by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
He must report, as nearly as he can
Every last word, if he remember it
However rude it be, or how unfit
Or else he might be telling what's untrue
Embellishment and fictionalizating too
He may not spare, although it might be his brother
He might say one word as any other
Christ spoke right brodly out, in Holy Writ
And you know well there is nothing low in it
And Plato says, to those able to read
The words shall be the cousin to the deed
Also I pray that you forgive me
If I have not set folk in their degree
Here is the tale, by rant as they shall stand
My wits are not the best, you'll understand
Now the former Mayor of NYC appears on Meet the Press and notes that 93% of all 'Black victims' are killed by Blacks.
And this is why the police have to spend all their time in 'Black Neighborhoods'.
But 86% of all 'White victims' are killed by White Folks!
And so the entire criminal problems of this era involve 7 percentage points as an anomaly on the same graph?
Rudy had to get rid of hookers at Time Square as well as drug dealers and such.
Twenty goddamn years ago.
We have videos now as well as audios and damn....Chaucer did
Chaucer did not have such techs available to him.
And Rudy just lies and lies and lies and....
I am angry with Rudy.
But I have been for a number of years.
Rudy does not even attempt to tell some truth; either statistically or universally or personally.
I have spoken of the Goddess of Disarray on prior occasions.
Well Peggy is at it again
I know, who the hell cares?
But Ted represents something in this nation.
Now Rush and Hannity and all the rest of the right wing radio satans always attack minorities.
But Ted gets away with all these racist comments just like the rest and he makes money at it.
In a November 24 post on Facebook, Nugent, who is a columnist for several conservative websites, offered "lessons from Ferguson," writing, "Don't let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don't preach your racist bullshit 'no justice no peace' as blabbered by Oba
Obama's racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen."
step beyond and you have Nugent saying all Blacks are thugs and murderers and...whatever!
Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen."
i am not thinking so straight right now.
As if I ever think straight!
But there is an insincerity in many popular folks as they spew their racist hatred right now.
An insincerity that just arouses my deepest angers.
How can people be so damn mean?
Kids are killed by cops.
That is nothing new.
It is the justification that gets to me.
He is young and he is big and he threatens me.
If a white kid were killed by a black police officer?
There would be hell to pay and no jury would let this pass, grand or not.
This all got to me.
BB guns and largess and whatever apology exists.
Yeah so 90% of all black murder victims are killed by Blacks.
Well, 86% of all murdered whites are victims of white violence.
Yeah, there is a four to seven percentage point difference.
Richard you are not the only one bothered by all this. Everyone I talk to is depressed by this. I keep telling everyone about the riots in the Hough area of Cleveland in the summer of 1966 and what caused it. The grand jury said it was caused by the Communist stirring things up and all the grand jury did was support the structural corruption and political attitude of the time. It took several years for the feds to clean up the police department and code enforcement. I don't expect anything to quickly happen to help Ferguson. At least in those days the media kept everyone locally a tune to the actions that were taken by the FBI and other federal departments. Today we will hear nothing as to how the corruption is rooted out.
On top of all this we have 2 years of Duck Dynasty Congress to get through.
The good news is the price of oil has fallen. It around $68 a barrel now. I remember a speech President Obama made, that no one paid attention to, that he was looking into what could be done about wild trading that had been going on in commodities. That there was too much over exposure and trades. I have also noticed that the price of bacon has been rolling back. It is a treat to be able to buy some. There is a few people in the investor class that is getting burned right now for buying expensive futures based on peek oil and drought. Well the price drop did get me thinking that maybe they did find a ways to slow down commodities prices at the trading end.
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 11:57am
Hi Momoe!
It is amazing that certain capitalists are moving their investments to 'green' energy.
And the unimagined profits being made in wind and solar power.
Right wingers point to fracking of course as the primary reason for lower oil prices.
But, follow the money for good and for evil.
This time in history shall be written about for decades to come.
The good and the bad.
Just follow the money.
by Richard Day on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 3:17pm
The fall in oil is making fracking too expensive to do. It costs more then $68 a barrel to extract by using fracking. You are going to see a lot of fracking wells capped. The Saudi King is not a fan of fracking so he would like it to go away. Russia budget needs oil to be $93 a barrel and the King isn't happy with Russia either. So there is some politics going on here also. It only cost the Saudis $20-30 a barrel to extract oil and they have their own fund to support their government and currency.
by trkingmomoe on Mon, 12/01/2014 - 9:06am
So this is what Republican outreach looks like?
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 1:33pm
I will give Curly Rand this:
He at least discusses the problems involved in our criminal justice system; highlighting the criminal injustice.
But damn! Repubs will never do anything about this travesty.
They are too too busy seeking justice for those who already have everything! Which is the very definition of injustice.
I am disgusted.
by Richard Day on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 3:12pm