by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have already written of wrath against THE DONALD. The particular incident that incited the hatred in me involved Trump's attack on the families of 'terrorists'.
Jolly just wrote a post concerning the Uber driver who killed six people and wounded others with a 'semi-automated' weapon for no particular reason; having no history of loss of reason; and exhibiting no previous lack of reason. Oh and blogs around the internet stressed that the Uber Killer was not a terrorist?
If one of my children or grandchildren were the victims of this psycho's delusions I would surely see him as a terrorist!
This time Trump told a folksy tale involving Black Jack Pershing:
I mean, what is this, go tell it on the mountain?
Go tell it on the mountain that all Muslims should die via pig blooded bullets?
I took a cursory Google/Bing/Yahoo/ Wiki search (cursory is a neat adjective do you not think?) and I found nothing supporting this fascist prick's fairy tale. Nothing
I LOVE THIS COUNTRY says the modern-day Fuhrer.
I get so damned mad when I hear this kind of crap!
I literally foam at the mouth.
I mean Trump is most probably the least conservative prick running for the Repub Ticket.
The other guys just smile as they threaten to send the homeless and the sick and the disabled to the work farms.
Even Kasich signed a bill this week taking away all chances for a poor woman in Ohio to get a mammography or a VD check-up or.....
My point here is that I am so goddamn mad; so filled with hate; and so filled with evil thoughts that I can hardly take it.
Here is Trump telling some folksy, Twain-like fairy tale involving Black Jack Pershing.
As far as I can tell.
Prove me wrong and I shall despise Black Jack for the rest of my life!
This anger, this ire, this vitriolic feeling will not go away sometimes.
This must be how anti-Obama people feel all the time; even though I find no evidence of this type of vitriol in any speech given by my President.
I do not like feeling like this.
I mean, I have no guns; I have no intents on aggression....I just feel rotten when I listen to Trump.
I hate this guy so very very much. And yet, that is the response this sombitch desires from the rest of America.
The Catholic Church cannot help me, Yoga cannot help me, Meditation cannot help me out of this!
Maybe Rhonda can:
Some help would certainly help.
There is room at the top:
by moat on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 8:21am
I forgot all about David Byrne.
Thank you.
by Richard Day on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 11:36am
Ahh, no one could dance like David...
by jollyroger on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 12:57pm
The reason that you are angry is because the media handles the bigots with kid gloves. Antonin Scalia was a racist. We are supposed to allow a grace period after death before pointing out that he was a divisive force on the Supreme Court. The Conservatives got their Robert Bork via Scalia. Conservatives pine for the good old days when a guy could be a bigot and enjoy the praise of the country. Bigots like Strum Thurmond and Jesse Helms were labeled patriots. Bill Mahrer thinks it is funny to bring a racist like Ann Coulter on his show to taunt and humiliate the Liberals. Mahrer does not see himself as part of the problem.
Ted Cruz wants to send all 12 million undocumented workers back to their country of origin, Cruz is a racist. Rubio is being touted as being more rational than Trump or Cruz. Paul Krugman points out that Rubio is a wingnut. Kaisich, the "moderate", defunded Planned Parenthood in Ohio, as you noted. A sitting Governor deliberately poisoned a town in Michigan and the Conservatives would likely reelect him because he is a "fiscal Conservative".
What you are felling is not hatred, but a rejection of evil. Trump's companies have gone bankrupt to the tune of $4.5 billion dollars. The claim that he has the ability to solve the economic woes of the United States is taken for granted by many in the GOP base. Facts don't matter. Nobody likes Cruz, yet we are told that he will be able to get things done in Congress. Rubio's friends tell us that he panics under pressure, but he still wants to be President.
The proper response to the cast of characters being offered for the Presidency by the GOP is the one you are experiencing.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 9:50am
And I am supposed to be pissed off because of Hillary's e-mails?
by Richard Day on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 11:32am
The emails are nonsense.
Scarborough and Brzezinski are good buddies with the Donald. The Donald controls their show when he phones it in or appears on the show. MSNBC is not shamed by this impropriety, they made the duo headliners for the weekend Caucuses. Bigots bring ratings,
Mahrer likes taunting Liberals. He says Ann Coulter is funny. I am told Louis Farrakhan is a humorous man in person, If I introduced Farrakhan as my good friend the comedian, I would be ostracized. Accepting Coulter is accepting a racist. Her entire career is built on bigotry and racism. Mahrer's acceptance is not a benign thing. Newt Gingrich pointed out to "Fox & Friends" that the show helped create Presidential candidate Donald Trump. They hosted "Mondays with Donald" on a weekly basis.
Fox is surprised when their creation turns on Megyn Kelly .
Edit to add:
link to an article noting captured audio suggesting support for Donald Trump and the Hosts of Morning Joe"
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 11:53am
It's telling how easily Trump can stimulate the base emotional hate reaction and such hand wringing from so many Liberals. These seemingly random outbursts of outre rhetoric keep him in the media spotlight, for free, and produce days of outrage and angst from the offended supporters of real murderers and racists. Most of his supporters seem to understand this is just campaign theatrics.
HRC's email scandal shows just one side of her despicable nature, to hide and control her history, while her public display of ecstasy at the sight of a Muslim leader's torture and death shows what we can expect if she assumes power.. We have already seen her use her power to plan and execute the destruction of one Muslim country killing thousands of people and she didn't even need pig blood. She still seems to support all the killing of Muslims Bill did and she supported Bush's murder spree in the ME until she recently and conveniently didn't.
by Peter (not verified) on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 12:52pm
Calling for the death of peoples' families is theater. But as the Bard noted, actual people die during the performance and there is this cycle of revenge thing. Consider this scene from Richard III:
To have one who would lead our nation call for the death of families will not be treated as lightly as you have done by those who mourn them. Hypocrisy is bad and I welcome the scourge that forces it into the light. But to suggest those sins are equal to the openly declared call for the elimination of entire families is terribly wrong and should be opposed by all who have a conscience.
by moat on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 6:27pm
The angry Muricans are sick to their stomachs feasting on the Donald's hate for others. It's like following up a dish of cherry pie with anchovies and tequila and you still feel sick so you try some limburger with tripe, but you want more and more so you can keep from throwing up. So you probably just have SHRS---sympathetic heaving response syndrome.
by Oxy Mora on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 11:55am
Howard Dean is caught 'screeching'? and he is done.
There are so many instances where some politician steps in it and that politician is road kill.
And we have Trump and Cruz....
Yeah, I experience nausea just watching cable news!
by Richard Day on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 12:36pm
But Howard was a Democrat. And it would have been okay if he were yelling about football.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 1:30pm
A post at the Daily Banter addresses the poor job the media has done regarding Trump. Three months ago, a female reporter from NBC was the target of a crowd revved up by Trump during one of his tirades against the press. Katy Tur faced taunts and threats. There was nothing physical ...... this time. Trump has supported crowd violence in the past.
Melissa Harris-Perry faced a similar at a GOP Caucus in Iowa. The security at the event was worthless.
The Republicans have created a base of hate-filled people. If Trump is the nominee, rank and file Republicans will not hesitate to fall into lockstep and vote for the racist.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 4:41pm
This type of racist behavior within the republican party isn't new. Trump is just pandering to it, provoking it and making it more acceptable.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 4:49pm
At least back then the GOP pretended they were appalled.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 4:56pm
There was a theory back in 08 that electing Obama would "break the fever" on racism. I disputed that notion. I knew it would provoke a racist push back. But I never expected that the republican establishment would encourage and across the board at least tolerate the blatant racism that came with the election of a black man. I'd like to think this republican primary is the death throes of a dying ideology but I just don't know. They're playing racism big this year so they have to lose big for us to move forward and fight new battles. This is the most important election of my lifetime and not just because it will decide the makeup of the Supreme Court for a generation. By electing a democrat it will put a final stamp of approval on the Obama presidency. America will be saying that we not only elected him twice but liked him enough to elect another democrat to continue his policies.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 5:27pm
Agreed about the need for a Democrat.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 5:34pm
Very well put, Kat. Let's hope we win and it's a turning point.
by Oxy Mora on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 6:20pm
The Republican scumbags on the Senate Judiciary Committee refuse to even meet with an Obama Supreme Court nominee.
Edit to add:
I apologize for my language. I do not intend to demean scumbags by associating them with life firms as low as Republicans.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 4:18pm
FDR - I welcome their hatred, 2nd New Deal, Oct.1936, NYC, Madison Sq Garden.
Dems could sure use this kind of speech about the GOP !
by NCD on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 11:16pm
Obama should nominate a candidate and show the Republicans refusing to even talk with the nominee. It is an issue to energize the Democratic base. Couple the insult to Obama and the nominee and add it to the Republicans nominating Trump or Cruz, and you have election gold.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 11:18pm
Agree. The Republicans took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and they are setting a precedent that the separation of powers is dead, and with it our democracy,
Who enforces the Constitution? The passage on judges is clear and succinct.
Do they believe Obama is 3/5 a President?
The GOP is saying if one Party does not hold all three branches nothing happens, no court appointments, no debt payment, government itself is frozen. Chaos and crisis after crisis follows, with the very same government destroying Republicans crying for immediate federal relief for themselves when the results hit home.
If Americans don't show up to vote out these seditious hucksters they have no one to blame for what will happen to themselves and the country. It very likely will be worse than the collapse they created under Dubya, with 1/2 million jobs gone month after month, and financial panic.
by NCD on Wed, 02/24/2016 - 10:02am
You have identified the core issue. The Republicans want control of the Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court. They will suppress your vote if necessary. They will shut down the government over Planned Parenthood. They will poison you, and send you a bill to pay for the poison.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 02/24/2016 - 10:37am
I just saw MSNBC's "All In". Chris Hayes was interviewing a female reporter from the Daily Beast inquiring about the characteristics of Trump voters. Both of these white reporters fouls that the Trump supporters trusted the Donald. Both emphasized that the Trump people were kind. The Trump supporters wanted people to know that they weren't racists. The question arises if a black, Latino, or Asian reporter would have had the same kind feeling about the Trump voters. Hayes and the Daily Beast reporter went out of their way to make the Trump voters appear non-threatening, rather than simply interviewing the voters.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 02/24/2016 - 11:58pm
I like Chris. I get a kick out of him.
But Trump is like an Italian fascist.
What did he say, when did he say it and here is the video.
It is that simple, really.
Nowadays we have it all on tape.
All of these'witnesses' are threatening. hahhahaha
They are the folks threatening our very republic.
That is all I got.
Where is the flag?
by Richard Day on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 12:13am
That is the reason I post fun stuff to your FB. We need to smile even when there is all this nastiness around us.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 9:53am