The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Today's Puzzler

More than three-quarters of Americans say the country’s economic structure is out of balance and “favors a very small proportion of the rich over the rest of the country,” according to the latest NBC/WSJ poll

Elusive Trope's picture

Nuances of the Movement

In my last blog one poster made the assertion that GA would produce a strong statement condemning and repudiating violence.  Yet I found this report from James Vann on the Friday session, which began:

Elusive Trope's picture

This Just Proves My Point

In a video which describes itself as an example of police brutality is a perfect example of the generation raised by helicopter parents who believe that there should be no consequences

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The Bystanders

One of the things I found frustrating when conducting a protest rally was gazing over along the periphery and seeing all of the bystanders.  They stood there, arms folded or akimbo, maybe holding shopping bags when the action was in a downtown site, and gazed upon whatever spectacle we had put together.   Sometimes one individual would lean toward another and make a comment - maybe about the protest or maybe about how they ought to take off and go do what they had originally planned.

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The Elusive Point B

There are two basic groups of citizens when it comes to their evaluation of the socio-economic and political state of the country: those who are satisfied and those who are dissatisfied. Within each group, one can further categorized them between the somewhat (dis)satisfied and the very (dis)satisfied.

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The Human Scale

There is the basic concept of human scale which asserts humans interact with their social and physical environments based on their dimensions, capabilities and limits. We generally encounter the concept in architecture and city planning.  But it is just as important in the political and social realm. 

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trope's weekend puzzler: 9/11 edition

Of course I know what most of y'all are wondering is what is everyone's favorite post-structuralist pragmatist take on 9/11.  Or more specifically - what constitutes the trauma of that day, and what does it say about us, as Americans, and as human beings, and where we are heading? 

Well, here is a clue from the film Lola Rennt:



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Reinventing the (Discourse) Wheel

As I read the comments over the blogosphere regarding the unfolding events in Libya and the US involvement in those events, as well as the Republican chase for the nomination, I am reminded that in spite of the advantages of the web, we are still reinventing the wheel just about every time we blog.


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