The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Tommy Holmes's picture

How To Take Advantage Of A Bad Situation And Make It Worse

   Was just watching the Fed Chairman, that good ol' boy genius Mr B. Had some very interesting things to say, almost none of which I agree with. Talked about the possibility of a QE3, which to me is a bad idea. Just more money to puff up the markets and cause us more inflationary grief. He himself stated that we need inflation. Why? He's seems to think inflation guarantees economic growth. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only thing it guarantees is higher profit margins, which seems to lately be the feds true mandate.

Tommy Holmes's picture

Basic Math and the Summation of the Equation.

    Heard recently the Bush tax cuts cost this country between 3 and 4 TRILLION DOLLARS over the past 10 years. There is the  reason for almost a third of our 14 trillion dollar debt. A good part of the reason we have run up this debt is basic math. Because of the vast amout of wealth that is being stashed off-shore by the multi-nationals along with the corporate welfare system compounded by the afore-mentioned tax cuts on capital gains. (Bush tax cuts); we just plain and simply do not bring in enough money to continue to spend like this.

Tommy Holmes's picture

Race To the Bottom

   If you don't know what I mean by this, odds are you will; just give it time.

   What I'm alluding to is the talk of making America competitive in the global workplace. This is code for bringing us to the same level as workplaces in other countries. No unions, no collective bargaining of any kind, poor safety regulations, no pentsions, no benefits except what you pay for yourself. Need I go on?

Tommy Holmes's picture

Nothing To Gain

    Was listening to a piece about the war powers act and the situation in Libya. They said the reasoning as to why we're there is because the people were being killed by their leaders. Well the same thing is happening in Syria. Why are we not helping those people? I suspect there are basically 2 reasons.

1. Syria is an enemy of Israel. We no doubt don't care if there are a few less Syrians. Lord only knows Israel doesn't.

2. Syria has no oil.

Tommy Holmes's picture

The Real Terror in the War on Terror

   Was just watching C-Span. The topic was; should we get out of Afghanistan? I was happy to hear 90% of the callers were stating facts that I have been aware of since the jets hit the World Trade Center. The policies being invoked in the name of the protection of our freedoms and way of life are not what they claim to be; by a long shot.

Tommy Holmes's picture

Plain and Simple

The American government rips off its people. The money ends up in the hands of the rich. Hence the debt. This is a plain and simple truth. True or False ?

Also American is run by Criminals. True or False ?

America is no longer a democracy - but has become a Corporate State, which is a form of Fascism. True or False ?

Tommy Holmes's picture

America America land that I LOST !

   What more is there to say? That about sums it up. Short and sweet, kind of like this countries reign as the greatest nation on earth.Shame how the caring this nation's leaders once had for their citizens has sunk to and all time low.

Tommy Holmes's picture

Thoughts On Protectionism

Free Trade is killing the American middle class. You know Washington has to be in bed with Corporate America to have passed these laws. No unions, environmental laws and ultra cheep labor will certainly attract business to out-source jobs; but when you killed the import tariffs and allowed them to get the goods back into this country free, you sealed the fate of the American worker! I know there's nothing here you didn't know and understand. If you truly represent the American people, advance some protectionism legislation. If someone doesn't soon, the boycotts will start.

Tommy Holmes's picture

The two budget plans before us and the question of priorities and fair play

So, are we going to sit back and have our health compromised? Seems there's a good chance this will happen, and it all  depends on the outcome of the next election. Depending on which party gets in, one of two philosophies will dictate which agenda is bestowed upon us.

Tommy Holmes's picture

Real Intent

    I sure you've heard of the U.N.'s vote on possible engagement in the Libyan Civil War. As you know the vote is happening as I type. I'm also sure you know the reasoning behind this action. It of course has very little to do with just Libya; this is the beginning of the quest for Africa and all her wealth.

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