The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Day I Decided to Stop Being Straight

    Originally Published in the UK Times Online

    A minor incident in a barber’s shop last week has helped me to realize that I may no longer be straight. Not a fully fledged straight guy, anyway; perhaps not even a part-timer who helps the team out when it’s busy. It appears I may be going Gay.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Obama to let Max Baucus give State of the Union Address


    WASHINGTON – Convinced that Max Baucus is still the key to his Presidency, President Barack Obama will forego his role in upcoming State of the Union Address, instead allowing the Senator from Montana give it.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Democrats to slow down on Health care reform – offer full coverage to one guy

    WASHINGTON – The White House and Congressional Democrats – aware of building anger in their base – have announced they plan to go forward with a modified Health Care Reform Bill that they feel will certainly make its way to President Barack Obama’s desk.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Democrats learn valuable lesson – vow never to attempt to do anything again

    WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats, chastened by Republican Scott Brown’s Senate victory in Massachusetts, have admitted that they have learned a valuable lesson after seeing their advantage in the senate drop to a paltry 59-41. The lesson? Stop trying to do things.

    “This is a wake-up call,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). “It’s time to slam on the brakes and stop everything. The people have spoken.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Reconciliation is only an ‘Obscure Legislative Process’ because media won't explain it

    While Democrats are fretting about what to do about health care reform following Scott Brown's Senate victory in Massachusetts, many have brought up the idea that they should use the legislative process known as Reconciliation to pass a reform bill.

    The mainstream media, always happy to run with a meme, have decided that Reconciliation is an obscure, sneaky process:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ joins Marines to get his message out - one bullet at a time

    AFGHANISTAN – Jesus Christ looked through his rifle scope. More than 200 yards away was known Muslim Ali-Aba Khan. With preternatural calm, Christ stared intently, lining up his shot. When he pulled the trigger, the back of Khan’s head exploded. Christ picked up his rifle and walked away.

    “The power of Christ compelled him,” said a chuckling Christ.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Mass. Senate Update: Black Panthers! ACORN! Voter fraud!!

    MASSACHUSETTS – In a pre-emptive strike, Fox News, the GOP and the campaign of Scott Brown have come forward to file federal electoral complaints against the Black Panthers and the group ACORN.

    “The fact that I haven’t already been declared the winner shows that there is massive voter fraud going on,” said Brown, several hours before the polls closed. “I blame ACORN.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    It's all about the beard

    These are sad times. The world is a confused, chaotic mess. War is now considered diplomacy. Freedom is but a catch phrase with no literal meaning. Life is getting more perilous and frightening for more and more people.

    And my beard’s a mess. And that really saddens me.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Everyone in the U.S. loses their keys

    AMERICA – The U.S. came to a grinding halt today, as everyone in America lost their keys.

    “I could have sworn I put them on the counter,” said Tom Jenkins of Riverside, Calif. “Honest to God, I just can’t remember where I put them. No idea whatsoever.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Disgruntled Mass. Democrats to vote for Satan rather than Coakley, Brown

    MASSACHUSETTS – Disgruntled Democrats – unhappy with candidate Martha Coakley – could throw President Barack Obama’s agenda for a loop as a large group of liberal voters have come forward to say that they will write-in Satan as their vote in tomorrow’s

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    NBC names Newt Gingrich new host of the ‘Tonight Show’

    BURBANK – Following a week that saw its late-night line-up explode in controversy, NBC has now announced that ex-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will be the new host of the “Tonight Show,” and that the show will be moved to Sunday at 8 a.m.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Review: The Patrick Byrne & Show

    For those of you that enjoy a good serial, I whole-heartedly advise you to spend a little time paying attention to CEO Patrick Byrne. Because, day-in, day-out, Byrne delivers the goods.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Sarah Palin & Fox News: One Heartbeat Away

    With the announcement of her deal with Fox News, Sarah Palin is now one Glenn Beck stroke, aneurysm, or cardiac event from being the most* batshit crazy person on TV.


    * Media Version. Overall, Charlie Sheen is still the most batshit and likely to commit a violent felony at some point.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Man being evicted from Home doesn’t care what Harry Reid said in 2008

    SALEM, Mass. — L.T. Johnson was busy tying a sofa to the roof of his Pinto hatchback, when he was forced to think long and hard about the most recent political controversy.

    “Harry Reid said the word Negro when talking about Obama? And Apologized?” said Johnson, now unemployed for 24 consecutive months. “Yeah, I just don’t care, I need a place for my family to live, so I`m not all too interested in stuff like this.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Sources: Underpants Terrorist Kid printed full-page ad in NY Times promising to attack a U.S. plane

    Ok, maybe not quite that over the top, but the Intelligence Industry really dropped the ball on the Underpants Terrorist kid. And by “dropped the ball,” I mean “Put thousands in needless risk.” I do expect there to be attempted attacks that will get past authorities somehow, but this is sounding quite abysmal.

    Larry Jankens's picture

    Japanese Man Surprises No One by Marrying a Video Game Character

    On Sunday Sal9000 married the love of his life, Nene Anegasaki, who just happens to be character in a Nintendo DS video game, Love Plus. Aside from the obvious irony that the video game character has a more normal sounding name than the actual person, this is a notable union because it is a step in the direction of respectability compared to the Japanese raping video game that we have discussed here at Dagblog.
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ far too cool to sweat over Brit Hume, Tiger Woods

    HEAVEN – The heavenly perfection of Downtown Heaven was disturbed once all Hell broke loose following the news that Fox News Real-Live Journalist Brit Hume advised golfer Tiger Woods to become a Christian to overcome his cheating ways. The ruckus was quelled, however, when Jesus Chist stepped forward to say that he did not care.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Jesus Christ he was enormous

    Bill’s Beginner’s Bible Presents:
    Jesus Christ Was He Enormous

    By William K. Wolfrum

    Chapter 1

    Genesis 6: 1-4 tells us that “there were giants in the Earth in those days.” Like all statements coming from the Word of God, this is factually true. There were, in fact, giants. And none were more giant than Jesus Christ.


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