Blog Posts

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A Bicentennial Minute

Today marks 200 years since the birth of Abraham Lincoln.  Quite a milestone.  What a happy coincidence that this great American's long shadow casts itself on the American scene at this time!  Our country could do much worse than to always...
oleeb's picture

Centrists and Republicans to America: Drop Dead!

Now that we have seen just exactly what the influence of the centrists in the Senate has been on the stimulus bill, it is clear that the bill is much worse than when it arrived in the Senate and if...
oleeb's picture

Scummy AP sues Fairey for "copyright infringement" over HOPE poster image

I am simply amazed at what I've just seen on yahoo news.  After it's shameful anti-Democratic reporting of the past couple of years they now have the gall to attempt to get a piece of the Obama marketing pie by...
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Truman to Obama: Put them on the defensive

God how I wish Harry Truman were here today because he would give Obama the advice he needs  to be successful and Harry would quickly disabuse him of some of the more Quixotic ideas clouding the President's vision as he...
oleeb's picture

Hopeful note for Medicare for All!

Don't know about anyone else, but I didn't see the following story in the news last week about a coalition that has formed to press the Medicare for All legislation in Congress.  If you can get two very different kinds of...
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Gore is right! We need action on climate change this year: not next!

In this piece running right now on TPM  Al Gore advocates the President take strong action now on Climate Change.  He is right and everyone who loves humanity and this precious blue jewel of a planet needs to join him in demanding...
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Super Bowl Poll

Taking a momentary break from politics... who are ya for in today's Super Bowl and what's your prediction? Personally, I'm for the Steelers but if the Cardinals win it won't upset me.  They are a good team too and Warner is...
oleeb's picture

Move the shoe to America!

I just saw the following short news item on yahoo. I propose moving the sculpture to America.  In fact, why not just make copies and place them in ever major city in the United States to show our solidarity with...
oleeb's picture

We'll Need More Than Tighter State Standards to Reduce Greenhouse Gases: We Need Zero Emissions Vehicles

I'm glad to see the President moving quickly to allow the states to establish their own tighter emissions standards.  It's a good initial step toward combatting climate change, but it's a relatively small step.  We need much, much more if...
oleeb's picture

Never Again!

I clearly recall the jubilation of Nixon leaving office.  For most of us it was a long awaited moment of relief and perhaps the country would recover from the mean-spirited nastiness of the Nixon White House and the pall it...


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