The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Kat Nove's picture

    Oh Me of Little Faith

    Thanks to Michael for inviting me to post some of my writing here.  I've certainly enjoyed checking out the site for the last few days and hope to become a regular visitor and contributor.

    I wrote this several years back and although it seems I've missed National Blasphemy Rights Day by a few days, this seems like a good story to post in honor of it.


    Richard Day's picture


    Charles Nelson Reilly
    Charles Nelson Reilly in 2000

    I wrote an essay on an appearance by Charles Nelson Reilly on the Tonight Show that was televised many decades ago!

    Richard Day's picture




    I was directed to Chief Seattle's speech by Joseph Campbell, one of the most interesting lecturers it has ever been my pleasure to hear and see and ponder.

    santh's picture

    MUAMMAR GADDAFI : The 'Rice' before the fall !!

    A while ago, while unpleasantly blog strolling, I stumbled on an exhilarated piece of satire written and cartooned by mindless on his render, mindless lampooning : [ Ink,Paper & Pencil(not necessarily in that order)]

    This is a reproduction of his writing. the cartoon on the blog post is equally hilarious. Read on...


    MrSmith1's picture

    Good Grief, Still MORE haikus for a Friday Afternoon ...


    I skipped last week, so this is two week's worth:



    jollyroger's picture

    RETURN TO BROOKLYN (and the name is Karin) HAIKU


    Donal's picture

    Don't try this anywhere

    Incredibly impressive stunts, but how many people are going to the ER after trying this stuff?

    MrSmith1's picture

    haikus for a friday afternoon ...


    I think I've shared some of my haikus here before.  I've recently started working with a photographer I know to put some images and haikus together for a book proposal.  

    I used to write haikus just as a warm-up exercise for my other writing, now I write at least a couple of haikus a day just to post on twitter and facebook for my friends and my own  amusement.  Almost all of these haikus were all written in the last week or two.


    jollyroger's picture

    Jack's Rules of the Road

    Back story:  Around the time Jerry Cimino was founding the Beat Museum, I was urging him to go beyond a simple non-profit and found a church, arguing that when you live in a Christian theocracy, it pays to be a Christian Church.

    Richard Day's picture


    The secrets of the universe might be found in a drop of water.

    cmaukonen's picture

    From Sparks to The Space Shuttle - A Brief Retrospective

    With the Shuttle Era coming to and end and space flight on indefinite hold, I though it would be good to highlight some of the technological achievements that led up to it.

    cmaukonen's picture

    A Fable For....Some Time

    John Haddock had been with the company for almost 25 years and at 58 very close to retirement now. He was one of the most successful design engineers they had. Graduated from Columbia Engineering School with his Masters degree and went to work for a communications firm. When the opening in his current company for an assistant design position opened up, he jumped at it.  Marshal Control Systems was just the place he wanted to be.  Helping to design the necessary power and charge control systems needed for photovoltaic and wind turbine systems.

    Richard Day's picture

    Wilfred & Louie



    I recall when the television 'season' began sometime around Labor Day.

    Jackie Gleason or Gunsmoke or Bonanza or whatever would begin airing sometime in September.

    These series would run 33 episodes.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Travels with the I-Pad -- Port Gamble Trails

    I like to take the IPad preloaded with trail maps to go hiking, that way, you probably can't get lost. Well I probably could get lost, for some reason I seem without a good sense of direction, thank god I am married, although we do  spend much of our time recovering from me turning the wrong way everywhere we go, but the I-Pad is truly and awesome thing and keeps me from getting lost often. So I had this map loaded onto my IPad before I left home.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The Art of the Woodpecker

    I had the french doors open, I heard a loud pecking noise, there he was working on the same tree he has been working on for the past decade. He is a pileated woodpecker. The Pileated Woodpeckers are native of the Pacific Northwest, and we have seen them the 17 years we've lived in this house.  I know they live up to 9 years so this is the second generation and maybe the beginning of the third generation while we've lived here. They are fascinating to watch.

    Richard Day's picture




    Someone told me
    It's all happening at the zoo.
    I do believe it,
    I do believe it's true.

    Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Whoooa. Mmmmm.

    It's a light and tumble journey
    From the East Side to the park;
    Just a fine and fancy ramble
    To the zoo.


    Donal's picture

    Gaia vs Humans
