The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Now listen here Focker...

    (DeNiro in some film he did)

    Everybody is screaming about the foxes who will soon run wild in the hen houses!

    We voted for republicans in the last election for chrissakes!

    We voted for the repub to head the Executive Branch of Government.

    We voted for the repubs to run the Senate.

    We voted for the repubs to run the House of Representatives.

    We voted for the repubs to head the executive branches of most of the states.

    We voted for the repubs to run most of the state legislatures.

    Do not give me this electoral college crap.


    Every repub administration over the last five decades or so nominate foxes to oversee the hen houses.

    So trump nominates someone to run the Department of Education who detests public schools?

    And I am surprised?

    So trump nominates some big oil CEO to run the EPA?

    Am I surprised?

    So trump nominates the King of Fraudulent Mortgage Foreclosures as head of the Treasury?

    Am I surprised?

    So trump nominates a secessionist as Attorney General who has always been against any substantive attempt at Civil Rights Legislation?

    Am I surprised?


    Would appointments by Rubio or Cruz or Bush any different?

    Recall the appointment of James Watt to the Department of the Interior by Ronald Reagan.

    The Department of the Interior was created so that the Feds would have the powers necessary in order to protect our nation's parks and other properties from harm.

    James Watt would enter his office every single day, get on his knees and pray for the end of times.


    If one really believes that the end is near, if one really believes that Jesus will arrive and judge all humans left on this planet; if one really believes that the earth shall forever thereafter be in the arms of the gods; if one really believes that the earth shall become heaven; then why the hell worry one whit about saving our national resources?

    Sure, go ahead and attack Obama for his appointments like Summers et al.

    But recall when George Bush fired all his US Attorneys  who had attempted to enforce Civil Rights in this country....

    Trump will nominate at least two or three new Justices for the Supreme Court during the next four years.

    I predict as such without getting into 538.



    I shall get into strict constructionism later. hahaha












    It's alarming, my dear. But, once again, the dems shot themselves in the foot by either staying home or voting 3rd party. Guess they showed us! Yeah, Hillary got a hell of a lot of votes. Enough for most years. But not for this one. We knew it. We warned them. They didn't listen. And we got donald and the middle finger that will be his administration, and potentially the Supreme Court for generations to come.

    Hi Stilli!


    I have not seen you for awhile.

    AA used to wait to assess my druel. hahahaha

    By the way, there were warnings.

    But 20-20 hindsight.

    I never saw this coming.


    I hereby render unto Stillidealistic the Day Line of the Day for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of her from all of me. hahahah

    Oh Stilli, you will most probably never read this, but...

    In August, I am sitting across the picnic table with my 4 year-old granddaughter.

    And she starts off:

    When I was a little girl.

    And I had to bite my tongue so as not to laugh and I have no idea what she said.


    Two weeks later she began school.

    So two weeks after that I am on the phone with Mommy and Daddy and I mention this event.


    Anyway, I asked Mommy:

    Did you shed a tear when you first left your oldest daughter off to school?

    And Mommy told me:

    I almost had to stop the car to cry.

    And Mommy had two other little baby girls in the car at the time.


    Oh, I just thought of Mommy saying goodby to the old times.

    It just got to me.

    And I thought about you teaching your granddaughter to read.

    I thought about this.

    The end.

    Sweet story! When my daughter started kindergarten, I left her off and went immediately to the house of a friend who took one look at my face, puffy from crying and thought someone had died. It's an emotional thing when your first one goes off to school.

    Thanks for remembering I taught my granddaughter to read - and now it's 3 of them, and I'll be working on number 4 before long...

    Great summary of the fruitcakes, grifters and arsonists who will run the Trump Fourth Reich.

    You left out his nutjob top National Security Advisor who thinks if he says the magic words 'Islamic extremism' everyone on the planet will kiss his jackboots. I posted this on Stilli's, pizzagate is still alive and well at the Flynn family lunatic asylum:

    Trumps top National Security advisor, General Flynn, son is still tweeting that the alleged Hillary child prostitution/satanic ring run out of DC's Comet Pizza is still active,.

    This is the day after an equally delusional right wing nutjob was arrested firing an assault rifle in the establishment.

    Even Monday, Michael Flynn Jr., who has posted frequently on the Pizzagate theories, continued to push the conspiracy theory. He’s an adviser to his father, Michael Flynn, whom Mr. Trump has selected to serve as national security adviser. 

    The NYT linked article says General Flynn was tweeting this stuff before the election.

    Trump War Declaration as Bombing Starts Late October 2018

    NCD, if I can stand back, like Carlin used to put it; this could be fun.

    But the poor will suffer greatly and the middle class will benefit nothing and racism shall run rampant.

    So, I will not stand back.


    But the Judiciary; even the repub appointed Judiciary will never remain silent.

    Oh God, I am scared.

    Oh God help us all!


    We survived Reagan and the Bushes. We will survive this.  

    Enjoy your new computer. 

    I was just looking at the weather. You are in for some more snow in the next 48 hours.  I am going to get rain today. 

    This is for you and the little ones.  Remember just let it go and let the storm rage on.

    Oh Momoe I love this new PC!

    It is an HP like my old one, but it has to be two or three years newer.

    I still crash three times a day. hahahaha

    I am beginning to think it is just me, no the PC!

    Oh the pixies just love Disney.

    Happy Holidays!

    Oh NCD, I was thinking about all of this. hahahaha

    But if there is one person who really speaks to me; the one person who really gets to me....

    It is Keith O, but I feel that this voice does no good except to exhibit my feelings about all of this:


    Agree, Keith is excellent.

    This title was supposed to be a play on words.

    It just looked like some error; the manner in which I usually write.



    I added a K so that the K might underline my play on words


    What in the confucktion is going on Dick? Are you stuck in a rucktus or frazzled beyond distracktion or trying to just trying to cause a rucktus? Or maybe erucktible dysfucktion, your favoryte malfunktion? If all else fayles, read the funcking instrucktions, or if Trump try the cockstituction.

    Oy Dick!! Saw this today and thought of you -

    One of us now has to see Westworld! 

    Far out Obey!

    Jeeeeez, you remember when we discussed Jaynes!

    I'm of half a mind to....

    Of course I remember the DickDay Jaynes lecture series! They were great

    Followed by Quinn trying to convince us of the glorious merits of trepanation haha

    Sure that wasn't me? Auto-trepanation was always my shtick (shtick constuctionism?) and I have the scars to prove it.

    Oh Peracles I found it.


    Mike W did a fine job--without pay--to put together a blog with remembrance.

    I loved this old blog of mine.



    I'm pre-Cambrian, southern pedestrian. The experession "put the boot in"? That's me. You know the song "Can't get it out of my head"? It's about my first try at auto-trepanation. I know, I know, should have stuck with feet - nothing wrong with specializing, Hobbit feet or not. Why a pedal, pedestrian, a pedant, but not a pedophile? I sing the body Electra - how old was he/she?

    And what happened to the sequel? Indian giver.

    Great! Thanks for the link. Was wondering if it was still floating around the ether somewhere...

    Might have been you both! The fact that you and Quinn share this predilection for dipping a blender into your soft grey bits does explain a lot I must say

    Almost homoerotic, if not for a cross-border rivalry and love of power tools.

    I wrote a blog on this, just now.

    Please take a look.

    "Brokeback Mountain" - A blockbuster movie, and now a blog about boys and their brains

    50 shades of grey matter

    Sorry I do not have time to check if you already know this but just in case you don't,

    Look who's sorry now:


    Oh hi AA

    I get bored on Saturday AM.

    I will either check out old Hitchen debates or go to Young Turks.

    TYT has pissed me off over the last six months or so; not like Fox or Rush of course.

    Anyway, this morning just at the time you logged in I caught this. TYT has attacked Beck forever. Anyway:

    Hilarious. I haven't had much time to listen to right wing talk radio in the last couple years like I used to. (Found I needed music again when driving!) But a family member in Wisconsin has kept me informed that Trump caused utter chaos in that little world, must have been fascinating! They are just a bunch of old farts after all, worse off than most of us, who cares what they are up to any more? I get the impression that they've all become reduced to this: hey you kids get off my lawn!

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