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    An Extrapolation by an Economic Idiot (me)


    I was listening to something on "The Takeaway" on WNYC (NPR), this morning.  They were talking about how businesses have been slow to hire people, making the recovery that much worse ... and I got thinking about the GOP's rants about unions and the Federal government in general.  Repugs have been hitting us over the head with their beliefs about unions being lazy and overpaid and irrelevant in this day and age.  They also claim that the government spends too much and the less government, the better.  So, if too much money given to the unions and too much spending by the government is so bad, how can they also think that the way to fix businesses is to give them more money?  Just as, in their scenarios, workers become less productive when paid too much, (thanks to the unions' 'unfair negotiating tactics'), won't business owners become less inclined to innovate and grow their business when they make enough money to be comfortable?  If we make the rich too comfortable, by giving them too many tax breaks and other benefits, doesn't that take away their incentive to work hard?  They tell us it does when it applies to 'Welfare Queens' and unions and the Federal government.  If these problems can only be fixed by starving them and/or making them live within their means, why aren't they arguing to give rich people greater incentives to create jobs by cutting off their tax breaks and making them uncomfortable enough to go out and grow their business?  Do they believe greed is different than the desire to climb out of poverty?  I think we need a dose of 'tough love' for the rich.  If you treat them too well, they won't be productive, they'll just sit around on their duffs, living off their tax breaks, and that'll screw up the economy.   
    Too many tax breaks makes Mr. Johnny a fat, bloated corporatist.  So, let's help our fat bloated millionaires get back to into shape through a kind of work incentive, by raising their taxes back to pre-Reagan levels, which will make them sweat enough to go out and produce new business opportunities.  Let's get those lazy tax-break moochers back to work! 


    There are economists that point out the same thing. It is discussed in the Seven Innocent Frauds of Economics. Taxes is a strong incentive to make people be productive and produce goods to earn enough to pay them. After all why would you make widgets when you can call your broker and let him grow your money and pay little taxes on the earnings.


    Thanks, trkingmomoe, it's nice to know that at least one thought that popped into my head isn't completely idiotic.   hahaha.

    For some reason my comment posted twice. Hmmm? Can I blame it on the computer fairy?

    Taxes is an economic tool that if used right can grow an economy by moving unproductive money back into circulation to multiply and grow demand.


    OVERPAID, yeah I am already pissed off by your first paragraph.

    I mean they talk about how hard it is to exist on 250 g's a year on fox, and then they lambast the worker for making 50 g's.

    This makes me so goddamn mad....

    Well you get the idea!

    Yeah, I get the idea. Next lifetime, we choose richer parents. 

    TPM has the story on Mitt from CNN about his claim to a group of unemployed that 'he is unemployed too".

    Mitt Romney is reportedly worth $200 million, weren't George W. Bush's tax cuts for the rich supposed to allow them to use the money to trickle it down and create jobs? Where are the jobs Mitt has created with his big Bush tax savings?

    If all he is going to do is use it to fund an extravagant retirement, tax him to pay some teachers salaries, or to reduce the deficit, or pay for Dubya's wars!

    Romney has no empathy, so he makes a clumsy, ridiculous statement in a lame attempt to connect to people.  All Bill Clinton, a far more skilled politician, had to do in a similar situation was bite his lip and say, "I feel your pain."

    Romney could, of course, claim that by running for President, dog-gone-it, he's already created jobs ... for his staff, and that his investing his own money in his campaign is part of his plan to put Americans back to work!  


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