The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    A present for PeraclesPlease: Roger Stone video


    A question whether there's a secret pardon or two we still don't know about.

    More: Roger & Proud Boys et al

    (hard to believe a secret pardon's waiting to cover all of this, especially if violating DC law)

    Minuta: Flynn & Alex Jones too (thread)

    Roger Stone nears the barrel

    (3 days ago - time speeding up)


    Roger's from Florida - so's Trump now, De Santis, Pam Bondi -
    as long as they're gonna talk election fraud...

    if you can stand it, here's Ali Alexander "breaking his silence" on Alex Jones's show. They are bemoaning their victimhood at the hands of the vast democratic conspiracy to like take away all their freedoms, bringing back internment camps for them, etc. They do include Roger Stone as the third of the top trio that Dems are out to git.

    So Ali Alexander said Christians are in complete control of the Republican Party in the face of the pagans and barbarians

    — Karlyn Borysenko (@DrKarlynB) February 8, 2021


    Liberals viciously hunting Trump supporters is a growing meme:

    Stone funding Proud Boys, coordinating & participating in a prior action with Proud Boys at Marco Rubio's, while consulting with & informing Trump (in thanks for his quid-pro-quo pardon) - lining up nicely.

    3. Jan. 2, 2021: Stone coordinates with Proud Boys on Stop the Steal activities outside Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) home.

    “On Jan. 2, longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone participated in a Proud Boys effort to pressure Sen. Marco Rubio to not certify the results of the election. Mr. Tarrio led about two dozen Trump supporters in front of Mr. Rubio’s Miami home, while Mr. Stone called in to the rally to speak to the crowd.”

    – Wall Street Journal 

    4. Jan. 2, 2021: Stone had originally created “Stop the Steal” website in 2016; he reactivates it following his pardon.

    The New Yorker reported that “months before the 2016 election, Stone created a Web site called Stop the Steal, which he used to undermine Hillary Clinton’s expected victory by insisting that the election had been rigged—a position that Trump maintained even after he won, to explain his deficit in the popular vote.”

    The New Yorker report notes that ten days after Donald Trump pardoned Stone, on Dec. 23, 2020, “Stone reactivated his Stop the Steal Web site, which began collecting donations for ‘security’ in D.C. on January 6th.” 

    Previously, the site had redirected to Stone’s website, reported CNN.

    in the photo Seth Abramson uses, do you know, who is the black guy with beard to the right of Alex Jones, in a grey suit?

    Wouldn't be this cameraman?

    Look at these images:

    Vernon Jones (used for reverse image search, found it in Getty images once I knew this was at the Georgia Capitol)

    Image result for ali alexander stop the steal

    Ali Alexander along with Vernon Jones and Alex Jones lead the Stop the Steal rally at the Georgia Capitol Building
    ATLANTA, GA - NOVEMBER 18: From Left- Ali Alexander organizer for Stop the Steal along with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones Vernon Jones and Democratic Party member of the Georgia House of Representatives and lead the Stop the Steal rally at the Georgia Capitol Building on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 in Atlanta, GA. (Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)


    thank you so much! I had heard the name before when he endorsed Trump as a Dem, but that's all, read up on the wikipedia and see he spoke at the Stop the Steal rally and only then did he officially announce joining the GOP. Clearly very friendly with Alex Jones now that you found the other picture. Some might think he was just doing all this stuff as an opportunist because of switching party affiliation so late in the game, but if you don't skip over the early stuff, you see he was conservative going back to the Bush years:

    Political positions[edit]

    During his 2008 Senate campaign, Jones described himself as a "conservative Democrat" who favors "tough immigration laws and fiscal responsibility" as well as "supporter of gun rights and a staunch environmental advocate".[11] During his 2008 campaign, he stated that he opposed same-sex marriage.[12] rated Jones as a "Moderate Libertarian Conservative".[13] Jones stated that he voted for George W. Bush in 2004, and supported Barack Obama in 2008.[14] Jones donated $2,464 in two separate donations to the Georgia Republican Party in 2001.[15][16] In a 2014 press release, Jones characterized himself as an "advocate for limited government, security and protections for all citizens, balanced budgeting, ethical and efficient elections, [and] job creation".[17] Jones was the only Democratic cosponsor of the bill to legalize the concealed carry of firearms on Georgia's college campuses.[18]

    And interesting article on Trump and Stone from Maggie from *2011*!!!

    And is this Roger's tweet feed now?

    Stone's Oath Keeper team

    (Feds drawing near)

    more presents:

    VISUAL INVESTIGATIONS: First They Guarded Roger Stone. Then They Joined the Capitol Attack.

    By Christiaan TriebertBen DeckerDerek Watkins, Arielle Ray and Stella Cooper @, Feb. 14, 2021


    At least six people who had provided security for Roger Stone entered the Capitol during the Jan. 6 attack, according to a New York Times investigation.

    Videos show the group guarding Mr. Stone, a longtime friend of former President Donald J. Trump, on the day of the attack or the day before. All six of them are associated with the Oath Keepers, a far-right anti-government militia that is known to provide security for right-wing personalities and protesters at public events.

    Mr. Stone, a convicted felon who was pardoned by Mr. Trump, has a long history as a self-proclaimed “dirty trickster” political operative who has lived by the edicts of attack, admit nothing, deny everything, and counterattack. He posted a message online denying involvement in “the lawless acts at the Capitol.”

    We combed through hundreds of videos and photos, and drew on research from an online monitoring group called the Capitol Terrorists Exposers to track the security team that surrounded Mr. Stone on Jan. 5 and 6.

    Here’s how they went from guarding him to standing inside the Capitol building on Jan. 6 [....]

    Giuliani not currently representing Trump 'in any legal matters,' adviser says

    By Jim Acosta and Paul LeBlanc, CNN Updated 6:48 PM ET, Tue February 16, 2021

    Former President Donald Trump's longtime personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is "not currently representing President Trump in any legal matters," senior Trump adviser Jason Miller told CNN on Tuesday.

    The former New York City mayor was the face of Trump's failed bid to overturn the presidential election results, but his legal work with the former President dates back years.

    Miller said in a tweet that Giuliani remained an "ally and a friend" and is not representing Trump only because there are no pending cases in which he's involved.

    Trump had signaled frustration with Giuliani last month after he became the first president in US history to be impeached twice. He told his staff to stop paying Giuliani's legal fees, a person familiar with the matter previously told CNN, though aides were not clear if Trump was serious about his instructions.

      Now out of office and without the protections that the presidency afforded him, Trump is facing multiple criminal investigations, civil state inquiries and defamation lawsuits by two women accusing him of sexual assault.

      Georgia officials have announced that the former President faces two new investigations over calls he made to election officials in an attempt to overturn the state's election results.

      And Trump faces a criminal investigation in New York, where the Manhattan district attorney's office is looking into whether the Trump Organization violated state laws, such as insurance fraud, tax fraud or other schemes to defraud.

      The scope of the investigation is broad, with prosecutors looking into, among other things, whether the Trump Organization misled financial institutions when applying for loans or violated tax laws when donating a conservation easement on its estate called Seven Springs and taking deductions on fees paid to consultants.

      The former President has also privately voiced concern about whether he could face charges as a result of the January 6 US Capitol riot he's been accused of inciting, according to multiple people.

      "He's worried about it," one adviser close to Trump told CNN.

      Though Giuliani is among Trump's fiercest public defenders, his work on behalf of the former President has prompted legal problems of his own.

      Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi filed a civil lawsuit Tuesday accusing Giuliani and Trump of conspiring with the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to incite the January 6 insurrection.

      Giuliani, the lawsuit alleges, riled up the crowd as he told supporters: "Let's have trial by combat."

        Additionally, Giuliani is facing lawsuits from two voting technology companies, Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems, related to his months-long embrace of baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.



        Trump's brownshirts investigated

        BREAKING: @TheJusticeDept & @FBI investigating possible ties between Roger Stone, Ali Alexander, Alex Jones & #Capitol rioters.

        Scoop by @hsu_spencer & @DevlinBarrett

        — John Scott-Railton (@jsrailton) February 20, 2021

        found cause I saw what you just posted on my "Meet the Perps" thread, which encouraged me to type "Ali Alexander" into search on Twitter, and this is what came up first.

        EDIT TO ADD: now I see you had already posted it, but leaving this here because it has a highlighted excerpt from the WaPo article

        Facebook courts the right

        And banning pro-vaccine ads?

        Oathkeepers incriminating selves

        (read Emptywheel piece - very damning

        Wild Event on Capitol Steps

        (leading the pigs to the trough)

        Ali Alexander is using Clubhouse, what he's saying there we don't know:

        More barrels for Roger

        Even more Roger Stone

        Politico on it too:

        Stone's Proud Boy misdirect

        also his protege, 'Scammy Davis Jr.",  a new one on me:

        I am not big on nicknames or saying that a person looks like other people but I admit to getting a frisson of pleasure when Ali Alexander is called Scammy Davis Jr. because there is a certain sense in which it fits so perfectly and just feels so sublimely accurate and instructive

        — Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) April 2, 2021

        Murray Waas (still alive!) spends some time with DOD inspector sources on Michael Flynn

        also, a little bonus, just ran across this 2015 blog entry by Richard Day

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