by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Oh I wish to be anti-liberal today. Well kinda!
I do not know exactly why I feel like this. I mean my cervical problems went away recently following two months of upper back pain.
I get great pix of the most beautiful baby in the world; that is Noela my granddaughter.
I get to watch Family Feud five days a week for an hour.
Lewis Black does a riff on childhood.
I have watched several other comics play off of that on the Comedy Channel since; not that Lewis did not get his ideas from others. Provinence is hard to trace as far as stand-ups!
Lewis talks about 'the old days' as a kid when he would just run out of the homestead with no ID and no money and no sense of protection.
I swear I was wandering the fields of an old farm house when I was three. Nobody was watching me. My mother was and is an idiot but she had an excuse because she had three kids at the time.
By ten I would be on my bike in suburbia with 'friends' riding all over Richfield, Minnesota. I still can not figure out how us kids came to know time.
One of us would go:
I gotta go home now or I will be in trouble.
And we all would head for home.
No watch, no ID, no money. Haahahahahahh
And Black would just underline that condition. And we all laugh.
I mean, I do not leave my apartment to take out the garbage without locking down my abode and making sure I have a wallet on my person.
WHO ARE YOU? Asked the police officer, security officer or property manager!
Here, this is my ID!
And of course, always have some money in the wallet.
At least if you are robbed you have a fiver or something to offer the meth head.
You cannot let your kids out of the house without an ID and a key and a note telling the finder where the child lives.
You cannot walk out of the house without your keys.
You cannot walk out of the house without your licenses; be it a driver's license or a license for attorneys or a license to practice medicine or a license to practice veterinarian medicine or a license to practice nursing or....
You cannot walk out of the house without a name tag even if you work at KFC for chrissakes!
You cannot walk out of the house without proof of car insurance or house insurance or life insurance really!
When I was 16 years of age, the age they told me I needed to reach to get a job, I went to the post office without parental approval (since she was an idiot) and I filled out a form.
Today parents apply for their kid's Social Security Number when they are one or two years of age.
Get the kid on the numeric grid!
I had worked prior to this date.
I mean Grandpa would pick me up on Fridays to escape my drunken mother and take me to his gas station.
I would work till 12 and go home with Grandpa and arrive on Saturday at the station. I would work till 6?
By 14 or 15, I would caddy at a real tournament golf course.
You might get 8 bucks a round—two hours if you were lucky—and then grab another round.
We hitched-hiked to the course.
So there were no travel costs.
I recall a fellow who was always dressed in blue and had this ambiance as it were in his car as he caught our plea for travel.
I laugh, and I know it is politically incorrect; just pointing out that kids are stupid but understand the situation more than you might know.
This nice fellow never asked for favors or indicated a scent for fun!
He was just a nice guy who would give us a ride every frickin time.
To this day, I love this guy.
What a nice guy!
But none of this work was ever 'recorded' in some book.
And I had no ID whatsoever and nobody had ever asked me for my ID.
And I am 14 and 15 years of age.
No cop ever stopped me. I mean I was not driving anything!
It never occurred to me that some cop might stop me; even though we teens were always afraid of cops!
But, I ended up at age 16 with a Social Security number.
Well, 45 years later, I find this sheet of information sent to me.
They credited me with half a million bucks of 'earnings' and I could apply for SS benefits at age 62.
Well, I had to admit that I was a failure; a failure in racking up earnings as it were!
I had received SSI benefits for two years prior to my application for SS.
I discovered other things about 'retirement' through the web.
Do you know that most recipients of SS take their payments at age 62?
We are a lost force in the universe really.
Oh but I still work at age 62 and I get SS as an addition to my working income.
Well, that is not exactly right since SS is means-tested for those between 62 and 66!
If I 'earned' ten grand, my SS payment would decrease five grand.
So for those who advocate means testing; MEANS TESTING IS ALREADY IN FORCE!
And I am not politically against this!
If you are 66 and you are making a million bucks a year, well you should not receive a dime in SS payments.
I am not going to get into my financial situation right now; I have ranted about it many many times in these blogs.
I pay 66% of the rent that someone with full funds might have to pay to live in this Federally and State subsidized residential community.
I get $16/month for food stamps that I do not deserve; Although on the tenth of each month I use my EBT card to purchase extra coffee! (Food stamps allowance should not be given to folks like me. We all must tighten our belts and there are no children living with me!)
When the Obama Administration is willing to 'look at' 'entitlements', I do not think we should hold our noses and protest.
I mentioned in some post that I received a $20 raise in monthly SS payments in 2013.
Let me tell you something.
If that raise had been $15 bucks a month, my life would not have changed in any manner or any way!
Oh and by the way, the average SS recipient gets the same bucks I do; $1170/month.
$353 a month; that is what I pay for rent.
It should be $535? a month without this rent give away. Basic cable is part of the package.
So, really I receive close to $1400/month in 'moocher' presents from the government.
Get rid of my $16/month subsidy for food and increase those subsidies for people like Momoe who are raising kids.
Cut down Federal subsidies for rent by 15%.
I will survive.
And so will millions of folks like me.
But do not give away these billions of dollars to banks and foreign corporations for chrissakes!
Use the monies for other purposes.
You know what?
This was not even the purpose of this blog.
The purpose involves privacy.
The US government knows where I live and how much I make and what I write on the internet and what I purchase at the store.
There is no privacy anymore.
And I am a gun control prick.
But damn, if we computerize all purchases of guns in this country, the government gets another edge.
There are cameras watching every time we park in a lot.
There are cameras watching every time we pay a road toll.
There are cameras watching every time we walk into a mall.
There are cameras watching every time we frequent a 7/11 or gas station.
There are archives that monitor every single time you purchase stuff for your lawn.
There are archives that monitor every single time you were stopped or arrested by the police.
There are archives that monitor every single time you received a parking ticket.
There are archives that monitor every single time I pay my rent or pay for health care (this is new, I have been paying for health care by check every month for the last 5 months). And a lot of other payments I have made by check or credit card.
My son is visiting me next week end and he wanted, for some reason, the book 1984 which he is having trouble finding? I said wait, by the time you get here I will have a copy—actually another copy haahahahahah.
1984 is right here. Oh and I will find, I hope a stream of the 1984 version of 1984 by the time he gets here.
But our every single movement is archived.
And so as much as I detest the NRA, I understand why they are against the further accumulation of data concerning personal gun ownership.
Hell, the governments already know how many cars you own and where those cars are located and where you fill up with gasoline....
And there are about as many deaths in this country from gunshots as car accidents.
I do not have any answers here.
I think that we should know how many cars you own, how many guns you own and what kind of insurance you have for these pieces of personality.
I will say this.
We have no privacy any longer in this country or world wide, I suppose.
So maybe we just quit pretending that we do.
The end
There are cameras now at stop lights to take a picture of you running a red light. They send the ticket to the owner of the tag. Well my door has not been locked in 4 years because it was coming off the piano hinges that they use on trailers. The bolt no longer lined up with the plate. Today we fixed the door. It took several big hammers, 2 screen door hinges, 2 men, a twenty dollar bill, a six pack of beer, an assortment of screws, rivets and nuts plus a nine year old boy. So I guess I will go buy a new door lock on Monday because the whole neighborhood cannot hear my door scrape open any more. I will have to get used to locking up again. Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny brought me a juicing machine!
by trkingmomoe on Sun, 03/31/2013 - 4:35am
Dick, I think that most people think about privacy the wrong way. They worry bureaucratic invasions of privacy--security cameras, corporate databases, and government files. But for most of us, the impact of such invasions is negligible. So your face is or license plate is embedded in a stream of 1s and 0s on some government server. What of it? No human will probably ever look at it. Even if someone does, they won't not care because they do not know you. Unless you've committed a crime or have your identity stolen, it won't actually affect your life.
Real invasion of privacy requires prying eyes--prying human eyes. And in that sense, I think the small conservative towns of yore offered far less privacy than that of modern cities, no matter how many databases track us. People in small towns get in each other's business. Take that gay man you mentioned. People must have talked about him, even the kids, it seems. I wonder if that poor man felt the whole community breathing down his neck--gossiping, giggling, or judging.
So sure, you didn't carry an ID when you went riding around town, but Richfield was watching you. You may have felt your neighbors' attention as a positive force--as in watching out for you. But that same attention had a negative force those who didn't fit in. And that neighborly disapproval, more than any bureaucratic data mining, represents a real invasion of privacy.
by Michael Wolraich on Sun, 03/31/2013 - 5:00pm
Not a bad perspective at all; social pressure being what it was in those days.
I just know that the 'government' (whateverthatmeans) knows just about everything about me; my lifetime earnings, my residences and now evey thing I write.
Again, I aint worried because insignificance is a good thing; I mean why would 'they' care what in the hell I do? hahaaa
The gunowners are worried about 'tracing' and 'tracers' for sure.
Of course guns kill as many folks or more as cars do.
And cars are traced rather well and taxed rather heavily.
This has me thinking though!
by Richard Day on Mon, 04/01/2013 - 12:21am