Richard Day's picture



    I guess I am guilty of this sin every damn day I have ever lived. I mean we cannot, individually be experts in everything.

    Which is why the Science Guy, who has studied scientific principles and theories his entire life is attacked as merely being an 'engineer'.

    Okay, so let us take a look at our elected representatives who are arguing out of their weight class:

    10 Foot Sea Level Rise Unstoppable

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, 25.4 million cubic kilometers, 6.1 million cubic miles, is on track for an 'inevitable' melt, NYT:

    jollyroger's picture

    First they came for the dogcatchers...

    With apologies for in any way reprising those tasteless jokes which reference  the alleged paucity of stray dogs in areas abutting budget priced chinese restaurants, I offer for the canny investor a convenient metric by which to know in advance that global warming's grip on the throat of humanity has inexorably tightened beyond repair.  A leading indicator, if you will, of the food price apocalypse prophesied in the latest government climate change report.


    Richard Day's picture


    And dropping a barbell he points to the sky saying the sun aint yellow it's chicken


    Wyatt Earp portrait.png

    Echoes of Zimmerman in Minnesota.

    It seems that this fellow was sick and tired of folks entering his homestead without his permission.

    A great word, really. I mean Homestead!

    Orion's picture

    Introducing Open Mikes Q&A: Professional Wrestling

    A couple weeks ago, wrestling phenom Ultimate Warrior died. I talked to Michael Maiello about it, hoping to publish it for my website Gonzo Times. My fiance Jennifer Lauren Reimer died in a not unexpected but nonetheless sudden and heartbreaking turn of events and my inbox got flooded with people expressing their condolences. The interview I did with Mike unfortunately got lost along with his offer to make this a regular thing.

    I Resolve the Middle East Crisis and Win the Nobel Peace Prize

      Now that Mr. Netanyahu has(indefensibly, I think) pulled out of the peace talks, we are back to square one on the Arab-Israeli conflict.  Although we may not know how to get to a peace settlement, many of us have a clear idea of what a just settlement would look like. So to stimulate a little discussion, I will humbly present an outline of what I think would be the most practical terms on which the sixty-six year old feud could be settled--even though nobody asked me.

    trkingmomoe's picture

    The Fossil Fuel Companies Will Have to Give Up Trillions of Dollars of Wealth to Stop Global Warming

    The most important issue that the world faces right now in global warming. We are beginning to see the effects of it in extreme weather world wide. It is very depressing to see the politicians be bought by and owned by the fossil fuel companies. This week Rachel Maddow covered how Oklahoma passed a law placing a fine or fee on anyone who uses solar or wind energy.  This bill was written a lobbied for by Koch industries owners through their political efforts. It seems to defy reality that is all around us, that we need to reduce are carbon foot print.  

    Chris Hayes has published an essay recently in the Nation that has an interesting look at why the fossil fuel industry has gone to war to prevent any restraints on their industry and protect the high dependency on fossil fuel.  He compares it to the value of slaves owned in the old south to the value of the resources that are owned by fossil fuel companies. We are going to have to ask the companies to give up trillions of dollars of future wealth and leave 80% of it in the ground. Like the south they will not give that up with out a big fight.

    Richard Day's picture



    (Noonan is on the lower right)

    jollyroger's picture

    “At 50, everyone has the face he deserves." George Orwell

    What lurks within...


    Behold Bill O'Reilly in 1979 Gl2jic9soyvgcyskfwyk


    Awhile later:



    Richard Day's picture



    During the 2012 presidential election, voters reportedly waited on line for upwards of six hours. That wait alone is enough to deter would-be voters from going to the polls. But now residents in Florida’s most populous county will have another disincentive: they won’t be able to go to the bathroom.

    Earlier this year, the Miami-Dade County Elections Department quietly implemented a policy to close the bathrooms at all polling facilities, according to disability rights lawyer Marc Dubin. Dubin said the policy change was in “direct response” to an inquiry to the Elections Department about whether they had assessed accessibility of polling place bathrooms to those with disabilities.
    Richard Day's picture


    Flag of Wisconsin

    I watch Rachel every night. Maybe I hit five minutes, maybe I hit thirty minutes. It depends upon my mood or how interested I am in the subject matter or maybe I am enrapt in some drama on the tellie. Anyway, I get two other shots at her program after first air.

    Tonight, I was enthralled.

    The Majority Leader in the Wisconsin Senate, has been formally charged with heinous crimes against women.

    jollyroger's picture

    Chris Christie:"You don't have a noose big enough for my fat neck..."

    Paul Fishman, US Attorney for New Jersey and therefor man tasked with sorting out the sundry Christie-gate's that have entertained us since the Fort Lee lane closure kerfuffle, was seen shopping at Morty's Big and Tall, in the company of David Wildstein, former caporegime for the man whose mob nickname is "Big Chicken" (h/t Charlie Pierce)


    Aid to Ukraine

    Here is an email I got today.  Any comments?

    Ukraine buys almost all its energy (natural gas) from Russia.

    Richard Day's picture


    Willie Mays cropped.jpg



    jollyroger's picture

    Mother guilty of felony poverty-loses kids, goes to jail

    Faced with the policy conundrum that is posed by the choice of directing public funds towards free childcare or prison for mom and institutionalization for kids, Arizona makes the predictable and catastrophic choice.

    Most of you will have heard the devastatingly sad story of Shanesha Taylor, an unemployed and homeless single mother of two, who miraculously was granted an interview for that job that Bill Clinton decided was the answer to ending "welfare as we knew it."

    She had no place to leave her toddler and infant for the 45 minute interview, so she took a desperate chance.

    Richard Day's picture



    I recall in the late 1960's that Anthropology professors discussed the problem involved in 'aging' the primates in this NEW WORLD.

    Well the 'consensus' was that 13,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens crept into our New World via the Siberian whatever....

    The latest ice age gave a land cross from Siberia to the Americas (read Canada) and from that land cross, people from the East found a new home.

    Obamacare is a complex, unjust,expensive,error-prone system

    according to both his two remaining supporters.

    On March 22 Brad Delong carried a discussion between  Ezekiel Emmanuel (you know whose brother he is) and Harold Pollack. 

    Due to general and specific incompetence I've been unable to provide a link but if someone could do me a favor and provide one below as a comment I'd promise to demonstrate my profound gratitude either by blogging every day or just going quietly away. Your choice

    GOP Backs Casino Mogul's Nanny State

    Republicans team up with casino mogul Sheldon Adelson to meet a major threat to America and Americans in the 21st century. A problem that can no longer be ignored, delayed or kicked down the road. Not outdated infrastructure, or collapsing bridges. Not climate change. Not immigration reform or health care reform. Not skyrocketing student debt loads. Not a myriad of other issues you might think deserve attention.
    Internet gambling. And internet poker too, which the GOP believes is wreaking havoc from coast to coast!! Believe it!!

    Open Thread Thursday?

    I love MrSmith's Friday Afternoon Haikulodeons, so I'm suggesting open thread Thursdays for one-off comments that aren't quite big enough for blog posts. So, here's the open thread!

    Richard Day's picture


    LUKE 15; 11-32


    jollyroger's picture

    Why Hobby Lobby will probably win, and why it should.

    Let's call this the Peyoteros revenge, or "unintended consequences bite", shall we.


    Now, I am, of course, appalled (as would any right thinking person be) that the societal benefits of co-payment free birth control and insurance coverage for medical advice about the same) should be undercut by a law specifically intended to vindicate the influence of religion in the sphere of secular behaviour.

