Blog Posts

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Will Obama okay capitulation and allow the FISA travesty to pass?

Obama's voice has been silent thus far on the FISA capitulation now being marketed by Steny Hoyer and other wimpocrats in Washington DC who seem eager to sell us all down the river on retroactive telecom immunity.  This is not...
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Jim Webb vs US Grant

In today's edition of TPM there is a post about Jim Webb's views regarding the Civil War and how that might damage his chance to be the VP nominee.  First, I don't think Webb is a very good choice mostly...
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Vice President Clinton? I don't think so

This morning's report of negotiations with the Clinton camp and the Obama camp is certainly unpleasant news to this Democrat.  Neither was my first choice.  Both are corporate/centrist Democrats which is, to say the least, a tremendous disappointment particularly in light of...
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The verdict is in: we need immediate dramatic action to reverse global warming: half measures won't do

The article currently running on TPM's front page about Carbon Dioxide levels being at their highest in 650,000 years is something that certainly grabs my attention and shouts: "EMERGENCY!" to me.  It is one of the more disturbing headlines I have seen lately and...
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What's been the point of HC's poison pill strategy?

It has been fairly apparent for weeks (for those of us who weren't blinded by our candidate loyalties) that Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the nomincation are slim to none.  Now, her chances have completely disappeared.  During this time her campaign...
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Who's more irresponsible? Hillary or McCain?

I'm not one of those Obama people who bristles at every criticism of him by any means (he's way too centrist and pro-corporate for my taste), but I must say this non-convtroversey over Obama's remarks is not only absurd, but...
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Two weak candidates spells Pres. McCain

It is becomingly increasingly clear that the two remaining Democratic candidates for President are very weak and either of them will have difficulty winning the general election.  It isn't simply because of the ongoing contest either.  Both of them are...
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Authoritarian "Justices" shred Constitution once again

Today's disgraceful display at the Supreme Court regarding the Second Amendment is yet another in a long string of nods by right wing extremists to the form of government American natives have become accustomed to whilst simultaneously dismantling it before...
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Our two candidates are weak and jeopardize victory in November

Please allow me to interrupt the caterwalling betwixt the Clinton and Obama loyalists for a brief public service announcement:We need a different candidate for President and one that isn't Hillary or Barack.Both of our candidates are weak and clearly have the potential...
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The Spitzer Sex Sting: A few More Questions

Scott Horton at Harper's has been covering the political crucifixion of former Alabama Governor Don Siegleman for some time.  In a brief comment at Harpers he has this to say about the situation concerning the once up and coming Governor...


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