    wws's picture

    Caveat Emptor: What Flood Victims Should Anticipate, Part 2

    Further notes for flood victims:1) Keep in mind that most houses that are catastrophically water-damaged and which remain empty (if boarded-up) for a year or more will have to be torn down due to deteriorating structural issues and irreversible infiltration...
    wws's picture

    What Hurricane Tornado or Flood Victims Endure

    Here's how it works:    "Apres le deluge, " weeks will go by before an insurance adjuster shows up. In the meantime, you camp under a partial roof, without windows or doors, without power or water. Sane people would flee, yet...
    wws's picture

    Caveat Emptor: What Flood Victims Should Anticipate

    This I know from personal experience; I lost a waterfront "dream house" to Hurricane Ivan's tidal surge in 2004: The flood damage itself is, incredibly, only the beginning of the homeowners' nightmare. And it is a third circle of hell...
    mageduley's picture

    Gore Endorsing Obama TONIGHT!

    Finally!!! Yea!!! From the NYT good old Al's Website Himself: Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges -- including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack...
