The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Health Care in Black & White: A Preview

The following video is a teaser of what I have been working on in my spare time (of which I have lots) for the past two weeks. When finished, my short film should be about 15 minutes long. Of course,...

Now, now, now, now, now

Don't waste all day talking about Sen. Joe Asshat.Call, fax AND email the White House and your congressional delegation today in support of the president's speech, passage of health care and the public option. Don't think about it. Don't waste...

I Recommend This Post ... er, That Post

Take a look at this post, perhaps the best explanation yet of the anger that Rep. Joe Dumbass displayed last night. Whoever the longtime TPM reader is, he has it exactly right. Here's part of it below. Don't miss reading...

No More Mr. Nice President

President Obama served notice to Republicans tonight that bipartisanship only goes so far. He can play hardball as well as anyone.So the president repeatedly used the politically verboten word "lie" to describe ... Republican lies. He said he would "call...

No Public Option with a Trigger

TPM's front page this weekend teases the story that the White House is negotiating with Sen. Olympia Snowe for her support in a compromise that might garner her vote and satisfy progressives. The teaser link asks "Public Option With Trigger...

Obama must be reading my stuff

From the New York Times two days ago:Obama Aides Aim to Simplify and Scale Back Health BillsBy ROBERT PEAR and JACKIE CALMESPublished: September 2, 2009WASHINGTON -- President Obama plans to address a joint session of Congress next week in an...


Please signify by commenting "yes" below if you have contacted a federal official (White House or office of a senator or congressman) THIS WEEK in support of the Public Option....

Tell Obama to support the Public Option

The past few days are rife with signals from the White House that President Obama may use his address to a joint session of Congress next Wednesday to reposition himself on health care reform--specifically, that he may drop his support...

The case for Afghanistan

I'm a liberal, not a knee-jerk liberal. I want a public option in health care, but that doesn't automatically mean I think Obama should withdraw from Afghanistan. George Will is wrong again or still wrong, depending on your viewpoint.Quagmire in...

Have It Yahweh

When Republicans say they love America, I take them at their word. I certainly don't believe many of them hate this country.But some on the Very Far Right -- a small Tea Party's worth of Republicans, LaRouche followers and Ron...



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