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All Hail The People Of Iran!

I cannot but admire the courage and guts of the people of Iran as I view the pictures of them peacefully assembling in the face of violent repression.  Young and old, male and female they march by the thousands and...
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30 Years of Revolution: There and Back Again in Iran

Pre-revolution In the mid 1970's you could not be on a major American university or college campus without being exposed to the ISA: the Iranian Students Association.  And so it was that in the fall of 1976 I was first...
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Some Easy, Effective Things You Can Do To Support Single Payer Right Now

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the health care "reform" the Democrats are cooking up in Washington right now with their BFF's from the insurance and drug companies isn't going to solve the health care crisis...
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The Lesson of D-Day

It's important to remember what occured on D-Day, as it is to remember all the bravery, courage and fortitude it took to fight in World War II to defeat Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.  But let us not get too...
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Who Killed Dr. Tiller?

A doctor was assassinated today in Wichita, KS by a religious fanatic and cold blooded killer.  His name was Dr. George Tiller.  But who killed Dr. Tiller?  Was it the gunman alone?  Hardly. Ever since the Roe v Wade decision...
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Veteran Andy Rooney Hits The Memorial Day Nail On The Head

I rarely watch 60 Minutes anymore, but yesterday I coincidentally caught Andy Rooney's commentary on Memorial Day.  I am very glad that I saw it.  A lot of the time Rooney plays the curmudgeonly old fella with quirky takes on...
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Remembering The Origin Of Memorial Day

As well all know, Memorial Day has become a day to remember all those soldiers who have died in service to the United States of America.  That is fitting, as the loss of any life on behalf of one's country...
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Let's Look at the Court Decision Ordering Release of the Photos The President Now Seeks to Overturn

Since the President's flip flop on the release of the photos his administration had previously agreed to release, pursuant to an order of a Federal court, there has been tremendous debate about what the President said and why as well...
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ACLU is Right on Photo Release: Bush/Obama Are Wrong

I know it is painful for many to come to terms with the fact that our new President is simply falling in line behind Bush's policies on a number of fronts.  Nowhere is that tendency more disappointing than when it comes...
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Wanda Sykes Picks up Where Colbert Left Off! Rock on Wanda!

Officialdom is now sniffing in disapproval and looking down it's long nose at the "poor taste" of Wanda Sykes for making two jokes about a bloated fascist demagogue during her performance at the White House Correspondents Dinner.  These are the same people...


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