by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Talking Points Memo reports that its commenting system has crashed due to a failure at The failure of Amazon's cloud problem has hobbled Web sites all over the place leaving articles and events uncommented upon.
At the White House, there was much rejoicing.
"The contraints on my presidency have been lifted," Obama told his staff. "For the first time, we can make policy without having to worry about what the left says about us on the Internet. Now I don't even need the authority to shut the thing off."
Obama then announced the imposition of tax cuts on the rich to pay for the invasion of Yemen and the transformation of Social Security into a retirement lottery.
"Do some on the left object to that?" Obama asked. Then he added, laughing, "Hard to tell. Nobody's said so on the Internet!"
Meanwhile, at Republican National Headquarters, Supreme Chancellor Reince Priebus was not so amused.
"Wihtout Internet comments, the Obama birth certificate issue will die!" he hissed to his reptilian lieutenants from the Dantooine system.
"Not to worry!" said his lieutenant, Sur'lock. "We can bring back The American Spectator and spread our conspiracy theories via paper!"
"Will need money," said Preibus. "Activate the late night television overpriced gold coin scam. Redeploy Beck. Onward!"
Too funnee. I like the way Josh hedged and said "many of you" can't comment. There have been zero comments on stories since yesterday.
by bwakfat on Fri, 04/22/2011 - 10:38am
This is true. I've been forced to vent my political displeasure the old fashioned way, with graffiti. You'll find "It's the unemployment, stupid!" in stalls 2, 4, 7 and 9.
I also still have one of those "Mr. Microphone" dealios left over from the late 70s. If the internet keeps having trouble, I'm going to go to that.
by Doctor Cleveland on Fri, 04/22/2011 - 7:52pm
Not that funny, sorry. I was thinking more in lines the US super secret spy-on-americans agencies created under Bu$h and the GOPer's would see it as a gift from God...all the big players on internet news putting their internet access eggs in a single basket which makes denial of service a piece of cake for those agencies if they ever saw the need to curtail important news reaching the public immdiately...kinda like what happened in Egypt.
by Beetlejuice on Sat, 04/23/2011 - 5:52am