Obama's Fathers Day Message.

    This will probably be up in one of the main sections shortly, but if anyone's interested ... this is a pretty good speech.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj1hCDjwG6M...

    Nevada Poll: Obama & McCain tied, voters don't prefer "unity" ticket.

    I came across this article from my old home state, Nevada.  The latest polling shows that McCain and Obama are essentially tied.The poll conducted June 9-11 by Washington-based Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. for the Las Vegas Review Journal showed...
    wws's picture


       Michelle Obama is being serially swift-boated with both sexist and racist slurs. Yet Hillary Clinton -- who so recently suffered similar attacks of sexism, though not racism -- is unaccountably silent.We understand that Hillary is tired – God knows,...
    dijamo's picture

    Okay Can We Talk About It NOW?

     Howard Dean found out about the horrors of sexism in the media during the campaign at the RBC committee meeting.  Appaently he doesn't watch cable news and was wholly unaware Hillary had been the subject of sexist attacks in the media. Or perhaps...
    jollyroger's picture

    The REALLY Great Escape, 2008 (Steve McQueen as Mullah Omar, James Garner as Baitullah Mehsud

    Are you kidding me?  In this version of the movie (Oliver Stone, pick up the phone...) everyone gets clean away.Freedom's on th' march fer sure...What kind of government is susceptible to this sort of evidence of  open irrelevance?  Someone who...

    Hannity: "I'm the head of the Surrogates to Stop Obama"

    Think progress has a clip of Hannity professing to be a McCain surrogate.The interesting thing is that they go easy on his quote.  From think progress:GIULIANI: I think — first of all, it’s different being a mayor and being a...

    DON'T Mistakenly Go To www.fightthesmears.o__!

    Someone's already put up a counter-site to Sen. Obama's fightthesmears.com.  (e.g. MO didn't use term "whitey".  TRUTH: she called them "crackas")I haven't checked to see who owns this faux URL, but I'm surprised the Obama people didn't buy all of...

    Supreme Court Ruling Today Rebukes Bush Administration on Guantanamo Detainees, Allows Civilian Appeals

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that the Constitution affords basic legal protections, including the right of appeal in civilian courts, even to detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.This is a HUGE victory for civil rights, the rule of law and...

    Obamacons get some press.

    The new republic has published a fascinating article by Bruce Bartlett about conservative attraction to Obama that is well worth the read:you probably have not have heard of many of the Obamacons--and neither has the Obama campaign. When I checked...

    Obama Veep: Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy (Ret.)

    I don;t know that much about retired Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy, so I'm soliciting your comments.What I do know is that she was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1947 and became the first woman to attain the rank of three-star...
    oleeb's picture

    Jim Webb vs US Grant

    In today's edition of TPM there is a post about Jim Webb's views regarding the Civil War and how that might damage his chance to be the VP nominee.  First, I don't think Webb is a very good choice mostly...

    Virginia is For...Democrats

    Well, as a northern Virginia (inner DC suburbs) resident who previously lived in Maryland and had thought of myself as a "Maryland person" and not a "Virginia person", I have to say how delighted I am that Virginia's cup runneth over...

    The Lieberman of Oklahoma

    Barack Obama will not get the endorsement of an Oklahoma  superdelegate who expressed his concerns today about Obama's voting record.U.S. Rep. Dan Boren, D-Okla., told the Tulsa World: "I still remain very concerned about the (Obama) voting record being the...

    The Articles of Impeachement Enumerated

    You wouldn't be able to tell from the news, or TPM, but yesterday articles if impeachment were introduced.As the huffington posts' Joseph Palermo points outPeople will scream about how impeachment might backfire on the election of 2008. But that was...

    100 Reasons McCain is Unfit to be President

    CAUTION: Rated R for Graphic Sexism and Republican StupidityThere may be a million reasons John McCain shouldn't be president. I'm going to list 5 and challenge you to fill in at least 95 more.1. McCain is a misogynist. From his...
    dijamo's picture

    The Effing Jazzy Rule A Cautionary Tale Again without the Effing Fonts & Styles I Can't Figure Out!

    There once was a race between three candidates. Hillary was the power walker, Obama was the skate boarder and McCain was McCane on a cane limping because half of his base regarded him with scorn and distrust.  Hillary and Obama...
    wws's picture

    Just Say No to Pseudo Patriotic Email

    There is a particularly mean-spirited  email floating around that urges you, as a "patriotic American," to boycott all Chinese products from June 4th -July 4th. It's filled with the usual angry flag-waving, breast-beating, "we're-number-one" righteousness that so distinguishes us in...

    Another Candy-Ass Unity Thread

    Sigmund Freud supposedly said: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." He meant that we can read too much into things.So, I wonder, who are these people at TPM who just can't resist bashing Barack or Hillary? Democrats?I thought Democrats...

    Ripper Befuddled by Intertubes

    Forget the previous post below. I'm embarrassed that I misread a release from the Democratic National Committee posted at Fox Business as if it were a Fox Business news piece.The kicking of my own ass continues....

    Even Fox Says McCain Befuddled on Economy

    John McCain is so out of touch with the reality of America's economic woes that even Fox Business, the business news arm of Fox News, is skeptical of his claims.Today, new economic indicators revealed the jobless claims reached a 22...

    TPM Election Central Results (Late Update)

    Late Update: Friday's posts on TPM (by subject matter): --------------------------------------------------------- Edwards: 1 (7%) Lieberman: 1 (7%) McCain: 2.5 (18%) Clinton: 4 (29%) Obama: 3.5 (25% ) Undeclared:2 (14%) -------------------------------------------- While early returns indicated a blowout for Clinton, the race tightened...

    I Love Hillary

    Recommend please.If there's one thing I've enjoyed doing on this site, it's tearing Hillary a new one.But in recent days, I've had a change of heart, just as some Hillary supporters have had (e.g., Allsburg's apology;) concerning Obama. You see,...

    Just say NO to swiftboating.

    Well it's started.  The first repost of an anti-McCain screed held over from his first run at the GOP nomination.  The assessment: McCain's insane.  Well, duh - it even rhymes! I'm just glad it isn't the "Songbird McCain" group's stuff. ...

    That Way Lies Madness

    I used to bash Hillary when I thought it was warranted. No more.From this point forward, I will make no post and recommend no post that airs a past or present grievance against Sen. Clinton. It just doesn't advance any...
