The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

"Don't buy this book; don't read it!" Slate's advice on Hillary's latest opus...

John Plotz (He of the unfortunate last name...) sums up the judgement of Slate's political gabfest team in re: Hillary Clinton's recently released presidential campaign tocsin  memoir.While the verdict of the panel (Plotz plus the estimable Emily Bazelon and beautifully-mothered John Dickerson) is of interest (they ultimately conclude that the book is intended to freeze the competition while Hillary mulls things over), the best moment yet to proceed from this literary event is (IMHO) the intrusion into R

jollyroger's picture

First they came for the dogcatchers...

With apologies for in any way reprising those tasteless jokes which reference  the alleged paucity of stray dogs in areas abutting budget priced chinese restaurants, I offer for the canny investor a convenient metric by which to know in advance that global warming's grip on the throat of humanity has inexorably tightened beyond repair.  A leading indicator, if you will, of the food price apocalypse prophesied in the latest government climate change report.


jollyroger's picture

“At 50, everyone has the face he deserves." George Orwell

What lurks within...


Behold Bill O'Reilly in 1979 Gl2jic9soyvgcyskfwyk


Awhile later:



jollyroger's picture

Chris Christie:"You don't have a noose big enough for my fat neck..."

Paul Fishman, US Attorney for New Jersey and therefor man tasked with sorting out the sundry Christie-gate's that have entertained us since the Fort Lee lane closure kerfuffle, was seen shopping at Morty's Big and Tall, in the company of David Wildstein, former caporegime for the man whose mob nickname is "Big Chicken" (h/t Charlie Pierce)


jollyroger's picture

Mother guilty of felony poverty-loses kids, goes to jail

Faced with the policy conundrum that is posed by the choice of directing public funds towards free childcare or prison for mom and institutionalization for kids, Arizona makes the predictable and catastrophic choice.

Most of you will have heard the devastatingly sad story of Shanesha Taylor, an unemployed and homeless single mother of two, who miraculously was granted an interview for that job that Bill Clinton decided was the answer to ending "welfare as we knew it."

She had no place to leave her toddler and infant for the 45 minute interview, so she took a desperate chance.

jollyroger's picture

Why Hobby Lobby will probably win, and why it should.

Let's call this the Peyoteros revenge, or "unintended consequences bite", shall we.


Now, I am, of course, appalled (as would any right thinking person be) that the societal benefits of co-payment free birth control and insurance coverage for medical advice about the same) should be undercut by a law specifically intended to vindicate the influence of religion in the sphere of secular behaviour.


jollyroger's picture

McCain: No reversal of Nikita Khrushchev shall stand!

With his unerring instinct for military engagement, John McCain has not let us down in the current situation.  John McCain, destroying military assets in two different centuries...

jollyroger's picture

Rahm was right (??!!!) Economic recovery should have come first

Hindsight, as they say, is 20-20.


We on the left who despise Rahm Emmanuel for his corporatist roots, his dismissive attitude towards the grass roots and his cramped and limited vision of political struggle, used to inveigh, inter alia, against his reported advice that health care reform should have been left until the shambles of the Great Recession had been remediated.


From our perch 5 years out, does he not seem prescient?


jollyroger's picture

Hey, Prez (you worthless pig)...Stop the rapes!

Perhaps I misconstrue the words "Commander-in-Chief", but I swear before Jesus that English is my native tongue, and the whole title is only three words long.


jollyroger's picture

One Supreme Court seat turns it all around.

Assume, arguendo, that the Dems hold the Senate in 2014.


As now, the House remains, by virtue of crass gerrymander, out of reach of democratic pressure, with no visible hope of redress until the 2020 redistricting, if then.


Must we accept, then, utter and complete stagnation until the congress elected in November 2020 is organized in January 2021?  That is seven more lost years.


Perhaps there is another scenario.



TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryCan We Grow Dagblog? Danny Cardwell327 years 9 months ago
LinkSubcomandante Marcos-heir to Gramsci, father of Occupy Wall Street. He lives! jollyroger27 years 10 months ago
Blog entryStop Hating on the Clinton Foundation Michael Maiello1097 years 10 months ago
LinkSteve Clemons: The Biden Doctrine barefooted17 years 10 months ago
LinkZika Infections Rising in Miami NCD77 years 10 months ago
Blog entryHorse Race? Or Hindenburg? Doctor Cleveland357 years 10 months ago
LinkThomas Frank sees the coming Clinton victory, and he is not pleased... jollyroger37 years 10 months ago
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Reader blog Running Trump's Train High on Rogaine® - Economic Advisers? oldenGoldenDecoy37 years 10 months ago
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LinkLend to Switzerland for 42 years, pay THEM 8.2%. wait, what?? jollyroger47 years 11 months ago
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Blog entryBrexit is Good Michael Maiello897 years 12 months ago
Linkfirewalk with me... jollyroger08 years 3 days ago
Blog entryFlorida Shootings -- Stop Missing the Point Michael Maiello188 years 1 week ago
Reader blogTIME MACHINE; PALIN BECOMES PRESIDENT! Richard Day118 years 4 weeks ago
LinkButthurt and Derp Don't Win Elections Michael Maiello38 years 1 month ago
Link"You're likable enough,Hillary". Uhh, no. jollyroger88 years 1 month ago
LinkDeadbeat Donald, Ducking and dodging jollyroger38 years 1 month ago
Blog entryIt's Not Stop Trump. It's Stop Cruz. Doctor Cleveland268 years 1 month ago
Reader blogDivest Now! jollyroger28 years 1 month ago
Reader blogThis is your brain on teleprompted trump....zzzzzz jollyroger18 years 1 month ago
Reader blogHILLARY CLINTON WILL NOT ‘DO’ ANYTHING TO STOP THE TPP! synchronicity498 years 2 months ago


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