The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    tmccarthy0's picture

    For Whom The Blog Trolls

    No troll is an island,
    Under the blog of self.
    Each is a piece of the blog,
    A part of the main blog.
    If a troll be washed away by the sea,
    Blogs are the less.
    As well as if a promontory were.
    As well as if a manner of thine own
    Or of thine friend's troll were.
    Each troll's death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in trollkind.
    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the blog trolls,
    It trolls for thee.

    Richard Day's picture



    There are many types of humiliation.

    Usually one sees the stronger humiliate the weaker.

    And we have all certainly felt humiliation at one time or another.

    Sometimes humiliation is accomplished when people are not even in the same room.

    O'Reilly has just been humiliated over his book.

    O'Reilly says he needed to write the book because nobody teaches decent history any longer.

    So real historians take a look at the book and find error after error.

    Donal's picture

    SCI FI submissions

    I only read one story so far, but here is a list of links to submissions to Greer's scifi contest.


    On Singing Latin, and Other Uncomfortable Things

    Well, as most of you know, I moved to Pennsylvania and am settling in.  I joined the Pike County Choral Society because my mother and sister are altos there and I thought it would be fun to sing again.  I haven't sung in a choir since high school.  Seriously.  I am so out of practice it isn't funny.  

    MrSmith1's picture

    more haikus NOT written by the Earl of Oxford


    The batch from the past week:


    haiku: 'King of the Cowboys',
    He fought the bad guys and sang
    'Happy Trails to you ...'

    (Roy Rogers - born 11/05/1911- died 07/06/1998)


    Richard Day's picture


    I woke up some Saturday morning 35 years ago or so.

    I was feeling pretty good.

    Went out for my run and came back two hours later.

    Kat Nove's picture

    Creating Fossils

    At first Martin didn’t bother looking up at the approaching vehicle. His attention remained focused on the blood dripping from the rock pick clenched in his right hand. The drops seemed to sizzle as they hit the asphalt. The urge to place his ear to the middle of the farm-to-market road and listen to Lucy’s blood almost overwhelmed him. Propriety kept him off his arthritic knees and trudging towards his car.

    The sun owned Texas in August. Even without the recent exertion he would still be bathed in sweat. Rivulets ran along the careworn lines of his face.

    "A Jewish Writer in America" by Saul Bellow

    The following, the second part of a two-part series, is excerpted from a talk originally given by Saul Bellow in 1988 and now published here for the first time. A footnote has been added by the editors.

    located @

    New York Review of Books for the November 10, 2011 issue.

    MrSmith1's picture

    Haiku-chee-koo - It's Friday and what else have I got to do?

    This week's batch: 
    tanka haiku: Lady Liberty,
    friend of the huddled masses
    yearning to breathe free,
      let your torch of Freedom shine;
    Donal's picture

    The Declaration - The Fifth Dimension

    I used to listen to this constantly.

    Richard Day's picture



    Leno has pissed me off for years.

    Letterman is that much better?

    Well Letterman demonstrates that he is a liberal all the time.

    His attacks on w bush were supreme.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The Road Not Taken - Chapter 1

    She was apprehensive sitting there at the café waiting for him. She hadn’t heard from him in 22 years, in fact it was 22 years to the day that he called her and asked her to come be with him. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan them though, she couldn’t, she had made a commitment, she had a family, she wanted to be with him, they’d been together so many years before, but when he left her  those many years before, she had to move on, it was a different time.

    MrSmith1's picture

    If it's Friday, it must be time for more haikus


    The latest batch:


    haiku: A languorous pose,
    belies her tragic fate, in
    April 1912

    (This photo of the statue in Straus Park near where I live, was taken by a neighbor. The statue is of Ida Straus, who died along with her husband Isidor on the Titanic.)


    Waiting for a sign,
    he remained very still ... ... ... then,
    he knew what to do.


    Kat Nove's picture

    Ruling the World by Playing Drunken Beach Volleyball

    I wrote this when Bush was President.  The current state of the Union could have been avoided if this game had been played.


    santh's picture

    USA & PAKISTAN :Honeymooning in 'GAY' abandon,

    From my blog roll

    original credits :

    USA & PAKISTAN :Honeymooning .. in 'GAY' abandon, ofcourse !!

    A 'nondescript' attempt to describe this 'Blow- Hot, Blow Cold or....Blow whatever' equation.



    Jeni Decker's picture

    WAITING FOR KARL ROVE - Excerpt "2"



    **(This is an excerpt from “Waiting for Karl Rove” by Jeni Decker & Kat Nove. The book has over 600 FOOTNOTES, but for the purposes of this excerpt, they are in parenthesis.)





    MrSmith1's picture

    Haikus again for a Friday.


    Another batch:


    Kat Nove's picture

    Breakfast in the Twilight Zone

    I wrote this before Obama was elected, but some things never change.


    Jeni Decker's picture

    Waiting for Karl Rove (Excerpt)


    Waiting for Karl Rove is political satire masquerading as a road trip memoir. It has over 600 footnotes, but for the purposes of this excerpt we’ve put them in parenthesis.





    ~Chapter Twenty-One~
