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    Bachmann Declares ...


    I tried. I swear. I really tried. I wasn't going to pre-judge or pre-snicker or condescend. I swear. 
    But I get two sentences into Michelle Bachmann's speech declaring herself a candidate for President in 2012, and I ran into this:
    "Our voice has been growing louder and stronger. And it is made up of Americans from all walks of life like a three-legged stool."
    And I think, "Okay, that's just kind of a bad analogy ..."   
    But that line was followed by: "It's the peace through strength Republicans, and I'm one of them, it's fiscal conservatives, and I'm one of them, and it's social conservatives, and I'm one of them. It's the Tea Party movement and I'm one of them."  
    Yes, that's right, Michelle Bachmann's three legged stool of support has four legs. 
     That's it. For me, she has officially declared herself an idiot.


    Peacenik republicans got us into war in the Middle East

    Fiscal Republicans ran up the debt

    Social Conservative Republicans get caught in adultery

    Tea Party Conservatives are angry andracist.

    Other than that, those seem to be pretty cool groups.

    She is, in her mind, all things to all people of the Republican party. hahaha

    Sounds to me like you're one of them "science-based" anti-Americans.

    Doesn't Science (and Marvel comics) tell us that any three-legged stool with four legs is a mutant?

    While I'm loathe to engage in discussions of "stools," all I can say - and this with some certainty - is that I believe in faith. 

    But have you ever tried to stand on a faith-based stool?

    Just listened to Bachmann announce.

    Strident, very strident.



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